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The even randomer thread


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PSA. If you like an artist's work and they offer prints, especially cheap ones, just buy a f*ckin print instead of printing it out yourself. Like, I'm glad you like it, and maybe your print out on sh!tty computer paper will earn me "exposure" (yeah right) but this is my business. And I'm pretty poor. Support your local artists/businesses.


It's not the end of the world, but every little sale really makes it so I can eat something besides cereal. Hell, if you're dead set on just printing it out, venmo me like... 5 or 10 bucks. I dunno.



You should probably start doing a watermark or something. Not that it will stop people.

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So I was at a 1 year old's bday party, and one of the toddler mommies whips out here boob for her baby's chow time. No cover, no warning, just instant boob in my face. I wasn't opposed to this circumstance but I was so shocked it was difficult for me to wrap my head around it.


So is this normal and what I should expect in a room full of mommies with babies?


Increasingly normal, for sure. I'm not averse to thinking that it's a better practice to cover or remove oneself before feeding. 


And now, even having typed that, I'm not sure that's appropriate for me to say. To each their own, I guess. I happen to think that it's a sufficiently intimate act and that - from a functional standpoint - there's something to be gained from having a little privacy and quiet, that just going into feed-mode in the middle of a conversation or whatever isn't ideal.


Apparently, at a couple local colleges, I had a student of mine today tell me that the term "freshman" is now considered sexist.... The appropriate term is now "1st year"


Things are getting outta control.


My girls attend(ed) an all-female high school -- that school abandoned the term "freshman" years ago.


I can admit I have become one of the worst cynics, it's not a great quality. Some of the things in society need changing, but when is it too much?


I dunno. This is a pretty easy tweak, so I'd say it's on this side of "too much."


Where I start to draw the line is on the creeping insistence that all of society abandon cis-normative (sp?) pronouns and assumptions. My wife was at a coffee shop last week, and there were 5 other (apparent) women waiting with her for their orders. It wasn't a Starbucks, so people didn't have names on their cups. The barista comes over with an order and says "okay, ladies, who had the two mocha lattes?" Someone among the group sniffed loudly and remarked that it was awfully presumptuous to address the group as "ladies." My wife was still trying to sort that out hours later, and I think I'm still a bit perplexed.


PSA. If you like an artist's work and they offer prints, especially cheap ones, just buy a f*ckin print instead of printing it out yourself. Like, I'm glad you like it, and maybe your print out on sh!tty computer paper will earn me "exposure" (yeah right) but this is my business. And I'm pretty poor. Support your local artists/businesses. 


It's not the end of the world, but every little sale really makes it so I can eat something besides cereal. Hell, if you're dead set on just printing it out, venmo me like... 5 or 10 bucks. I dunno. 




Sorry to hear of this. Did they pirate it for their own commercial use?

Edited by That Aud Smell
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Increasingly normal, for sure. I'm not averse to thinking that it's a better practice to cover or remove oneself before feeding. 


And now, even having typed that, I'm not sure that's appropriate for me to say. To each their own, I guess. I happen to think that it's a sufficiently intimate act and that - from a functional standpoint - there's something to be gained from having a little privacy and quiet, that just going into feed-mode in the middle of a conversation or whatever isn't ideal.



FWIW, RosePie absolutely hated eating with a blanket on her head. I can't blame her, I'd hate it too. I'm not sure I'd get to the point of screaming and biting like she did, though. TL;DR: feed your kid. If it requires popping a boobie out to do it and you don't care, objections are someone else's hang-up.

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Sorry to hear of this. Did they pirate it for their own commercial use?

Nah, which is why I won't do anything but gripe about it. I guess it's just, if you like it that much, kick me some money. I've had this happen before, it just always irks me a bit. I'd only bother with legal action if they were selling it themselves. 



Re: the breastfeeding thing- it's always a bit shocking because we're conditioned to see t!ts only sexualized or in a National Geographic setting. Breastfeeding is using the sweater pups for exactly the reason they exist. When I see it in the wild, I just go "oh" for a second and then get over it. I guess ask me in a decade when I face doing it myself. I'll probably be too tired/dealing with a fussy baby to give a sh!t what other people think about my milk engorged painful sacks of mammary glands being out in public, depending on the situation. I'd probably choose to find a quiet/semi-secluded spot just so the baby can be chilled out.  

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TL;DR: feed your kid. If it requires popping a boobie out to do it and you don't care, objections are someone else's hang-up.

Re: the breastfeeding thing- it's always a bit shocking because we're conditioned to see t!ts only sexualized or in a National Geographic setting. Breastfeeding is using the sweater pups for exactly the reason they exist. When I see it in the wild, I just go "oh" for a second and then get over it. I guess ask me in a decade when I face doing it myself. I'll probably be too tired/dealing with a fussy baby to give a sh!t what other people think about my milk engorged painful sacks of mammary glands being out in public, depending on the situation. I'd probably choose to find a quiet/semi-secluded spot just so the baby can be chilled out.  


I used the term "ideal" above, and these posts prompted me to reflect: The list of priorities on how and when and where this gets done is something like this:


1a. Baby's need to eat.

1b. Mom's convenience and necessity.

2.   No other valid considerations.

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A thought on the opposite side of the breastfeeding in public spectrum...why won't my insurance company cover my vasectomy? Not only should they completely pay for everything involved with and surrounding it, they should probably just buy me a beach house afterwards. Yeah! Like, a beach house and a sweet boat. Total bullsh**

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A thought on the opposite side of the breastfeeding in public spectrum...why won't my insurance company cover my vasectomy? Not only should they completely pay for everything involved with and surrounding it, they should probably just buy me a beach house afterwards. Yeah! Like, a beach house and a sweet boat. Total bullsh**


I'm not sure how or whether the two things relate. Like, at all.


In any case, mine was largely covered by my health insurance policy. There was a decent deductible or co-pay involved (as there would have been for any similar out-patient procedure), but it was otherwise covered.

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It would if you make it a dick

I dunno, might just up my popularity. Dick watermark trading cards. Get the chode edition- has wide appeal! 


side b!tch- I hate watermarks. I get the use, absolutely. but to make it big enough that it would take a lot of time/effort to photoshop it out usually ruins the work. It's like "hey guys check out my new piece that you can't see under this giant sort of transparent logo woo admire my detail" 


Just gotta rely on the sometimes sour milk of human kindness. 

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I'm not sure how or whether the two things relate. Like, at all.


In any case, mine was largely covered by my health insurance policy. There was a decent deductible or co-pay involved (as there would have been for any similar out-patient procedure), but it was otherwise covered.

They are only related in the very lose sense of being related to babies. One, having and feeding them, one not having them so they don't need to be fed.

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Ah, quite so. Gotcha.

I don't really know where I fall on the breastfeeding in public scale. I really don't hang out with breastfeeding mother's and I guess we just tend not to ever be in the same places. I've literally never seen it or thought about it.


I just know I don't want to ever go down that road again. 1 kid is great and 1 kid is enough.


And I think I deserve a free beach house for being that environmentally friendly and cost effective!! Darn it all!

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Anyone who has an issue with breast feeding in public is a useless chud.

I hope that's not the impression I gave. Please whip out your tits whenever possible women. I was just taken back as this woman who was 3 feet in front of my eyeballs gave me a show I'd pay good money for.

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Crazy that there would come a time when this story is on topic... this is why I like you guys


One time a coworker phoned into a confernce call from home. She forgot to mute her phone before she started using her electric breast pump. It took everyone awhile to figure out what in the world they were hearing.

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My only problem with public breastfeeding is some seem to think they get the right of privacy when doing it. If you whip an utter out in public don't get insulted if someone watches. You gave up privacy by doing it in public.


On the flip side don't be a creep and sit leering. Give it a 10-20 second stare just long enough that it says I see what you are doing. Strangely it is the same policy I have for public urinaters

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I work with a gal (a couple actually) that need to step out a couple of times a shift to go pump.


I have also worked in the 3rd world where moms just pop it out, and there's no discussion, it's really a western culture type of issue.


As for the "too much" in society, I am not even allowed to tell patients they are fat/obese/chubby /etc etc, even though it contributes to half of their medical issues, that used to be part of the job and now patient satisfaction surveys rule the world. It's becoming tough to not be cynical lately, in turn, I feel I may inappropriately apply that to the rest of society.


Lastly, I have been doing a lot of world traveling lately, and I have found (in generalities) that we may be the most sensitive culture in the world. I didn't actually fully believe it until I traveled to 6 of the 7 continents. Granted many European nations are similar to us, but the rest of the world is quite different.


It's late and I sound like a grumpy rambler :/ I think my word diarrhea shall cease for now :)

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I work with a gal (a couple actually) that need to step out a couple of times a shift to go pump.


I have also worked in the 3rd world where moms just pop it out, and there's no discussion, it's really a western culture type of issue.


As for the "too much" in society, I am not even allowed to tell patients they are fat/obese/chubby /etc etc, even though it contributes to half of their medical issues, that used to be part of the job and now patient satisfaction surveys rule the world. It's becoming tough to not be cynical lately, in turn, I feel I may inappropriately apply that to the rest of society.


Lastly, I have been doing a lot of world traveling lately, and I have found (in generalities) that we may be the most sensitive culture in the world. I didn't actually fully believe it until I traveled to 6 of the 7 continents. Granted many European nations are similar to us, but the rest of the world is quite different.


It's late and I sound like a grumpy rambler :/ I think my word diarrhea shall cease for now :)


It's really a North American culture thing where breasts have become sex things and not baby feeding things.

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It's really a North American culture thing where breasts have become sex things and not baby feeding things.

I thought we left breasts behind and became a booty culture. In the rest of the world, are behinds just padded seats? "The back of the front, the fleshy part...."

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I work with a gal (a couple actually) that need to step out a couple of times a shift to go pump.


I have also worked in the 3rd world where moms just pop it out, and there's no discussion, it's really a western culture type of issue.


As for the "too much" in society, I am not even allowed to tell patients they are fat/obese/chubby /etc etc, even though it contributes to half of their medical issues, that used to be part of the job and now patient satisfaction surveys rule the world. It's becoming tough to not be cynical lately, in turn, I feel I may inappropriately apply that to the rest of society.


Lastly, I have been doing a lot of world traveling lately, and I have found (in generalities) that we may be the most sensitive culture in the world. I didn't actually fully believe it until I traveled to 6 of the 7 continents. Granted many European nations are similar to us, but the rest of the world is quite different.


It's late and I sound like a grumpy rambler :/ I think my word diarrhea shall cease for now :)

That right there is a dramatically different issue than the use of inclusive language.

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