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The Jack Eichel thread.


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I wouldn't be shocked if he came out of training camp with the C. We all assume Gionta will keep it, but hey, new coach, so maybe it's not a lock. Where the none of the Old Core captains seemed ready to assume the captaincy, Eichel acts like a captain right now (I don't mean that he presumes he will get it, but that he acts exactly the way a captain should act).


Yes, I know I'm still in man-crush mode, but geez the guy is impressive. If his play comes anywhere close to meeting expectations, he may well be captain by the end of camp.

There is just no way he begins with the C. If they did that to him, it would stand for Curse. 

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I wouldn't be shocked if he came out of training camp with the C. We all assume Gionta will keep it, but hey, new coach, so maybe it's not a lock. Where the none of the Old Core captains seemed ready to assume the captaincy, Eichel acts like a captain right now (I don't mean that he presumes he will get it, but that he acts exactly the way a captain should act).


Yes, I know I'm still in man-crush mode, but geez the guy is impressive. If his play comes anywhere close to meeting expectations, he may well be captain by the end of camp.

Taking the C away from Gionta for a 18yr old kid, terrible idea.  Jack hasn't earned the captaincy and can't earn it by the beginning of the season. 

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I'm really interested to see what number he picks. It seems like he's taking his time for something.


42 - I think this number should be more popular around the league, but I doubt it



The answer to the ultimate question to everything? It does seem fitting.


What, Pegula didn't send the company jet? I'd be insulted if I were Jack. 


Or, to further the conspiracy theories, Jack still hasn't officially made up his mind and rides on corporate jets would be in violation of NCAA rules. Kid is STILL protecting his college eligibility. 



We could start a free AirBnB app for prospects.


NCAA would probably still have an issue, as you're giving the kid something with some value.


IMO everything above about 35 is.  


The first player I remember with a number over that was Espo.  He wore 77 with the Rags because he couldn't wear 7.  


Then it was Gretzky.  Then Lemieux.  Then Lindros. And on and on.


All of the sudden, it was an explosion.


Look.  It used to be that goalies wore 1 and 30-something; that D-men wore 2-6 and 22-29; that forwards wore the numbers in between. I'm not saying we have to go back to that, but, FFS, I'm really sick of players (other than Doug Glatt) wearing stupid numbers.  And I am ESPECIALLY sick of Rip issuing stupid numbers. 


In any event, telling a player he can't have a vanity number, IMO, is tantamount to telling him that he's part of a team, and not a man unto himself.


I tend to to agree, but what happens when numbers like 8 and 12 are birth years too, are they still vanity?


What if Jack doesn't pick an Integer?


Is there a league rule against using Pi?


Hell, I'd buy the Eichel Pi jersey.




Pi is overdone. He'll use e or something with a radical sign.

Maybe radical 81 so he can still use 9 despite Kane having it.


Shut yo mouth.

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There is just no way he begins with the C. If they did that to him, it would stand for Curse. 



Taking the C away from Gionta for a 18yr old kid, terrible idea.  Jack hasn't earned the captaincy and can't earn it by the beginning of the season. 


I can't disagree with any of that, but I still wouldn't be surprised if he gets the C. 

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I can't disagree with any of that, but I still wouldn't be surprised if he gets the C. 


No way. Not his first year. Even Crosby waited two, he was 19, and that made him the youngest ever Captain in history. I like Jack, but no. Maybe if Gionta retires in the next few years.

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They're actually going to go back retroactively and name him as the captain as of 1970.




10, 15, 19 or 24. His number choices.


He gets it. I have never seen a more mature 18 year old than him


 Was that in the clip? Some other source?

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At Roswell when talking to the Kiddo in the hospital bed, Eichel says "I am thinking 10, 15, 19 or maybe 24, what do you think?"

Oooo great catch. I could live with any of those. 24 was my number in high school for everything. 15 has sentimental value for my family. 19 is an awesome leader number. 10 is a great number and between his 9/11.

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Oooo great catch. I could live with any of those. 24 was my number in high school for everything. 15 has sentimental value for my family. 19 is an awesome leader number. 10 is a great number and between his 9/11.


Can Jack Eichel melt steel beams? 

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