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    Fort Worth, Texas

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  1. I wonder how this maps to distribution of players by age. Could it be that the blue window also contains the most players?
  2. Yeah, I see what you mean, but I think my point still holds... McD & D end up playing so much that they are rendered ineffective, and okay, so your old guys aren't worn down... but without those two carrying the load, the old guys aren't good enough to carry the load either. On a deep playoff run, McD & D are so worn down that the team becomes kind of meh.
  3. The Sabres will make the playoffs this season if UPL signs a multi-year deal before going to arbitration.
  4. OMG look at you guys paying attention to fashion. I never would have looked at that picture and thought, "That coat doesn't fit him."
  5. It doesn't change a thing, but I personally like to hear what he says, if only because he's not part of the Sabrespace echo chamber.
  6. Can you bring back some Elbonian mud for me? I'll pay you back.
  7. 14 miles this evening. Temp was only 83 when I started; downright cool for July in north Texas.
  8. Zucker: 17 McLeod: 71 Malenstyn: 29 Lafferty: 81 Aube-Kubel: 96 Well I got McLeod and Aube-Kubel right anyway. Additionally, Gilbert: 8 Reimer: 47
  9. The Sabres have been trying to get rid of Skinner for a lot longer than Lindy's been around. Yet nothing happened until Lindy showed up. Coincidence? I think not.
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