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  2. Yeah, I don't listen as much as I used to because of this. How much can you talk about a team that plays like 20 games or less a year?!?! Sal Capaccio is an instant channel change. There was maybe a 5 year window after the lockout when the Sabres were good and the Bills sucked. Sabres dominated coverage then and I remember Bills fans complaining. I also remember Schopp and the Bulldog openly admitting they prefer hockey to football.
  3. She has a baptism tomorrow so she’s meeting a bunch of family for the first time. Best of all though is that she’s been sleeping through the night for about 10 days now. Game changer. It’s kind of strange now that her brother wakes up before her. Both better be joining your girls in the work force soon. It’s time to contribute.
  4. Who knows! UPL has one season of good pro hockey under his belt and now carries the burden of the big contract. Levi was very good in the AHL in 26 games and up and down in 23 NHL games, but still finished with a decent .899 save %. Reimer was decent for Det last season in a backup role with a 3.11 and a .904 in 25 games, but he played behind a slightly better defense than he'll most likely have in Buffalo. At 36 it's reasonable to ask how much NHL hockey he has left. The potential is there for UPL to repeat last season and for Levi to continue to improve and challenge him for the top job. If successful we might see an Ullmark/Swayman type tandem. The downside is UPL regresses, Levi proves not quite NHL ready and Reimer is playing much more than anyone anticipated or hoped. Even with UPL's good year last season, the Sabres goaltending as a whole, both at EV and on the PK, was league average. This kept a porous defense (791 HDCA - 6th worst in the NHL) from destroying the season. I don't really expect much improvement in the D play, thus UPL, Levi, and Reimer will have to be better than league average for this team to make the playoffs. Here is the good news. The UPL/Levi/Reimer triumvirate is better than the mess we had last year. UPL and Levi are more experienced and better goalies than they were a year ago and Reimer is a substantial upgrade on Comrie. On paper this is the best group we have had since KA arrived. To bad it took 3 years to get to this point.
  5. Has a lot to learn about writing code too. This nonsense about how AI is going to put all software engineers out of a job within 5 years is complete rubbish. It's definitely a productivity boost when used in conjunction with a competent software engineer, but if someone is incompetent it's not going to be much use to them or it's going to build you something that either doesn't work or doesn't even do anything close to what it is supposed to do and they won't know better or how to instruct it properly. I use it everyday at work with GitHub Co-Pilot and it's very good at writing repetitive boilerplate code, documentation and unit tests. Not so great at much else. It will send you down a rabbit hole very quickly if you let it.
  6. Yesterday
  7. This is one of the main reasons I'm doing all of my traveling and bucket list things etc etc. My career certainly affords me some things I would otherwise not be able to do. Hell just 2 years ago I was at the Cleveland clinic and unable to really walk due to a spinal cord lesion that came on out of nowhere. It sucks to see Kim completely changed as a human, you can see the struggle to just walk and lift her hand. Breaks my heart really.
  8. I will take getting swept in the first round over missing the playoffs every time. The level of distraught in this fanbase is overwhelming precisely because they could not have been swept in the first round for……. Counts fingers and toes…… 13 seasons. Or is it 14 now? Holy ***** I can’t believe someone actually expressed that thought.
  9. I still think UPL sharing the load with a decent veteran and one more full year in Rochester for Levi would be the better plan but this is at least better than Adams first few years.
  10. I agree. But we would’ve been swept and more distraught than missing it
  11. AI still has a lot of learning to do. It thinks Peyton Krebs is a dynamic signing for the New York Rangers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p8Lzh_La2o&t=125s
  12. I don't count it because young players have fewer options. When UFAs sign here it can mean more. Even if they are only role players. The more guys on the roster that already know how to play that way the better and it'll make it easier for Ruff to get the rest to buy in.
  13. Just a reminder that health is above all and that "time "is the world's most precious commodity. enjoy what you have today because it can be all taken away tomorrow
  14. I know the Bills are the thing the general public cares about more in the area. I get it. I was a Bills season ticket holder for over a decade (a while ago). But I was starting to think I was the only one that noticed they seem to be 90% Bills. I can't think of specifics, but I KNOW there were times the Sabres played a game the night before, and the Bills didn't do much, it was either a Tuesday between games or maybe even the offseason they they let a middle-of-the-roster guy go (something like that) and they still would give the Bills as much, if not more, time than the Sabres. I mean, if the Sabres played a game the night before, at least LEAD off the show the next morning with it. (sometimes they do, but many times they don't.)
  15. $42M~ guaranteed over 4 years - based on simplistic math. Which would be 70% 🤓
  16. Another guy we don’t need. We have young talent, why pay for more, especially a guy who had a down year? The same rumours that indicated he might be available also stated de ducks wanted to be overcompensated for the bum.
  17. It would be nice if he did some Sabres specific stuff.
  18. I like that they have playoff experience and we’re on the Caps team that grinded out points to get there. NAK has a Cup and played with Byram.
  19. Durn it. Was hoping they'd give him $60/yr fully guaranteed. Eh, he almost got 90% of that.
  20. Don't forget Mittelstadt WANTED to sign here. He simply didn't get an offer. So, they've signed 6 of 7 and it was their choice to not go for 7 of 7. Only Olofsson didn't want to be back, of the recent younger guys. And that was a function of not fitting in for a nightly slot in the lineup; not because he didn't like it here. He didn't like the press box and couldn't earn his way out of it.
  21. 167 is guaranteed, reportedly. Given how much guaranteed money there is, I will presume that there’s no escaping that contract.
  22. Jeff Marek who cohosted the 32 Thoughts Podcast with Elliott Friedman and had his own weekday radio show on Sportsnet is no longer with the company. For those of us in the Buffalo Area his radio show was a great alternative to WGR550’s Constant Bills Talk. ( He is also a Sabres Fan. Hopefully he starts his own Podcast or is hired by another media outlet
  23. This is getting ridiculous. Laughable actually. Pretty soon Josh will be one of the lowest paid starting QB's in the NFL (until BB reworks his contract with an extension).
  24. I don't recall ever being so conflicted (maybe not the right word) about what I've seen in that video. So happy that Kim is up and about. But good Lord that is at the same time very painful to see remembering her vitality prior to being stricken. Maybe my office is due for a dusting.
  25. We’ve had 6 young players commit to signing here long-term in less than 2 years. For some reason people don’t seem to count that, but for me it’s a sign that this has already started to happen.
  26. How goes it with your new child ? Adopted 2 girls as babies myself. One is now a nurse. The other is in the Carpenters union. God bless for doing that.
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