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Each Sabres Player will have Their Own Goal Song This Season


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14 hours ago, PASabreFan said:

I like it. And if the scorer is TBD?

Ya guess. That's all there is to it. "Dahlin blasts one from the point! He scores!!!! Through traffic, Dahlin let's one rip. Skinner might have caught a piece of it, and the Sabres are up 2-0." Dahlin's music plays. Who cares that Skinner tipped it(actually Matt Bové cares, he loves that stupid song) Skinner certainly doesn't care.

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Still like the idea, but I think it's going to be more for the players, which is fine. The music is obscure to a lot of people and most of the selection don't seem to be traditional goal songs. They also don't pop out at you after a goal. It'll have to grow on us.

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I'm not a big fan of the idea.  What happens if a player who scores isn't one one of the ones with a song?  Are they going to get a song from every guy on the roster and/or any time a guy gets called up from the minors?  How about a goal where they aren't sure who scored it?  Goal songs are designed to pump up the crowd and continue the excitement of scoring, but I'm not sure some of these selections do it. 

All that said, if the players and/or the fans enjoy it, more power to them.  It won't change anything for me.

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