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Buffalo Bills 2015

Taro T

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Miami's a train wreck. I look for them to implode this year. Roster purges are never a popular thing in the locker room.  And I'm gonna laugh when Suh takes himself out of more plays than he actually makes. 



Two years ago I would've taken Suh over Dareus hands down.  Now, I'm grateful that we have Dareus instead.

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I don't follow the Bills much but isn't that like the 10th quarterback we got?


Whaley and Ryan are trying to combine them all into one good quarterback.  I've seen this type of thing in bad science fiction and bad comedy movies.  It doesn't work.

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Whaley and Ryan are trying to combine them all into one good quarterback. I've seen this type of thing in bad science fiction and bad comedy movies. It doesn't work.

Correct me if I'm wrong and I might be wrong. But didn't it work in Weird Science? I mean, Kelly Lebrock was pretty hot in 1985.

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The Phillip Rivers situation in San Diego is getting interesting...


For those not following: Rivers says he will not be signing an extension with the team. Seems pissed about the LA stuff. Said he wants to keep his family in San Diego (doesn't really make sense to push out of there then since LA is about as close as you can get). He's a free agent next season (he'll get tagged)... I would love him here. I absolutely love Phillip Rivers.

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I hate Phillip Rivers, for no other reason than he just seems like a giant douche. From what I've read and seen about him, he's apparently a really nice guy, but he's still a douche in my book for his on-field persona. I'd love to see him in a Bills' uniform. 


Is there any way he can get out of the tag? 

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When I read an article on Rivers' situation I got the impression that he would retire before going to any other team or to LA with the Chargers.

This is what his comments tell me, too... But he's such a fiery guy that I see him going on. I wouldn't expect him to want to come here or it to ever be a realistic options. Interesting to watch unfold either way.

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This is what his comments tell me, too... But he's such a fiery guy that I see him going on. I wouldn't expect him to want to come here or it to ever be a realistic options. Interesting to watch unfold either way.


As the kids say: this. "I'm NOT going to move my family 50 miles away to LA. I'll retire first! ... What's that, Buffalo is interested? Make it happen!"

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As the kids say: this. "I'm NOT going to move my family 50 miles away to LA. I'll retire first! ... What's that, Buffalo is interested? Make it happen!"

From what I have heard/read, it is more that he just really hates LA and thinks it's a scummy place, especially to raise his army of children.

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Saw it retweeted that the Pegula-owned Bills somehow resemble . . .  the Yankees?!


A joke, of course. But the team is spending like a sailor on leave.


Where have we seen this before?


I think the phrase "spending like a drunken sailor" was even used.  Repeatedly.

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Difference is, we got who we wanted this time, not a panic-induced second choice.



I don't entirely agree.  In both cases we didn't get what we needed most.  For one it was a center so we subbed a LW, for the other a QB and we subbed some other stuff.



 Without what we needed most we won't see the success they are trying for.  

Edited by weave
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I don't entirely agree.  In both cases we didn't get what we needed most.  For one it was a center so we subbed a LW, for the other a QB and we subbed some other stuff.



 Without what we needed most we won't see the success they are trying for.  


Yea, but the Sabres signed a winger to play center. Unless the Bills expect Clay or McCoy to play QB, I don't think it's a fair comparison. The Sabres wanted the guy to fill their chief need and couldn't get him, so they decided to overpay and shoehorn somebody into that slot who didn't belong there. The Bills couldn't get their biggest need because it wasn't available, so they decided to fill in the pieces around the hole rather than go the "square peg round hole" approach. 


While I (and presumably almost everyone would) the team isn't winning a Super Bowl without a better QB, I don't think they're repeating the mistakes the Sabres did when Pegula took over.

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Yea, but the Sabres signed a winger to play center. Unless the Bills expect Clay or McCoy to play QB, I don't think it's a fair comparison. The Sabres wanted the guy to fill their chief need and couldn't get him, so they decided to overpay and shoehorn somebody into that slot who didn't belong there. The Bills couldn't get their biggest need because it wasn't available, so they decided to fill in the pieces around the hole rather than go the "square peg round hole" approach. 


While I (and presumably almost everyone would) the team isn't winning a Super Bowl without a better QB, I don't think they're repeating the mistakes the Sabres did when Pegula took over.


A couple of other points.

1)The Bills did sign a quarterback who has had success in the league.

2) For all the belly aching going on about Whaley  not addressing the quarterback since he has been at the helm, exactly who, besides Russell Wilson,  did they pass on that has had sustained success? I can't think of a single quarterback that has been available to them that anyone could say with 100% certainty would be an upgrade over what they have now.

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