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OT - Osama bin Laden Confirmed Dead

Taro T

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It's not fair to just call them lunatics. Because, WE SUPPORT lunatics as well which got us into this mess. This isn't a Al Qaeda vs. USA battle, or "War against Islam".... it's all about the Jews, Isreal and Palestine. We support Isreal and how they treat and murder the people of Palestine. Al Qaeda doesn't like us supporting Isreal, because, without us, Isreal is nothing, but, with us, they are strong. Look at their military and how much aid they get from the USA.


They don't like the jews because they treat them like animals. The second the USA pulls out support from Isreal, is the second we WIN the war on terrorism. It's a pretty simple concept. But, as many know, Jews have a very large say in the US government and that will never happen.

I thought it was Hollywood that Jews have the large say in. Oh well, my mistake.

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Oh, God, this. Let me help you out with this one: They hate us because they're a bunch of complete lunatics. We're fighting people who sincerely believe that the reward for killing people on earth is 72 virgin sex slaves in Heaven. Have you ever stopped to think about how perverse that is? Try to wrap your head around it.


I've always wondered how that worked. That whole virgin thing, it's kind of a one time deal. Are they somehow some form of magical perpetual virgin? Or is it like a jury where there are backup virgins, but you only get two?


Here's what I can't wait for with all of this. Obviously the conspiracy whack jobs are already spinning their garbage on this, so we'll have to see the pictures released at some point. I can't wait until that first whack job says that it's not bin Laden because he never had that giant hole in his head. Either that or they'll say that he had some defining birth mark right in the spot of that bullet hole. It's so convenient that they happened to shoot him right in the very spot of that mark. It could be any 6'4 muslim man ######! ANYONE!

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You got my gears turning.

Would atheist be able to start an "Un-Holy" War?


Not trying to bust your balls either.

Ask Stalin. Or Mao. (Two completely awesome guys.)


Religion can be corrupted like anything else, but only morons think it has no positive role in the world. See: Abolition, the Civil Rights Movement, charities, schools, etc.

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It's about the land and territories.


Instead of being sarcastic about it, i hope you guys can make the jokes here online but actually search something up or go to a library and get a book and read it on the topic. I can take jokes here, but i just hope that some of you don't truly believe that theres Muslims who hate USA because... well, umm... no reason? There is a reason.


In a cliff notes version, In the late 1940s, after the World War, Jews immigrated from all over Europe to South America, North America and also, to Palestine. Instead of going there to make a new living, like my family did from Poland to the US, they went with force, and started to destroy and kill the local Palestinians. It's basically like settlers coming over to the United States while Indians were still here. The jews and Palestinians had fought and Jews made their laws and made the Palestine land, theirs. Ever since, theres been a conflict. Isreal is accused of jailing hundred of thousands of Palestinians for no cause, theres been battles, suicide bombers, and such. BUT, the United States has supported Isreal during these times, given them resources, support, jobs, money and weapons, to build a power nation, while, Palestine, is just a former nation, with no real leader, no government, no real military and they view USA's support to Isreal, as a enemy towards them.


Egypt, who also doesn't like Isreal, also got a care package from the USA. Mubarak became president in Egypt, and made a peace deal with USA. The deal called for Egypt to receive $2 billion per YEAR since 1979 and they STILL get it to this day, along with military equipment, as long as they promised not to ever interfere in the conflict with Isreal, and Mubarak back then called a treaty. Egypt people don't like USA for bribing their government and finally had enough of Mubarak just this past year, but he's been this bad for 30 years, and just several years USA was shaking his hands. We knew how bad he was, and as long as he stayed out of Isreal, he was an ally, no matter how badly he treated his people. Their people finally got fed up this past year though.



There is more than a fair share of revisionism going on here. You make it sound like the Jews moved in and started going after Palestinians willy-nilly.


Even recent history shows that the Palestinians are manipulated by other Arab states/countries. Jews were reacting in 1948, not being preemptive.


For detail, this is a good site: http://www.mideastweb.org/briefhistory.htm


The enmity we're dealing with goes back AGES, long before the Crusades, and the Muslims are not innocent in this. Islam teaches that you are either turned Muslim by choice or by the sword - if not you are to be smitten. Muslims believing as Christians do, to turn a cheek and that everyone is equal under God, are perceived by more fundamentalist Muslims as being tainted by the West.


To fundamentalist Muslims the West has not only corrupted members of their own religion, but the Earth. The USA is the West - if you conquer the USA, you conquer the West. You can not understand what's going on without understanding the history of religions, politics, and sociology. This is much greater than a property dispute.


And, dude, it's ISRAEL, not "Isreal".

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Saying that is like saying, "All religious people sucks balls." Ignorant and offensive statement right there.


Second: All Religion sucks balls






a: the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1): the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2): commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance


2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices


3 archaic: scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness


4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith



You can apply definitions 3 & 4 to lots of modern idioms. The most notable being "science".


Science "sucks".

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I have some thoughts about this whole Osama/Obama/Bush thing...


Give credit to whom it is due:


Bush and Obama deserve 33.3% of the props for pushing to find Osama.

The people who took out Osama and shot him through the head deserve 33.3% of the credit

Osama deserves the last 33.3% for being shot in the head.

I deserve the rest of the 0.01% for posting this


Also, I think that Osama should've been kept alive if possible and brought back to the United States. Then we could have given him a crucifixion like they did to Jesus, except worse. Who did people in history hate more, Jesus or Osama? OK, I'M KIDDING!!! I don't like how they dumped him into the sea, i think they should've done something better.

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I don't like how they dumped him into the sea, i think they should've done something better.



A tactical move. It makes complete sense and as stupid as it seems to lay-Americans, doing so was the right choice IMHO.

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There is more than a fair share of revisionism going on here. You make it sound like the Jews moved in and started going after Palestinians willy-nilly.


Even recent history shows that the Palestinians are manipulated by other Arab states/countries. Jews were reacting in 1948, not being preemptive.


For detail, this is a good site: http://www.mideastweb.org/briefhistory.htm


The enmity we're dealing with goes back AGES, long before the Crusades, and the Muslims are not innocent in this. Islam teaches that you are either turned Muslim by choice or by the sword - if not you are to be smitten. Muslims believing as Christians do, to turn a cheek and that everyone is equal under God, are perceived by more fundamentalist Muslims as being tainted by the West.


To fundamentalist Muslims the West has not only corrupted members of their own religion, but the Earth. The USA is the West - if you conquer the USA, you conquer the West. You can not understand what's going on without understanding the history of religions, politics, and sociology. This is much greater than a property dispute.


And, dude, it's ISRAEL, not "Isreal".


You're right, sorry. I knew it didn't look right, i just didn't care to spell check it, i should have though.


And you're right, it's NOT just the Jews, it's both parties who are to blame. And this does go back way long before the 1940's. But, this topic isn't a topic of Israel vs. Palestine. It's a topic of WHY are WE in the middle of this "terror war". Their conflict wasn't the subject in this thread, and it shouldn't be. Also, you're statement about Muslims is not totally correct, because 20% of Palestinians are Christians and many of them are also in their military group called "Freedom fighters" fighting alongside Muslims. I am not saying ALL Jews are bad, but there have been real bad Jews who caused a lot of havoc, same as on the other side. It's a conflict that has been going on for ages and ages, and probably will go on until the end of the world because there is just too much hatred and blood thats spilled that its too hard to fix it now.


But, now this has turned into a real long historic argument, and i don't think we need to know or even discuss the details of their battle. The question was, why are we the targets, and some said because they hate our way of living because their lunatics. Which is a complete wrong answer. In their eyes, we're their enemy because we helped fund and aid in their war against them.


USA gives Israel more financial aid then any other nation (Egypt 2nd on list, and that was for them to promise to not attack Israel) and also USA gives Israel the most military aid. Along with intel, jobs, and other stuff. Despite our economy being destroyed, President Obama approved to RAISE our aid to Israel in 2012 and 2013... http://www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/docview.asp?did=1000623507&fid=1725

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But, now this has turned into a real long historic argument, and i don't think we need to know or even discuss the details of their battle. The question was, why are we the targets, and some said because they hate our way of living because their lunatics. Which is a complete wrong answer. In their eyes, we're their enemy because we helped fund and aid in their war against them.


I've been told by people from the area that it's a simple reason why they hate us. Its because we're there.

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But, now this has turned into a real long historic argument, and i don't think we need to know or even discuss the details of their battle. The question was, why are we the targets, and some said because they hate our way of living because their lunatics. Which is a complete wrong answer. In their eyes, we're their enemy because we helped fund and aid in their war against them.

Still trying to blame the Jews, Mel?


You ever going to get around to responding to this from yesterday:

Listen, Drunk Mel Gibson, all of the dysfunction in the Muslim world, and especially the dysfunctional behavior by Islamic Fundamentalists, is not because of the Jews. Have you ever noticed that Islamic terrorists tend to kill a lot of Muslims too? Were the 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai because of the Jews? The 2008 attack in London? What about honor killings? Or the countries where women are executed for being raped, gays are executed for being gay, and anyone can be executed for converting away from Islam? (Hint: It's not because Israel exists.)

Yep, I'm sure all of that happens because the U.S. and Israel are allies. And there's nothing dysfunctional or violent about Islamic Fundamentalists at all. Obviously it's "completely wrong" to call them lunatics. <_<

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You're right, sorry. I knew it didn't look right, i just didn't care to spell check it, i should have though.


And you're right, it's NOT just the Jews, it's both parties who are to blame. And this does go back way long before the 1940's. But, this topic isn't a topic of Israel vs. Palestine. It's a topic of WHY are WE in the middle of this "terror war". Their conflict wasn't the subject in this thread, and it shouldn't be. Also, you're statement about Muslims is not totally correct, because 20% of Palestinians are Christians and many of them are also in their military group called "Freedom fighters" fighting alongside Muslims. I am not saying ALL Jews are bad, but there have been real bad Jews who caused a lot of havoc, same as on the other side. It's a conflict that has been going on for ages and ages, and probably will go on until the end of the world because there is just too much hatred and blood thats spilled that its too hard to fix it now.


But, now this has turned into a real long historic argument, and i don't think we need to know or even discuss the details of their battle. The question was, why are we the targets, and some said because they hate our way of living because their lunatics. Which is a complete wrong answer. In their eyes, we're their enemy because we helped fund and aid in their war against them.


USA gives Israel more financial aid then any other nation (Egypt 2nd on list, and that was for them to promise to not attack Israel) and also USA gives Israel the most military aid. Along with intel, jobs, and other stuff. Despite our economy being destroyed, President Obama approved to RAISE our aid to Israel in 2012 and 2013... http://www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/docview.asp?did=1000623507&fid=1725"



You have completely skipped over the main thrust of the post you're responding to. The "historic argument" is the crux of why Obama sent in the Black Ops to go in and kill Osama. You can't pick a point in time and say "history stops here..."; nothing as epic as this can be viewed in small parts or a vacuum. The Twin Towers being attacked is on the same time-line as the Muslim raids of Sicily 400 years before the Crusades.


You're citing small parts to a much larger equation. When you look at the entirety of the historical narrative, it's very easy to boil it down to "they hate us", because they do. There are myriad individual reasons why they hate us if you break it down, but combined it's because we're the King of the West, and while our Western mindset allows us to forgive, forget, and move on, their Muslim (not Arabic) mindset does not - the latter being why "we", or, the typical Westerner, consider the fundamentalists "lunatics" because their inability to shake off history's chains doesn't compute with us.

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I thought this was a Sabres message board. Aren't there other outlets for people to express their political viewpoints (as well as their biases and ignorance)?

Yea there are but here at least there is a limited number and moderators that will step in if need be.

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I thought this was a Sabres message board. Aren't there other outlets for people to express their political viewpoints (as well as their biases and ignorance)?



OMG! Obviously tiny robots have invaded your house, have seized you, and forced you to a computer. Then they opened the Sabrespace website, and used a small tractor-beam to make you select this thread against your will - the thread that clearly says "OT" at the beginning of the title, and then after that conspicuous "OT" it says "Osama bin Laden Apparently Dead".


I'm sorry you have been invaded by these mean little robots forcing you to open a thread you did not want to read.


Hopefully, this interesting thread will not be high-jacked, or side-tracked, by posts about what is and is not appropriate content for the members of this site. Clearly, the moderation team has decided that we're playing nice in here, and that the thread has merit, as the thread has gone 10 pages.


I trust that we all can get beyond this interruption by the robots, and that, once the robots have left you alone, you will have no need to open a thread where the confab, for whatever reason, is disagreeable to you.

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I thought this was a Sabres message board. Aren't there other outlets for people to express their political viewpoints (as well as their biases and ignorance)?




Sorry, this is entertaining reading, and it has OT on the front of the thread...

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You have completely skipped over the main thrust of the post you're responding to. The "historic argument" is the crux of why Obama sent in the Black Ops to go in and kill Osama. You can't pick a point in time and say "history stops here..."; nothing as epic as this can be viewed in small parts or a vacuum. The Twin Towers being attacked is on the same time-line as the Muslim raids of Sicily 400 years before the Crusades.


You're citing small parts to a much larger equation. When you look at the entirety of the historical narrative, it's very easy to boil it down to "they hate us", because they do. There are myriad individual reasons why they hate us if you break it down, but combined it's because we're the King of the West, and while our Western mindset allows us to forgive, forget, and move on, their Muslim (not Arabic) mindset does not - the latter being why "we", or, the typical Westerner, consider the fundamentalists "lunatics" because their inability to shake off history's chains doesn't compute with us.


With this, i'm done with the thread. Sorry, you believe in what you believe in, it's cool, i respect that, i just feel like it's completely wrong and that statement pretty much guarantees we'll never agree on the topic at hand.

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OMG! Obviously tiny robots have invaded your house, have seized you, and forced you to a computer. Then they opened the Sabrespace website, and used a small tractor-beam to make you select this thread against your will - the thread that clearly says "OT" at the beginning of the title, and then after that conspicuous "OT" it says "Osama bin Laden Apparently Dead".


I'm sorry you have been invaded by these mean little robots forcing you to open a thread you did not want to read.


Hopefully, this interesting thread will not be high-jacked, or side-tracked, by posts about what is and is not appropriate content for the members of this site. Clearly, the moderation team has decided that we're playing nice in here, and that the thread has merit, as the thread has gone 10 pages.


I trust that we all can get beyond this interruption by the robots, and that, once the robots have left you alone, you will have no need to open a thread where the confab, for whatever reason, is disagreeable to you.


Jeez, I'm sorry to disturb this convocation of the Buffalo Sabres' chapter of the Mensa Club. It's not the contents of the thread that bothers me -- it's that the thread is here at all. Am I not allowed to exercise my 1st Amendment rights in complaining about this thread? I come to this board to get away from the ###### of the real world. If I wanted to take part in a discussion of the "apparent" death of bin Laden, I'd talk with the people I work with (and in this regard, I work in Washington DC, so they probably know more that most people (that's code for YOU)). And as far as I'm concerned, he's not "apparently" dead -- but he's really most sincerely dead. So let's talk about the Sabres.

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Jeez, I'm sorry to disturb this convocation of the Buffalo Sabres' chapter of the Mensa Club. It's not the contents of the thread that bothers me -- it's that the thread is here at all. Am I not allowed to exercise my 1st Amendment rights in complaining about this thread? I come to this board to get away from the ###### of the real world. If I wanted to take part in a discussion of the "apparent" death of bin Laden, I'd talk with the people I work with (and in this regard, I work in Washington DC, so they probably know more that most people (that's code for YOU)). And as far as I'm concerned, he's not "apparently" dead -- but he's really most sincerely dead. So let's talk about the Sabres.



Clearly, the little robots are forcing you to type in a thread that does not interest you. Would you like someone to call the police? Maybe next the robots will turn on the TV and force you to watch a show that you don't like, or maybe they'll put on the radio and force you to listen to some music you don't like. In either scenario, it's serious business - I wouldn't want to be you with those robots.

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Jeez, I'm sorry to disturb this convocation of the Buffalo Sabres' chapter of the Mensa Club. It's not the contents of the thread that bothers me -- it's that the thread is here at all. Am I not allowed to exercise my 1st Amendment rights in complaining about this thread? I come to this board to get away from the ###### of the real world. If I wanted to take part in a discussion of the "apparent" death of bin Laden, I'd talk with the people I work with (and in this regard, I work in Washington DC, so they probably know more that most people (that's code for YOU)). And as far as I'm concerned, he's not "apparently" dead -- but he's really most sincerely dead. So let's talk about the Sabres.


Unless you work in the pentagon or the white house, that statement makes absolute no sense.

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