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Around the NHL 2016-2017


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Q is one of the best coaches in the league but he isn't going anywhere.

Kitchen was responsible for defensemen and PK. They were 24th in PK%.

I don't see Bowman going into a panic and making any huge changes.

I could see him re-signing Darling and trading Crawford. If they retained 2m of his 6m salary, I'd like to see him in a Jets' uniform. I'd give up a 2nd in this year's draft but not much more.

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Fwiw, Thornton had the Sharks' 2nd best CF% in that series.


I'll readily admit I am not a stats guy, but CF% is not purely a single player metric correct?  It accounts for the teams shots for and against while he was on the ice?  Worth noting in his high TOI a lot of it was PP time so that might skew the CF%?  Or is it just 5 on 5?


Still, no output.. in a league where we talk about how close a lot of talent is (and Jumbo Joe is a great talent) it's hard to sell the argument that a 37 year old with a torn MCL and ACL is better than ANYONE else you could put in the lineup...  if that's the case someone better get some depth.

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I would, at worst he solidifies our top 4 a bit more, Unless Antipin is the real deal we can't pass up on Zadorov.

Zadorov solidifies the top 4?


In a couple of years, perhaps, if he starts to take his craft seriously. Otherwise, he has career #6 written all over him.

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Can't wait to see how the Carey Price contract thingee works out this summer. he is unrestricted after next year and of course everyone is saying he'll sign long-term this summer with Montreal at a billion dollars or close to it per...


Thing is, Montreal is, with price, a playoff team but nothing more , not good enough to even win one series. If they pile loads of cash on Price, and already are paying some huge money to some pretty questionable contracts such as...


Thomas Plekanic at (don't laugh) $6 mil for another season, Radulov is unrestricted and was paid $5,750mil and will want MORE!,  Captain Max at $4,750mil for another 2 years. Andrew Shaw (again, don't laugh) 3.9mil for get this, another FIVE years (and you thin we got some bad contracts), Gallagher at 3,750mil for another 4 years, and of course Shea Webber at a mere $7,857,143 per season fore another 6 years, Markov is unrestricted )was $5,650mil) and probably wants more, somebody named jeff petry at (I hear you laughing) $5.5mil for another 4 years, another guy named Emelin is making 4.1mil


so at this point, I am kinda thinking we look real good compared to this mess . How does Montreal fit Price in and have anything left while remaining at best a mediocre team that will never will much more then maybe, possibly one round in the playoffs

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Montreal is that team that for 2 years I have been saying will fall off the cliff and they still cling to hope, because Price. I really think they need to retool this offseason. They are like Boston and on the verge of being not good. 

I think Boston has some good young talent that will keep them in the bottom tier of the playoffs for awhile longer. NYR are my team to collapse at any minute

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