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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. So,… at least for now, we were right.
  2. That sucks. Sorry. I’m guessing maybe both? All I want to do is go fishing for those damn northern pike. Took the day off tomorrow, asked a buddy who had to get an aid for his ailing wife,… nope. Gotta go to a funeral instead. As Weave has already stated, “***** cancer” .
  3. Life is about living, not things.
  4. While I agree with you, it works both ways. I’ve seen Drs google stuff. I’ve also seen them drag there holier than throw feet because they didn’t listen to us then have to apologize to us with their tail between their legs because they almost killed our kid. Just sayin’. You had me at “human beings.”
  5. If the Sabres are finally worth me spending money this year, I might start with one of those hoodies. That’s a pretty good looking sweatshirt.
  6. Already hot. Yesterday was the hottest yet. No way we were cooking. The car read 105 when we went out to pick up dinner. I could just gotten out and done hot yoga.
  7. Doesn’t that actually mean that they are the second “least hated”? I can see that. People usually hate teams that beat their team all the time. Either that, or it’s gotta be pity.
  8. I’m pretty sure that everything with a battery that is “charging” right now is actually powering the grid because of the heat.
  9. Stable MRIs. Didn’t even realize I was bunched up about it til I got the good news.
  10. Does anyone have any experience being a vendor and using Apple Pay, Square, or some other method? My wife was given a table at an Autism New Jersey event (which is absolutely awesome) to sell her book, and I don’t just want to point them to Amazon. I don’t trust them to buy it once they leave my sight.😂
  11. So wait, were they doing experiments on his dog before he rescued Timmy?! ”and 11-year-old Timmy, a laboratory-beagle rescue.”
  12. Just looked that up. Interesting.
  13. Planning on buying some kayak accessories. Going to get paddle holders, and obviously a cup holder (maybe 2😂), and maybe a rod holder. Anyone have any other suggestions or must haves?
  14. Who F*****g cares?! Nothing in the off-season matters! No rankings. No trades. It’s all bullshizz! Win in the regular season and nobody f*****g cares!
  15. I hate being a quantum jumper. I go into a room looking for something, search the entire room, it’s not there. I turn to leave, stop, turn around, and it’s right there. One moment, I’m in the reality where it’s not there, the very next moment, I’m in the reality where it is. It sure wastes a lot of my time and it’s exhausting.
  16. Maybe you should stop speeding.
  17. Is this a real thing or something you read on the internet? edit: never mind. I just saw this is a new thing. god bless merica.
  18. Are you saying that a ticket just shows up in the mail?
  19. FTR, this is where I was trying to get to yesterday.
  20. You should send them. I need to know that at least someone is catching fish.
  21. All I wanted to do yesterday was go fishing. Took the day off. Had the kayak in the back of the truck and I just couldn’t get out of the driveway. I kept forgetting things and had to keep going back in to the house. Finally, once I knew I had everything, go to start the truck and I get a rrraaaeeeeoooow and nothing. Fine. Get my generator that has a 12V output and jump the truck. Put the genny in the truck it case it happens coming home and I’m on my way. It’s about a half hour to where I want to fish. Just before I get there, I stop at McDonald’s to get some food and do some business, go to start the truck, and nothing. Fine. Pull out the genny to jump it, nothing. Figure it doesn’t have enough juice and now the battery is really dead, walk a half mile in 100 degree sun to an auto parts store, buy a battery, walk it back (they are not light), put it in. Nothing. Wait in a f’n hot parking lot for two hours for a tow truck. Tow it all the way back to my local garage where, unbelievely, they had space and could actually fix it that day. So after four hours in a hot parking lot and over a thousand dollars, I got a new battery I didn’t really need, a tow, and a new starter that I did need. And never got to fish. And my reward for all that was having to get up early to go into the city for another MRI. That actually went really smoothly and was under 2 hours door to door.
  22. He’s at the age now, though, where defensemen learn when to not throw the hit that injures themself (see Jake McCabe.) I think he’ll play more than 15 in a row this year. Hope so, anyway.
  23. One of the main reasons they made the playoffs last year was their fourth line, which we now have.😂
  24. Typed either. I haven’t believed a single word you’ve written in years. Beat me to it.😂
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