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Round one Pick #14. Girgensons


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I guess I was born in a different era. Maybe we'll set some Soggy Biscuit shots next......

And if anyone was wondering what that is, or why Dwight won't be joining us for a few days click here. NSFW

Well that escalated quickly.



I think Dwight may have just stabbed a man with a trident. GODD, you may want to lay low for awhile; find a relative to take you in because you're probably wanted for murder

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I was thinking more, hahaha, look at the silly kids, I remember when I did stuff like that.


But sure... Lets put this on the fast train to crazy town.


Reading your further posts. Like this one:


Maybe you want to direct that to the person who linked a picture to a bunch of teenage boys crossdressed as prostitutes........but I understand how the double standard works by now.....


Where you essentially call me a pedophile. That's where you crossed the line from crazy to worthless ######. In case you were wondering.

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Insane. .and a great example of the kind of things that are driving me from wanting to stick around here.

+1 its the exact type of behavior that never adds to the discussion, hijacks the thread, and keeps people from wanting to stick around.

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Wow. Just...wow.


I once jokingly suggested that there were no two dots on earth that Dwight wouldn't try to connect. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Tolerating his insults like "sticky tonsils" is one thing, but that man needs professional help.

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fun stuff. do we know who's who?


Maybe you want to direct that to the person who linked a picture to a bunch of teenage boys crossdressed as prostitutes........but I understand how the double standard works by now.....




Et tu? You think that's an appropriate picture of a bunch of 17 year old boys?


young men that age have been doing weird, silly sh!t since before you or i were born. difference being: nowadays, there's always a device around ready to capture the moment. also worth noting that there's a european influence afoot here -- giving rise to bonus points for weirdness.


escalated-quickly.jpg I think Dwight may have just stabbed a man with a trident. GODD, you may want to lay low for awhile; find a relative to take you in because you're probably wanted for murder


so great.


Lets put this on the fast train to crazy town.


a bit of a bullet train. now all those prospects need is lindy hitting them about the helmet with a stick.


ghost has a lot of great insight to share. i find it unfortunate that, within his thought process, there is a slippery slope that allows things that are benign (or at least relatively so) to be viewed through a prism of abusive behavior. i won't speculate on why that is the case. but let's not throw the baby out with the bath water, folks.

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I'm not sure what the problem is/was. I've seen posts that go beyond that in attacks that get real personal for a simple difference of opinion. Personally I wouldn't have searched out the meaning of the offending term but the link presented itself. Disgusting no doubt but no worse than some of the sexual innuendo thats all too common to this site. I'm more offended by the sight of men in drag. But thats just me. To each his own.

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I'm not sure what the problem is/was. I've seen posts that go beyond that in attacks that get real personal for a simple difference of opinion. Personally I wouldn't have searched out the meaning of the offending term but the link presented itself. Disgusting no doubt but no worse than some of the sexual innuendo thats all too common to this site. I'm more offended by the sight of men in drag. But thats just me. To each his own.


That's why you're not a mod.

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Insane. .and a great example of the kind of things that are driving me from wanting to stick around here.

Interesting. This is a great example of what makes me want to stick around. Am I the only one who finds crazy eminently entertaining?

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Interesting. This is a great example of what makes me want to stick around. Am I the only one who finds crazy eminently entertaining?


Nope! Everyone is "crazy", how that presents itself is unique to all of us.

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