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OT - Osama bin Laden Confirmed Dead

Taro T

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Thanks for this ^^^^^^^


I have a family member enveloped in right-sided politics, hippie parents, family members in the military, and I work in a left-sided occupation. Talk about a schizophrenic political upbringing. With that, I have arrived at 3 conclusions:


1) My beliefs exist on both sides (ex: pro-environment, fiscally conservative)

2) Extreme to either side make you blind and deaf

3) Journalistic slant only serves to feed the circus. I shouldn't have to consider your agenda before I hear your report.


Maybe a fourth:


4) Rush is a d%&che bag.


We need to start a newsletter.

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So, you're saying that in the 2.25 years since Obama got into office, he's had his hands tied and could not urge the fully Democrat Congress (up until January) to do something about taxes, and get out of Afghanistan?


And, I'm sorry, what about the untold billions in stimulus? Poorly planned and executed, that money may as well have been burned.




I see. If you don't care for the details, just the outcome, why are you interjecting into an exchange on the details that did not include you in the first place? Why are you trying to create tension in a thread that is tense enough as it is? I know the answer, but then I would be fueling the fire.

It would all have been far worse without the stimulus--but I agree it could have been done much better. And Democrats will get no credit--and should not--that things would have been far worse because preventing a negative is unprovable. It was like Bush/Cheney saying we would have been hit again by terorists but for the torture they condoned, etc. I would not give them credit for that--because it is also unproveable. And while it is fair to say-- I don't agree--that Obama has not done well with the economy since taking office because things are too bad still, it is not fair to say he inherited a good situation from Bush--it was a tragic mess. And to ignore that fact, and to consider only the past 2 plus years is a sure prescription for doing nothing that will help the situation because we would not have learned from our mistakes. We need good new ideas, not denial about what did not work in the past.

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Just so Obama could interrupt Celebrity Apprentice...


Exactly. They killed him during the Bush administration, but George hates Trump that much. Instead of taking the credit for himself, he kept bin Laden on ice for years just so Obama could stick it to Trump.

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So now it comes out that "Jackpot" was probably shot on sight. Even better...


Seal Team 6... Here, here...


Don't you just marvel at how short our attention span is:


Earthquake, Tsunami, Cesium releases

Massive tornadoes

UBL killed...


What will it take to knock UBL off of page 1?


Flooding in the heartland can't compete.

My money is on the debt ceiling.

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I really think it's a testament to the changing times that even though Osama was one of the most hated enemies of this country, he was allegedly given a proper burial. That's more than most Native Americans ever got at the hands of our government.

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I really think it's a testament to the changing times that even though Osama was one of the most hated enemies of this country, he was allegedly given a proper burial. That's more than most Native Americans ever got at the hands of our government.


It's an incredibly savvy move. The don't PO the Muslim world as much by following the 'correct' burial procedure, and by doing it at sea there's no place to build a shrine.

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I really think it's a testament to the changing times that even though Osama was one of the most hated enemies of this country, he was allegedly given a proper burial. That's more than most Native Americans ever got at the hands of our government.


If I'm not mistaken. Burial rights of enemy dead according to the dead's religious tradition is meant to be customary under the Geneva conventions.


So I don't think it should thought to be exceptional.

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It's an incredibly savvy move. The don't PO the Muslim world as much by following the 'correct' burial procedure, and by doing it at sea there's no place to build a shrine.

You're definitely an optimist if you think that there aren't people in the Muslim world who will have major problems with how we handled OBL's body, let alone everything else we did in the mission.

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You're definitely an optimist if you think that there aren't people in the Muslim world who will have major problems with how we handled OBL's body, let alone everything else we did in the mission.


There will probably be others saying that it is never Halal to shoot a person in the left eye.



But just for comparison's sake........his body was given due rites.


How many 9-11 victims never had that.

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You're definitely an optimist if you think that there aren't people in the Muslim world who will have major problems with how we handled OBL's body, let alone everything else we did in the mission.


Bingo. This whole episode has been handled in a strange manner. I understand the thumbs up, but OBL had pretty much become like Brett Favre. When he finally retires, it's old news and too late to have really mattered.


Why would they say he used his wife as a human shield?

Why would they continue to show a bunch of cracker students 18-21 celebrating in the streets and whoopty-doing it up?

Why do the details of Pakistan's involvement keep flip-flopping?


From a PR standpoint, this hasn't been handled with sensitivity, in fact it is almost as if they are rubbing it in the face of a lot of people. We haven't been hit in the US in 10 years, we know his death can trigger "go" signals, yet everyone is spiking the ball.


I have no political comment other than I find it interesting they bombed Quadaffi's home and finally released a birth certificate the same week. It's almost as if it's a full strategy shift. It's not a very "obama-like" week.

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It's been said by the Pakistanis that the US took one person with them still alive. Believed to be one of bin Laden's sons.


He didn't use his wife as a shield, some other woman. His wife was shot in the ankle (or thereabouts).


The compound was raided while it was under construction in 2003 by Pakistan looking for someone else.

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You're definitely an optimist if you think that there aren't people in the Muslim world who will have major problems with how we handled OBL's body, let alone everything else we did in the mission.


There are always people that will have major problems with anything that happens, such as US Forces killing bin Laden and *not* bringing his body back for public viewing.



This way at least we can take *some* moral high ground in the way it was handled.

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It's an incredibly savvy move. The don't PO the Muslim world as much by following the 'correct' burial procedure, and by doing it at sea there's no place to build a shrine.


Muslims were already PO'ed enough to have a holy war against us. I doubt how we treated OBL's body would be treated would have much impact on the level of PO'ed'ness.

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There are always people that will have major problems with anything that happens, such as US Forces killing bin Laden and *not* bringing his body back for public viewing.



This way at least we can take *some* moral high ground in the way it was handled.

"Did we have a Navy SEAL put a bullet in the head of an unarmed terrorist? Yes. BUT we did give him a mostly proper burial at sea after scrapping out part of his brain for DNA testing. Moral!"



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You wanna know why we are all screwed? Each side thinks it should kill everyone on the other side. Watch "the Kingdom" great movie because of what life is really like. Fear breads intolerance. The question we should be asking isn't what will Al Queda do now, it is why, without the bullsh*t, were they driven to hate this country in the first place? I'm done here i do not like discussing politics online so WOOOO that bastard is dead!! and the world is better because of it.

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You wanna know why we are all screwed? Each side thinks it should kill everyone on the other side. Watch "the Kingdom" great movie because of what life is really like. Fear breads intolerance. The question we should be asking isn't what will Al Queda do now, it is why, without the bullsh*t, were they driven to hate this country in the first place? I'm done here i do not like discussing politics online so WOOOO that bastard is dead!! and the world is better because of it.

Oh, God, this. Let me help you out with this one: They hate us because they're a bunch of complete lunatics. We're fighting people who sincerely believe that the reward for killing people on earth is 72 virgin sex slaves in Heaven. Have you ever stopped to think about how perverse that is? Try to wrap your head around it.


These are guys who use women and children as human shields. Why? Because they know we, unlike them, do not shoot women and children on purpose. We're different, that's all. These are guys who strapped suicide bombs to pregnant women and retarded kids in Iraq. Think about that. It's hard for a good person to accept how a bad person can think, but that is how they think. That was a good idea to them.


The two sides have different values. It's completely wrong to say "each side thinks it should kill everyone on the other side"? Know why? Because we actually could kill everyone on the other side. We could have done it by noon on 9/11. But we didn't because we're not completely depraved lunatics. On the other hand, the way we know Al Qaeda doesn't have a nuclear weapon is the fact that Al Qaeda has not used a nuclear weapon.

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Oh, God, this. Let me help you out with this one: They hate us because they're a bunch of complete lunatics. We're fighting people who sincerely believe that the reward for killing people on earth is 72 virgin sex slaves in Heaven. Have you ever stopped to think about how perverse that is? Try to wrap your head around it.


These are guys who use women and children as human shields. Why? Because they know we, unlike them, do not shoot women and children on purpose. We're different, that's all. These are guys who strapped suicide bombs to pregnant women and retarded kids in Iraq. Think about that. It's hard for a good person to accept how a bad person can think, but that is how they think. That was a good idea to them.


The two sides have different values. It's completely wrong to say "each side thinks it should kill everyone on the other side"? Know why? Because we actually could kill everyone on the other side. We could have done it by noon on 9/11. But we didn't because we're not completely depraved lunatics. On the other hand, the way we know Al Qaeda doesn't have a nuclear weapon is the fact that Al Qaeda has not used a nuclear weapon.

oof. You are just proving his point.

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