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About inkman

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  1. My insta feed is also an exhausting list of busts Clearly I’d take Marv over Eugene but I’m slightly Buffalo biased
  2. I’m not gonna deny it but if Quinn turns into Craig Janney (great player that averaged about 50 games per season) and they move Peterka for Zegras, I think we’ll all look back at this with egg on our faces.
  3. I think we’ll all be sorely disappointed if Wahlberg turns into Lafferty, NAK or Melanstyn. Those guys are a dime a dozen but because the Sabres haven’t bothered to value anyone like that since the 90s, the Sabres had an aircraft carrier hole in their org with large physical forwards.
  4. The Sabres should have given Justin Kea some sort of development job. He’s been personally responsible for roughly 10,000 penalty kill situations for the Amerks. Every game this dude is solely determined to let every person in hockey know that he curries no favor to the Sabres org. I’ve never seen a phenomenon like it. Every game is just penalty after penalty on Rochester. It’d be comical if it wasn’t costing them games.
  5. The Sabres need to stop hemorrhaging the loss of players who play big. I’m sure @LGR4GM will point out how large the Sabres are, which is correct but Wahlberg is a guy who uses his size and uses it effectively. Every one of these guys has been purged from the Sabres pipeline for the last decade or so. They need more Wahlbergs, not less.
  6. I guess since all I’ve seen from him are the lacrosse style goals, I wasn’t aware he was a pass first player. I may be on board with this depending on the price.
  7. Zegras is a nice player but I feel like he’s just more of what they already have in droves.
  8. Hear me out here. Maybe just getting Jeff off the roster was the benefit. Declining production, allergic to defense, not real good at anything other than finishing plays that someone else does all the work for.
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