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  1. I mentioned I was in the Queen City yesterday. Did I see a picture of Cellino of Cellino and Barnes on a Cellino Plumbing truck? Twin? Side gig?
  2. I stopped attending big concerts about 20 years ago. Still hit bar-sized concerts and free outdoor shows, but I just figured my big concert days were behind me. And then a funny thing seemed to have happened. My son got interested in music and is old enough to attend some shows. And for the most part he listens to music that I can really dig. I got my feet wet again last Summer at Artpark but the real fun came when my (then) 13 yr old son started begging me to let him go to the Uproar Festival at Darien Lake last August. Eventually I relented on the condition that I go as well. For the most part the bands weren't bands I would ordinarily listen to but the headliners especially weren't bad, and since I am a reformed (sort of) metal head the last two bands in particular were pretty damned enjoyable. So this year the kid is already begging me to go to a concert with him, and frankly, I was looking forward to the Summer's concert schedule for my own enjoyment. Looks like a pretty fair concert season coming. This is my concert plan for the coming year; June 29 Buffalo Place- Grace Potter and the Nocturnals This band puts on a great show. They have a fantastic old school rock vibe to them. And Grace Potter is darned nice to look at too. If you are not familiar, look them up on youtube. Fantastic rock performers. Darien Lake- Allman Brothers and Carlos Santana Taking the wife to see this one. Two of my favorites from the bluesy end of rock. Darien Lake- Iron Maiden and Alice Cooper Re-living my junior year in high school. LOL Actually, I won't be buying tix to this show. I'll be a volunteer. I am involved with one of the not-for-profits that man the beer kiosks at the venue. I'm already signed up to dish out $12 Bud Lights to the head banging masses. I won't get a look at the stage most likely but I'll be able to listen to the show. \nn/ Darien Lake- Slipknot/Slayer/Motorhead/Anthrax This is the show my kid is bugging me about. Yeah, we're gonna go. I've never seen Motorhead or Slayer in concert so I'm looking forward to it. I'm sure my ears will be bleeding by the time the show ends. And 3 out of 4 of those bands are up my alley. First Niagara Center- Rush Now this one *will* have me re-living my junior year in high school. Going with a longtime friend. I can't wait until October. Anyone else ready for Summer concert season?
  3. Sabrespace Fantasy Football League is now full. Good luck this year boys. We can use this thread or league board for some trash talking! Don't forget the draft is Thurs Aug. 28 at 10:30 pm. If you can't make it don't forget to set your pre-rankings.
  4. Complain about anything you want. 1 complaint, 20 complaints, who cares? No one is really listening anyways. My complaint for this week... Fast food workers who are miserable beyond belief while on the job. If you hate your job that much, do something about it to better yourself in life. Go back to school or do whatever is needed to find a better job. In the meantime, if you continue to stay in your current position, suck it up and put on a happy face. http://forums.sabrespace.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gifM
  5. While this forum sure likes sitting on their computers or phones wasting time talking about food, beer, liquor and sometimes even sports, I can't imagine we're all maintaining a sedentary lifestyle. :unsure: So let's have a thread about it. We can discuss what we do for exercise, our fitness goals, accomplishments, failures, questions, etc. As for myself I'm an active cyclist, beer league hockey player, and I run when the tendonitis in my knee isn't acting up. Thanks to my job and all of the running I've been doing I'm down to 208lbs this summer, which feels pretty good. I managed to set a new average pace record on my bike yesterday before the crankset blew up, and I'm almost down to a 9 minute mile for running. A far cry from my highschool days, but that was a long time ago. My goal for the rest of the summer is to get my 3 mile time under 25 minutes and upgrade the gearing on my old roadbike to allow me to ride a faster average speed, since I'm maxing out my old 53/14 gearing with my normal cadence. What do you guys and gals like to do?
  6. I'll start it off with baseball playoffs beginning tomorrow! I hate the idea of one-game series as too chancy, but I love the idea for the tension and excitement.
  7. I think there is a thread for this already, but I could not find it. A good friend and I watched *Tooth Fairy* last evening. He got it for his kids to watch in 2010. It was really good, surprisingly enough. A hockey themed tooth fairy tale. Two grown men with tears in their eyes at the happy ending.
  8. This thread is inspired by this video: http://FunnyOrDie.com/m/25mm If you watch it, you'll know the line I'm talking about. This is a place to share the "things/devices/stuff" that you think are AWESOME and you personally endorse and recommend to friends.
  9. Spinning off of the hobbies thread, it looks like many of us spend time with a good book (or three). So what are you currently reading? For work/school: Just finished CCTV and Policing by Benjamin Goold (2004). A study of how camera center operators make decisions about who to target for surveillance, and how CCTV has affected police work. In queue I have Theorizing Surveillance: The Panopticon and Beyond and Surveillance Studies: An Overview, both by David Lyon. For pleasure: In progress: The Last of the Plainsmen by Zane Grey. One of the 1930s editions of his 1908 novel. One of the great writers of the American West. The Boys of Winter by Wayne Coffey, about the 1980 Olympic team. A First Rate Madness: Uncovering the Links Between Leadership and Mental Illness by Nassir Ghaemi - A great look at how some of the most influential world leaders such as FDR, JFK, Churchill and others were able to use their mental illnesses to their advantage. Last book I finished was Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig (1974). A study of the Metaphysics of Quality as framed around a cross country motorcycle trip with his son. A lot of focus on religion, the study of rhetoric, greek philosophy, and the way people think about machines and technology. I HIGHLY recommend it.
  10. I really envy you northerners. Here it is almost mid-December and it's 82° outside at 7:45PM. It has dropped below 70 for a total of two hours in the last 11 days. I don't care where you live, the AC shouldn't be running this close to Christmas at 3AM. In the last seven weeks we've had .3" of rain. What's the weather like where you're all at?
  11. Anyone been on a trip(preferably guided tour) to Italy? Looking to go in fall of 2025. Something focused around Rome-Florence-Venice. Never been to Europe. Since we are both in are mid 60’s, not looking for an itinerary that would wear us out after a couple of days. Would love to hear any and all thoughts regarding Italy, airfare, sightseeing, etc…. It is probably going to be one and done for Italy, as there are too many other great places, we would like to visit, before we get much older.
  12. Give me the Sabres in the final (yes, no S) or give me death. Well, not really. Being a Canuck I have to go with Edmonton here. I don't like Southern US cities winning the cup - they can have their Cusps. That said, I would not be upset if Samson got his cup. Edmonton is a great story of last to the cup final. Just look at what a coaching change in season can bring. Imagine if .............
  13. Let's have at it. No politics. Just good old fishin and huntin talk.
  14. The consulting firm that I work for is doing a big round of IT layoffs. I am worried because I have been on the bench a while. I am lucky that I can work anywhere in the entire tech stack, so AI might survive this round.
  15. Wanna see my new kitchen? It just came in today from IKEA. With some assembly it should look like this: Before I put in the cabinets though I need to remove the old ones, probably do some repair of the floorboards under the sink, extend the plank flooring I put in 4 years ago all the way to the walls, cut out the backsplash and put in new sheetrock because we're re-doing the backsplash too. Then... the cabinets. I didn't want to start the other stuff until the IKEA got here though.
  16. This exchange got me to thinking: doubtful Who's the geezerest person on Sabrespace? If you want to play along, post your age. I know for sure I'm not the oldest guy around here; I'm 61.
  17. Seems appropriate given Sabres state of affairs. I am a Scheffler fan.
  18. Seattle Mariners 19(thru 2020) Sacramento Kings 15(thru 20-21) Buffalo Sabres 10(thru 20-21) New York Jets 10(thru 2020) It just happens to be that it ended up being one team from each league in the top 4 droughts. The Phoenix Suns also had a 10 year drought which they are about to snap. I don't follow the NBA at all, so I am not sure if the Kings are anywhere close to ending their streak, but the Mariners have a decent shot of being a playoff team this year.
  19. Hi, all. I live in "West Amherst". The health of my niece, my wife, and myself have all gone downhill recently. In my case, the statins and the inactivity due to long COVID caused many of my muscles to atrophy. Because of this, we can not keep up with the needs of the dogs: the adults because they are too quick and the puppies by sheer numbers. They are: Sally, 3yrs, Newfie-poodle mix. Jack, 1yr, Australian heeler. 6 puppies of theirs In particular, we need someone who can train dogs well to take Jack. He is way beyond my strength and very aggressive. Most of the time, Jack and Sally are very amiable and well-behaved; indeed, usually they sleep with me. But they do things like take open peanut butter jars off of tables and chase so vigorously that they knock over furniture. I love them very much, but Jack and Sally getting out into the street earlier and almost getting hit was too much. Please feel free to PM me if you know any interested parties. Thank you very much.
  20. So I'm tuned into the the game today.... virtual side board ads for La Nova.... Hah... billions of wings sold.... Hah.... no offense to them, I'm Irish and I embellish... but really!.... no offense to those who may be offensed.... but c'mon... The Irish own embellishment....🤣
  21. It's getting ridiculous. Let them die on their own if they're so terrible.
  22. Sorry if this is the wrong section to post in, I'm not sure. Does anyone have experience buying from here (sportsk.com) ? They seem to be legit based off what I can see, and they're selling Adidas primegreens for 125 bucks (og is 180) so that seems like a good deal, but that makes me also kind of doubt it cause how and why would they do that. Thank you!
  23. You all know I post memes in the Game Day Threads for when players score goals and when other things happen- big goalie saves, coach things, yeah. I came across some of my old meme pics and thought I'll give them one last showing before leaving them behind forever. First up is a Ralph Krueger meme. It speaks to my belief that I always thought he was kind of a shyster or con-man, or at the very least one of those proclaimed self-help gurus that coaches people how to (impossibly) pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. So I turned him into one of those clickbate ads. The meme:
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