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Complaint Thursdays


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Damn kitten scratched the ###### outta my wrist last night when he got scared by something and ran away. This morning my stepmom scared him by insisting on getting all up in his face and trying to pet him while he was cowering under the table and he scratched my side as I tried to move him out of the room. Sheesh.

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I drove up I-85 through the storm... it was terrible. Saw 5 accidents including one where the engine compartment was crumpled on this car in the center lane and a guy was standing there with a flashlight waving ppl off around the car... hope everyone was okay.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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Jameis Winston is an idiot.


I drove through the storm last week to get to Virginia. On the way home it was TRAFFIC EVERYWHERE! It totally sucked.


Found out a coworker may be getting a new job which sucks for the rest of us because we all like her and she does her job well. I am happy and sad about it. The complaint is that she is only leaving because the current ppl wont pair her to do the job she is doing.

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Had a tooth extracted this afternoon, which set me back $200 and means ice packs and mushy food for me the next few days. I'll never understand why people take hydrocodone (Vicodin) for recreational use; all it does is make me sleepy and nauseous.


Still no takers for the kitten, and this weekend my dad and stepmom are dropping off their dog to stay with me for a week. Already worried about the dog, but not looking forward to seeing how the kitten reacts and what he gets into in the process. My stepmom scared the crap outta him last week when they stopped by, so I'm almost as worried about her as the dog.


And yesterday my boyfriend of 6 years left to move to Oklahoma City for a new job. It's a long story, but essentially we've found ourselves at an impasse because he's not sure about marriage (hang-ups from past relationships) and I'm unwilling to pick ip my life and leave all my friends here to be his long-term girlfriend. And I'm not at all sure I want to live in OKC even if he gets his own issues resolved. I'll be going to visit and he's going to try and change my mind, but no idea how/if it'll work out and the situation just sucks.

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Sorry to hear about your troubles bio. As much as it may suck, I think you are wise to stay put. If a guy isn't willing to make a bigger commitment after six years then it's likely not a good idea to uproot your life for him. This coming from someone who took way too long to wise up and propose to his wife, looking back I'm very lucky that she didn't kick me to the curb before I bought a ring.


My complaint... I have a co-worker who keeps trying to get me to invest in his high risk, speculative side business. He keeps coming to me asking me to invest, each time acting much more desperate than the last. He's not just asking for a few grand either, but some serious coin so he's clearly got himself leveraged badly. Anyway, I've told him no courteously at least five or six times now, but if he asks again I'm going to need to be a dick.

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Had a tooth extracted this afternoon, which set me back $200 and means ice packs and mushy food for me the next few days. I'll never understand why people take hydrocodone (Vicodin) for recreational use; all it does is make me sleepy and nauseous.


Still no takers for the kitten, and this weekend my dad and stepmom are dropping off their dog to stay with me for a week. Already worried about the dog, but not looking forward to seeing how the kitten reacts and what he gets into in the process. My stepmom scared the crap outta him last week when they stopped by, so I'm almost as worried about her as the dog.


And yesterday my boyfriend of 6 years left to move to Oklahoma City for a new job. It's a long story, but essentially we've found ourselves at an impasse because he's not sure about marriage (hang-ups from past relationships) and I'm unwilling to pick ip my life and leave all my friends here to be his long-term girlfriend. And I'm not at all sure I want to live in OKC even if he gets his own issues resolved. I'll be going to visit and he's going to try and change my mind, but no idea how/if it'll work out and the situation just sucks.


Sorry to here it Bio. I suspect you are not ready to hear it now but, you strike me as good people, with a good personality. And we've seen your pics. I'd imagine when word gets around that Bio is lonely you'll have the best to select from.

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