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OT - Osama bin Laden Confirmed Dead

Taro T

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Oh, God, this. Let me help you out with this one: They hate us because they're a bunch of complete lunatics. We're fighting people who sincerely believe that the reward for killing people on earth is 72 virgin sex slaves in Heaven. Have you ever stopped to think about how perverse that is? Try to wrap your head around it.


These are guys who use women and children as human shields. Why? Because they know we, unlike them, do not shoot women and children on purpose. We're different, that's all. These are guys who strapped suicide bombs to pregnant women and retarded kids in Iraq. Think about that. It's hard for a good person to accept how a bad person can think, but that is how they think. That was a good idea to them.


The two sides have different values. It's completely wrong to say "each side thinks it should kill everyone on the other side"? Know why? Because we actually could kill everyone on the other side. We could have done it by noon on 9/11. But we didn't because we're not completely depraved lunatics. On the other hand, the way we know Al Qaeda doesn't have a nuclear weapon is the fact that Al Qaeda has not used a nuclear weapon.


It's not fair to just call them lunatics. Because, WE SUPPORT lunatics as well which got us into this mess. This isn't a Al Qaeda vs. USA battle, or "War against Islam".... it's all about the Jews, Isreal and Palestine. We support Isreal and how they treat and murder the people of Palestine. Al Qaeda doesn't like us supporting Isreal, because, without us, Isreal is nothing, but, with us, they are strong. Look at their military and how much aid they get from the USA.


They don't like the jews because they treat them like animals. The second the USA pulls out support from Isreal, is the second we WIN the war on terrorism. It's a pretty simple concept. But, as many know, Jews have a very large say in the US government and that will never happen.

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It's not fair to just call them lunatics. Because, WE SUPPORT lunatics as well which got us into this mess. This isn't a Al Qaeda vs. USA battle, or "War against Islam".... it's all about the Jews, Isreal and Palestine. We support Isreal and how they treat and murder the people of Palestine. Al Qaeda doesn't like us supporting Isreal, because, without us, Isreal is nothing, but, with us, they are strong. Look at their military and how much aid they get from the USA.


They don't like the jews because they treat them like animals. The second the USA pulls out support from Isreal, is the second we WIN the war on terrorism. It's a pretty simple concept. But, as many know, Jews have a very large say in the US government and that will never happen.

You're right. All cultures are completely the same and, really, this is all because Jews are bad. :rolleyes:

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everything upthread makes me very hesitant and reluctant to discuss politics on the internet. Still just to be clear, I am so glad that S.O.B. is dead but its interesting that he wasnt armed. O well you reap what you sow and he was beyond deserving of a double tap.

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Muslims were already PO'ed enough to have a holy war against us. I doubt how we treated OBL's body would be treated would have much impact on the level of PO'ed'ness.


For the ones that hate us, you're right. If we had dragged his body around behind a chariot for everyone to see, some of those that were on the fence would now hate us.


People have this weird thing where they think a group that is different is basically a block of people with the same thoughts, but that's just not true. Based upon the news, you'd think every American was out dancing in the streets and chanting USA the other night. But we know that's not the case because we're immersed in the culture. Just like many, if not most, Muslims don't hate the US. We just hear about the ones that do all the time which skews our perspective.


People in other countries (England, for example) think all Americans are rednecks, shooting guns and driving Camaros and preaching creationism all the time. While that population certainly exists, I don't think that most people here would consider that average. But, all they hear about are those people on the news over there, so that's the stereotype.


People around the world are a lot more alike than it would seem.

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It's not fair to just call them lunatics. Because, WE SUPPORT lunatics as well which got us into this mess. This isn't a Al Qaeda vs. USA battle, or "War against Islam".... it's all about the Jews, Isreal and Palestine. We support Isreal and how they treat and murder the people of Palestine. Al Qaeda doesn't like us supporting Isreal, because, without us, Isreal is nothing, but, with us, they are strong. Look at their military and how much aid they get from the USA.


They don't like the jews because they treat them like animals. The second the USA pulls out support from Isreal, is the second we WIN the war on terrorism. It's a pretty simple concept. But, as many know, Jews have a very large say in the US government and that will never happen.





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You're right. All cultures are completely the same and, really, this is all because Jews are bad. :rolleyes:


I never said the jews are bad, so don't put words into my mouth. All i said was this is the Israeli jews conflict against the Palestinians. The United States, going to help the Jewish people, which, with our several trillion dollar aid, military aid, jobs, and such help, has helped Isreal turn into a world power. The Muslims, don't appreciate us stepping in and "jumping in". People always say USA is the "worlds police" but in this situation, we are giving everything we got into this fight, except with indirectly, and thus, we are hated in the Arab world.


Why do you think all of a sudden they just started to hate us? Think Osama woke up one morning and decided to hate the western world? Please.

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It's not fair to just call them lunatics. Because, WE SUPPORT lunatics as well which got us into this mess. This isn't a Al Qaeda vs. USA battle, or "War against Islam".... it's all about the Jews, Isreal and Palestine. We support Isreal and how they treat and murder the people of Palestine. Al Qaeda doesn't like us supporting Isreal, because, without us, Isreal is nothing, but, with us, they are strong. Look at their military and how much aid they get from the USA.


They don't like the jews because they treat them like animals. The second the USA pulls out support from Isreal, is the second we WIN the war on terrorism. It's a pretty simple concept. But, as many know, Jews have a very large say in the US government and that will never happen.

its the Jews that got us into this mess.you are right the second we stop supporting Israel the war on terrorism is WON babyyyy!! yeahhhh!!!

Them jews have a long history of treating people like animals.Just ask any palestinian living in Israel where he'd rather live...Israel..or Syria,Egypt,Libya,Iraq..etc--he'd have his bags packed for those places in a sec--Just to get away from those murdering israelis.

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I never said the jews are bad, so don't put words into my mouth. All i said was this is the Israeli jews conflict against the Palestinians. The United States, going to help the Jewish people, which, with our several trillion dollar aid, military aid, jobs, and such help, has helped Isreal turn into a world power. The Muslims, don't appreciate us stepping in and "jumping in". People always say USA is the "worlds police" but in this situation, we are giving everything we got into this fight, except with indirectly, and thus, we are hated in the Arab world.


Why do you think all of a sudden they just started to hate us? Think Osama woke up one morning and decided to hate the western world? Please.

...so you are suggesting that the creation of Israel lead directly to the Muslim world hating us because we took a chunk out of their holy land and reignited the crusades of the 12th and 13th century which is and has been a battle over a place on earth where some supposed religious event took place. Is that what you suggesting? cuz thats probably true, partially AHHHH I AM DISCUSSES POLITICS RUN!

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I never said the jews are bad, so don't put words into my mouth. All i said was this is the Israeli jews conflict against the Palestinians. The United States, going to help the Jewish people, which, with our several trillion dollar aid, military aid, jobs, and such help, has helped Isreal turn into a world power. The Muslims, don't appreciate us stepping in and "jumping in". People always say USA is the "worlds police" but in this situation, we are giving everything we got into this fight, except with indirectly, and thus, we are hated in the Arab world.


Why do you think all of a sudden they just started to hate us? Think Osama woke up one morning and decided to hate the western world? Please.


" it's all about the Jews, Isreal and Palestine. We support Isreal and how they treat and murder the people of Palestine"

-you were praising the jews

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its the Jews that got us into this mess.you are right the second we stop supporting Israel the war on terrorism is WON babyyyy!! yeahhhh!!!

Them jews have a long history of treating people like animals.Just ask any palestinian living in Israel where he'd rather live...Israel..or Syria,Egypt,Libya,Iraq..etc--he'd have his bags packed for those places in a sec--Just to get away from those murdering israelis.


It's about the land and territories.


Instead of being sarcastic about it, i hope you guys can make the jokes here online but actually search something up or go to a library and get a book and read it on the topic. I can take jokes here, but i just hope that some of you don't truly believe that theres Muslims who hate USA because... well, umm... no reason? There is a reason.


In a cliff notes version, In the late 1940s, after the World War, Jews immigrated from all over Europe to South America, North America and also, to Palestine. Instead of going there to make a new living, like my family did from Poland to the US, they went with force, and started to destroy and kill the local Palestinians. It's basically like settlers coming over to the United States while Indians were still here. The jews and Palestinians had fought and Jews made their laws and made the Palestine land, theirs. Ever since, theres been a conflict. Isreal is accused of jailing hundred of thousands of Palestinians for no cause, theres been battles, suicide bombers, and such. BUT, the United States has supported Isreal during these times, given them resources, support, jobs, money and weapons, to build a power nation, while, Palestine, is just a former nation, with no real leader, no government, no real military and they view USA's support to Isreal, as a enemy towards them.


Egypt, who also doesn't like Isreal, also got a care package from the USA. Mubarak became president in Egypt, and made a peace deal with USA. The deal called for Egypt to receive $2 billion per YEAR since 1979 and they STILL get it to this day, along with military equipment, as long as they promised not to ever interfere in the conflict with Isreal, and Mubarak back then called a treaty. Egypt people don't like USA for bribing their government and finally had enough of Mubarak just this past year, but he's been this bad for 30 years, and just several years USA was shaking his hands. We knew how bad he was, and as long as he stayed out of Isreal, he was an ally, no matter how badly he treated his people. Their people finally got fed up this past year though.

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" it's all about the Jews, Isreal and Palestine. We support Isreal and how they treat and murder the people of Palestine"

-you were praising the jews


So, what you're saying, immigrating somewhere, destroying 40 towns, killing everyone in sight, and taking over like marshal law, settling, building a government, jailing the locals or even killing them, is just OK? Just that is what happened. For some reason, i highly doubt you'd be ok with it if you were in those shoes and it was your family on the defensive.


But, that was in the 1940s. A lot of bad happened in our history by all kinds of people. I don't have anything against the jews, but history is history, and facts are facts (about what they did in Palestine), and, that really wasnt something honorable, atleast not to me. I'm not going to argue Isreal vs. Palestine. It's their battle and always has been. The reason why i said something in this topic was because few people just think theres one bad dude in the world who calls a holy war against the US for no apparent reason. The USA getting into their conflict is what has caused our trouble.


And i do apologize, the "win" comment was wrong. If we stayed away from aiding Isreal, we would be in the clear as domestic and international terrorism is concerned towards the USA (embassy bombing, ect), but only god knows what would happen in Isreal. Because these 2 groups can not live together. Theres way too much bad blood, bad history, to shake hands and make up. Theres a hatred there. But, US support for Isreal, is the Number 1 reason AND the majority reason, why, they declared war on us.


And for those laughing, i hope you guys know that Jimmy Carter SUPPORTED Osama Bin Laden for about 10 years, during the Soviet invasion. We gave Osama the tools to succeed, money, weapons, and intel. It's very doubtful, a dude who was helped be the USA for 10 years, would just wake up one morning and hate us. There must be something much deeper. Something must of ticked him off. Maybe (i doubt it) i'm wrong, but, he definitely did not wake up one day with a hate towards us.

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It's about the land and territories.


Instead of being sarcastic about it, i hope you guys can make the jokes here online but actually search something up or go to a library and get a book and read it on the topic. I can take jokes here, but i just hope that some of you don't truly believe that theres Muslims who hate USA because... well, umm... no reason? There is a reason.


In a cliff notes version, In the late 1940s, after the World War, Jews immigrated from all over Europe to South America, North America and also, to Palestine. Instead of going there to make a new living, like my family did from Poland to the US, they went with force, and started to destroy and kill the local Palestinians. It's basically like settlers coming over to the United States while Indians were still here. The jews and Palestinians had fought and Jews made their laws and made the Palestine land, theirs. Ever since, theres been a conflict. Isreal is accused of jailing hundred of thousands of Palestinians for no cause, theres been battles, suicide bombers, and such. BUT, the United States has supported Isreal during these times, given them resources, support, jobs, money and weapons, to build a power nation, while, Palestine, is just a former nation, with no real leader, no government, no real military and they view USA's support to Isreal, as a enemy towards them.


Egypt, who also doesn't like Isreal, also got a care package from the USA. Mubarak became president in Egypt, and made a peace deal with USA. The deal called for Egypt to receive $2 billion per YEAR since 1979 and they STILL get it to this day, along with military equipment, as long as they promised not to ever interfere in the conflict with Isreal, and Mubarak back then called a treaty. Egypt people don't like USA for bribing their government and finally had enough of Mubarak just this past year, but he's been this bad for 30 years, and just several years USA was shaking his hands. We knew how bad he was, and as long as he stayed out of Isreal, he was an ally, no matter how badly he treated his people. Their people finally got fed up this past year though.

While I believe most of this to be true (I'm not going to fact check 70 years of middle Eastern history on the intertubes while half in the bag,.. sorry, I'm just not), and I also believe that Isreal is just a huge, stationary aircraft carrier in desert for the U.S., I also believe that that it doesn't matter what his reasons for hate were. There is no excuse for it. Bin Laden was bat sh!t crazy and a hate monger and it's probably better that he's gone. I'm still not going to celebrate it, though.

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Instead of debating and arguing, let's all celebrate the way Americans should!


I thought this was great



America. F*ck yeah.




As a student of the social sciences, I understand the argument some are making that we shouldn't be cheering for the death of an individual. I could get up on that soap box, with all my feelings regarding the death penalty and humane treatment of criminals. But I refuse to do that here. I choose to put all of my decency away. And I choose to celebrate a mans death. Because Osama bin Laden was not a man. He was a monster. His actions placed him as far from human as possible, by the standards of any society, third-world aboriginal or 1st world western. Whatever. And his death should be celebrated as such.


Yeah, baby. I'm glad that f*cker is dead.

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I never said the jews are bad, so don't put words into my mouth. All i said was this is the Israeli jews conflict against the Palestinians. The United States, going to help the Jewish people, which, with our several trillion dollar aid, military aid, jobs, and such help, has helped Isreal turn into a world power. The Muslims, don't appreciate us stepping in and "jumping in". People always say USA is the "worlds police" but in this situation, we are giving everything we got into this fight, except with indirectly, and thus, we are hated in the Arab world.


Why do you think all of a sudden they just started to hate us? Think Osama woke up one morning and decided to hate the western world? Please.

Listen, Drunk Mel Gibson, all of the dysfunction in the Muslim world, and especially the dysfunctional behavior by Islamic Fundamentalists, is not because of the Jews. Have you ever noticed that Islamic terrorists tend to kill a lot of Muslims too? Were the 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai because of the Jews? The 2008 attack in London? What about honor killings? Or the countries where women are executed for being raped, gays are executed for being gay, and anyone can be executed for converting away from Islam? (Hint: It's not because Israel exists.)


I have a finite amount of time on this earth. I don't want to waste any more of it listening to how Americans and crazy, violent Islamic Fundamentalists are really just two sides of the same coin and we'd really get along great if we would just stop being afraid of each other. (Or the more idiotic version where everyone would get along great if it weren't for those damn Jews "murdering" people and somehow directing U.S. foreign policy.)


If you really want to know about Al Qaeda, read The Looming Tower or Ghost Wars. In the meantime, try to wrap your mind around the fact that American culture is better than Islamic Fundamentalist culture.

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Listen, Drunk Mel Gibson, all of the dysfunction in the Muslim world, and especially the dysfunctional behavior by Islamic Fundamentalists, is not because of the Jews. Have you ever noticed that Islamic terrorists tend to kill a lot of Muslims too? Were the 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai because of the Jews? The 2008 attack in London? What about honor killings? Or the countries where women are executed for being raped, gays are executed for being gay, and anyone can be executed for converting away from Islam? (Hint: It's not because Israel exists.)


I have a finite amount of time on this earth. I don't want to waste any more of it listening to how Americans and crazy, violent Islamic Fundamentalists are really just two sides of the same coin and we'd really get along great if we would just stop being afraid of each other. (Or the more idiotic version where everyone would get along great if it weren't for those damn Jews "murdering" people and somehow directing U.S. foreign policy.)


If you really want to know about Al Qaeda, read The Looming Tower or Ghost Wars. In the meantime, try to wrap your mind around the fact that American culture is better than Islamic Fundamentalist culture.



Bottom ###### line.

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Listen, Drunk Mel Gibson, all of the dysfunction in the Muslim world, and especially the dysfunctional behavior by Islamic Fundamentalists, is not because of the Jews. Have you ever noticed that Islamic terrorists tend to kill a lot of Muslims too? Were the 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai because of the Jews? The 2008 attack in London? What about honor killings? Or the countries where women are executed for being raped, gays are executed for being gay, and anyone can be executed for converting away from Islam? (Hint: It's not because Israel exists.)


I have a finite amount of time on this earth. I don't want to waste any more of it listening to how Americans and crazy, violent Islamic Fundamentalists are really just two sides of the same coin and we'd really get along great if we would just stop being afraid of each other. (Or the more idiotic version where everyone would get along great if it weren't for those damn Jews "murdering" people and somehow directing U.S. foreign policy.)


If you really want to know about Al Qaeda, read The Looming Tower or Ghost Wars. In the meantime, try to wrap your mind around the fact that American culture is better than Islamic Fundamentalist culture.

That's not what he was saying and I'm guessing that you probably put many more into the Fundamentalist category than should be there (maybe not, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt).


Tell me this. If you took our country, sliced sections of it off (the best sections mind you, where all the resources are) to make other countries under Muslim rule, then dotted the remaining country with Muslim military bases, how long do you think it would be before our buddy upthread on the ATV and his friends are blowing stuff up to get them off their land?


And I'm just guessing that they would be using the Bible as a motivating tool.

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Your short term historical cliff notes are about right. However, it is a very short term portion of those cliff notes. The Jews were kicked out of Israel long before this all happened and still viewed Palestine has their homeland.


They are not the only ones with claims to this land. Besides Egypt claiming territory, the Persians have occupied the area over the centuries as well as the Romans, Greeks and Turks. All I am saying is this area of the world is very complicated and the recent hostilities are far from straight forward with many sides switching allegiances. So I think much of the hate Bin Laden claimed as his own was disingenious and was more a result of a desire for power and ideological control.


It's about the land and territories.


Instead of being sarcastic about it, i hope you guys can make the jokes here online but actually search something up or go to a library and get a book and read it on the topic. I can take jokes here, but i just hope that some of you don't truly believe that theres Muslims who hate USA because... well, umm... no reason? There is a reason.


In a cliff notes version, In the late 1940s, after the World War, Jews immigrated from all over Europe to South America, North America and also, to Palestine. Instead of going there to make a new living, like my family did from Poland to the US, they went with force, and started to destroy and kill the local Palestinians. It's basically like settlers coming over to the United States while Indians were still here. The jews and Palestinians had fought and Jews made their laws and made the Palestine land, theirs. Ever since, theres been a conflict. Isreal is accused of jailing hundred of thousands of Palestinians for no cause, theres been battles, suicide bombers, and such. BUT, the United States has supported Isreal during these times, given them resources, support, jobs, money and weapons, to build a power nation, while, Palestine, is just a former nation, with no real leader, no government, no real military and they view USA's support to Isreal, as a enemy towards them.


Egypt, who also doesn't like Isreal, also got a care package from the USA. Mubarak became president in Egypt, and made a peace deal with USA. The deal called for Egypt to receive $2 billion per YEAR since 1979 and they STILL get it to this day, along with military equipment, as long as they promised not to ever interfere in the conflict with Isreal, and Mubarak back then called a treaty. Egypt people don't like USA for bribing their government and finally had enough of Mubarak just this past year, but he's been this bad for 30 years, and just several years USA was shaking his hands. We knew how bad he was, and as long as he stayed out of Isreal, he was an ally, no matter how badly he treated his people. Their people finally got fed up this past year though.

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If you really want to know about Al Qaeda, read The Looming Tower or Ghost Wars. In the meantime, try to wrap your mind around the fact that American culture is better than Islamic Fundamentalist culture.

First: Ethnocentrism but true


Second: All Religion sucks balls

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