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Round one Pick #14. Girgensons


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C'mon. 'Fess up. You were in the penalty box, or on a PK. It was your PK ruse,... or Paul Kruse. You made it too obvious. :devil:


Great theory, but comparing Kruse's posts to GoDD's is like comparing Homer Simpson to Shakespeare (albeit perhaps Shakespeare on a 3-day opium binge).


I'll say it: GoDD -- don't go!

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Physician, check your own prostate.


You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.



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Great theory, but comparing Kruse's posts to GoDD's is like comparing Homer Simpson to Shakespeare (albeit perhaps Shakespeare on a 3-day opium binge).


I'll say it: GoDD -- don't go!


That would be the point, wouldn't it? To create a persona that quickly shows what a real ban-worthy troll behaves like, and in doing so emphasizing the injustice of the GoDD ban?


C'mon Freeman, your lack of ice time this summer is showing ;) .

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That would be the point, wouldn't it? To create a persona that quickly shows what a real ban-worthy troll behaves like, and in doing so emphasizing the injustice of the GoDD ban?


C'mon Freeman, your lack of ice time this summer is showing ;-).

The concept of bans, suspensions and ignore lists on internet message boards is asinine. As Percy said in the Green Mile, "This ain't cradle school."

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The concept of bans, suspensions and ignore lists on internet message boards is asinine. As Percy said in the Green Mile, "This ain't cradle school."


So you'd be okay with another poster saying that you take it up the ass? Over and over and over and over and over and over?


I suppose you'd be against parking tickets too? Just let anyone park wherever they want to!

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So you'd be okay with another poster saying that you take it up the ass? Over and over and over and over and over and over?


I suppose you'd be against parking tickets too? Just let anyone park wherever they want to!

It's all just words on a message board. People can say what ever they want as many times as they want, why would I care otherwise? If you let another poster get to you, that's on you, not the other poster.


Parking tickets serve three purposes, 1) revenue for the city 2) keeps one side of the street clear for snow plows 3) keeps traffic flowing (for those that double park). Which are three more credible reasons than there are for bans/suspensions.


Gotsta have some rules. Otherwise the patients run the asylum.

Over the years posters on this board have done a good job of policing themselves.

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It's all just words on a message board. People can say what ever they want as many times as they want, why would I care otherwise? If you let another poster get to you, that's on you, not the other poster.


Parking tickets serve three purposes, 1) revenue for the city 2) keeps one side of the street clear for snow plows 3) keeps traffic flowing (for those that double park). Which are three more credible reasons than there are for bans/suspensions.



Over the years posters on this board have done a good job of policing themselves.


I haven't been here as long but for the most part I agree although I have seen it get downright nasty at times as well. But sure, the board does do a good job of staying civil. I do think that the threat of the penalty box is under appreciated in that regard.

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Anyway.....after some posters dutifully pointed out that the Sabres grant access to the press box and locker room to certain bloggers, and this website has partaken in benefits from such a policy, it is obvious that there will always be a bias in preventing negative commentary or facts about the team and their employees from being presented and discussed.


Could you expand on this a little bit? Not sure what you are trying to convey here...

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WHY WONT THIS THREAD DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in! :censored: It takes a lot to get warned on here, I know :w00t: But we all get carried away once in a while and take an extended break or even a ban! I don't own the site so I don't make the rules. But if I did......
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That would be the point, wouldn't it? To create a persona that quickly shows what a real ban-worthy troll behaves like, and in doing so emphasizing the injustice of the GoDD ban?


C'mon Freeman, your lack of ice time this summer is showing ;) .


Whereas you, sir, are razor sharp. Very nice.


So you'd be okay with another poster saying that you take it up the ass? Over and over and over and over and over and over?


I suppose you'd be against parking tickets too? Just let anyone park wherever they want to!




I haven't been here as long but for the most part I agree although I have seen it get downright nasty at times as well. But sure, the board does do a good job of staying civil. I do think that the threat of the penalty box is under appreciated in that regard.


Me too. It's a difference-maker.

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Could you expand on this a little bit? Not sure what you are trying to convey here...


I couldn't believe the Sabres actually allow bloggers into the game and in the pressbox with free food and drinks, then the interview room after the game. A bunch of you said it though...which led me to ask if anyone from Sabrespace does so. Chz says she has credentials and has, but not so much last year because she would rather root for the team. Now I think for the most part it's pretty free wheeling around here....but it also explains why someone would get attacked or banned for pointing out negative facts about Sabres employees.


The gravy train gets derailed if that is the case.


Again, for the most part I have no problem....but considering under her INTERESTS on her profile, includes SEX and TASERS......any ban for supposed vulgarity is laughable. Also, posting a picture of 2 fully clothed adult coaches in football gear is a little more appropriate than 15 and 16 year old boys in women's prostitute gear. It was a commentary on the picture. The first 4 posts were so gung-ho on praising the Sabres and being sarcastic, nobody even bothered to notice it was when Girgensons was a rookie in USHL, not the Buffalo Sabres, which made him 16 and some rookies as young as 15. That's why I posted the picture. Not to imply Last Pommer Fan is some sort of freak.


Whatever. There are plenty of level headed posters here who see what happened for what it was. All the shushing does is make me work harder. I'm not wasting my time in petty stuff anymore. The truth always prevails in the end. Nature has a way of doing that.

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Do you think a poster and his or her agenda would ever die? Because they don't.

A message board should hope they never would. They are the life's blood of a message board arousing interest, creating discussions and driving up post counts.



Boom? I guess as we get older it doesn't take as much to set off the dynamite.


I couldn't believe the Sabres actually allow bloggers into the game and in the pressbox with free food and drinks, then the interview room after the game. A bunch of you said it though...which led me to ask if anyone from Sabrespace does so. Chz says she has credentials and has, but not so much last year because she would rather root for the team. Now I think for the most part it's pretty free wheeling around here....but it also explains why someone would get attacked or banned for pointing out negative facts about Sabres employees.


The gravy train gets derailed if that is the case.


Again, for the most part I have no problem....but considering under her INTERESTS on her profile, includes SEX and TASERS......any ban for supposed vulgarity is laughable. Also, posting a picture of 2 fully clothed adult coaches in football gear is a little more appropriate than 15 and 16 year old boys in women's prostitute gear. It was a commentary on the picture. The first 4 posts were so gung-ho on praising the Sabres and being sarcastic, nobody even bothered to notice it was when Girgensons was a rookie in USHL, not the Buffalo Sabres, which made him 16 and some rookies as young as 15. That's why I posted the picture. Not to imply Last Pommer Fan is some sort of freak.


Whatever. There are plenty of level headed posters here who see what happened for what it was. All the shushing does is make me work harder. I'm not wasting my time in petty stuff anymore. The truth always prevails in the end. Nature has a way of doing that.

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I haven't been here as long but for the most part I agree although I have seen it get downright nasty at times as well. But sure, the board does do a good job of staying civil. I do think that the threat of the penalty box is under appreciated in that regard.


I would have guessed that you were around here as long as I have been, so I was shocked to see that you joined in 2010.

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I couldn't believe the Sabres actually allow bloggers into the game and in the pressbox with free food and drinks, then the interview room after the game. A bunch of you said it though...which led me to ask if anyone from Sabrespace does so. Chz says she has credentials and has, but not so much last year because she would rather root for the team. Now I think for the most part it's pretty free wheeling around here....but it also explains why someone would get attacked or banned for pointing out negative facts about Sabres employees.

Holy ###### are you dense? Chz didn't ban you because you said Pegula or Rolston or Darcy or Vanek or Miller or Girgensons ETC... suck or were terrible at running a hockey team. I am fairly certain it was your continued assertion that Terry Pegula was in league with a pedophile and condoned/knew of his pedophilia or, even as hinted, was a part of it. If that doesn't get you banned when there is absolutely 0 evidence supporting it when you constantly throw it around like its the gospel well then we might as well start a thunderdome and chz and you get fight to the death! 2posters enter, 1 poster leaves.


If Sandusky worked for Penn State and Terry Pegula went to Penn State and is from Buffalo and My sister in law is from Buffalo and her husband also went to an affiliate of Penn State and both are Sabres fans and I have met Terry's wife Kim than clearly with all those connection I knew what was going on and should be arrested because I must have been in league with Sandusky!... 2nd ###### thread in a weak where I am tossing this out, IF chewbacca, an 8ft tall wookie lives on Endor with a bunch of 2ft tall ewoks, that does not make sense.

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