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    Not Quite Over The Cliff

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  1. Quinn’s game isn’t about his shooting It’s merely one of his tools. His game isn’t centered around it
  2. Absolutely. Addition by subtraction from this team is a laughable proposition said at the time: you can buy him out but it depends what you do with it
  3. Also among the worst allocations is being 8 million under the cap of the last 20 teams to be 5 million or more under the cap, only 1 has made the playoffs If we leave that much cap space unutilised, we aren’t trying to make the playoffs. We are trying to make the playoffs while saving money. Very, very different things - - -
  4. Poverty franchise. We love ‘em, but we’re a poverty franchise. We’ll need to get lucky. I direct a lot of ire at Adams (and stand by it) but realistically it alllll starts at the top and being that far under the cap in our position is an absurdity for sure, as you point out. We just deserve so much more as fans, sitting where we are on the precipice of 14. ah well. It’s summer
  5. Calgary is in the bottom 10 for active playoff droughts they’ve missed 2 years in a row. a fellow bottom 10 league team has a drought 7 times smaller The bold is…That’s a heck of a point
  6. No. It’s easy to make the playoffs. Listing drastic outliers that even then don’t compare to us doesn’t serve your case it belittles it aside from Ottawa and Detroit, no eastern team has a playoff drought of more than 4 years. There’s only 2 teams at that mark, the vast majority are less than the amount Adams has achieved in JUST his tenure. Washington made the playoffs last year with a -453 goal differential. No matter how low the benchmark is you constantly are strapped to it with all your weight pulling downward. if I’ve said this I’ve said it a million times: yes, Detroit and Ottawa are bad too and we are only like, twice as bad. write home about it - - - Your arguments on this particular topic constantly fail because you can’t artificially lower the bar, no matter how hard you try, low enough to make an argument that makes their failure acceptable by even a single iota more. There are no mitigating factors for 13 years. For a failure that extreme. Even 1 playoff appearance in 5 years, 2 in 6… light years from what we’re done its not hard to make the playoffs. It’s hard to miss as much as we have
  7. Fair enough. You are saying missing again would be a fail but the issue of whether the GM should be replaced doesn’t hinge on that. Because you fear the alternative path should Pegula go in another direction. I can’t agree, I can’t see things as being any worse and I stringently believe that, from where we are NOW (let’s leave 2021 aside, you are correct we also don’t see eye to eye there), opting for a long form build with a new GM would be insane. We are a year-over-year team right now re: reasonable feasibility of finding success. the most salient distinction comes in your last line and it’s a very, very philosophical difference that we can probably draw a line to almost always when we disagree. We do have a different goal. When the goals are SO far apart as they are in this case (let’s be honest, making the playoffs is a 50/50 prop and winning the cup is unlikely straight up, there’s a chasm there) it’s somewhat surprising our stances aline as often as they do We are looking for different things; follow the team for different reasons
  8. What do we do? cower in fear and count our prospects, presumably.
  9. Great Yes, if your argument is the Sabres COULD do it better, like other teams, but just choose not to, that’s sort of what I’m saying. It doesn’t need to be that way: and it’s not, anywhere else. Just buffalo
  10. This post really does do a good job highlighting how far apart we are, nowadays. And, to be honest: it’s not my stance that has shifted. You were preaching the time was now *LAST* year, and now a full year later have instead moved the opposite way, backing down from playoffs being the requirement. You underrate how easy it is to make the playoffs. It’s just buffalo that can’t. Saying the new regime couldn’t turn it around quickly doesn’t make sense when the turnover to playoff contention league wide is demonstrably shorter than your are portraying. Any 80 point team can feasibly make the playoffs after a single solid offseason, maybe 2. The variable is the competence of those executing the strategy. You’ve truly bought the narrative that playoff teams require 5 year plans. I admire the optimism, as you are a true optimist, it’s not virtue signaling clearly like we can sometimes see with other posts, but the performance of the team vs your expectations has cleary eroded your stance to that optimism and nothing more. You are equal but opposite to the pessimism of Perreault’s posts
  11. The one thing that can’t/won’t happen is a full tear down and re-start. Attempting that after 9 years missing was already incredibly folly. If Adams gets canned they’ll need to be focusing on the candidates that preach turning the pieces we have into something viable rather than another “pressure’s off” approach where we slow play winning another several years. They truly cannot afford that
  12. Colorado is an interesting one, their logo and branding has always been really popular esspecially among people my age..they are a team of the Millenials in a sense, and twitter discourse is often dominated by that demo Hawks were dynastic and have all the off ice stuff, that one is obvious
  13. If we achieve any kind of lasting success we move to the other side of list. That’s how these things work. You want to be hated Right
  14. There’s a nice reading balance when I watch you 2 go back and forth I mean it. Makes for a good thread read
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