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Around the NHL: 2015-2016


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Traditionally people that can't afford to go to games go to practices and other informal things like that and its not unusual to see young parents at those kind of things with their babies. The article doesn't address whether she knew picks were going to be thrown into the stands or was not paying attention.

I'm with d4rk. I really don't see how any of those details matter. She obviously wasn't paying attention. It's not like the players are using dodgeball tactics to throw pucks into the stands.


PK - Hey Patch, you lob one to the chick with the baby and I'll nail the kid!

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I'm confused by this. I have good friends that do things I don't agree with too

I'm not good friends with idiots. For the most part. Okay that was a lie. But still. I don't fault my friends for wanting to bring their two year old to a game. I don't think I would ever want to do it.

If you expect everybody else around you to adjust the way they act because you brought your child then you're an idiot. Otherwise have fun. If the baby cries leave the stands and take care of it.

You probably shouldn't bring a newborn but a year or older sounds fine to me.

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Richards scores his first goal with the Caps. Torts calls for an end to the challenge after his challenge fails. Ovechkin gets his 39th, which is just insane


And Steen is out for at least a month with an UBI from a check Saturday night into the boards


And Ben Reeves absolutely destroyed a Sharks d-man into the boards with what looked like a head shot

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Man. I guess I just don't get it. Must be because I'm not a parent. But there are a lot of places I'm not going to take a baby, and a hockey rink is one of them.


Particularly a one month old during flu season, not the smartest move.


Then again there is this guy...


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Richards scores his first goal with the Caps. Torts calls for an end to the challenge after his challenge fails. Ovechkin gets his 39th, which is just insane

And Steen is out for at least a month with an UBI from a check Saturday night into the boards

And Ben Reeves absolutely destroyed a Sharks d-man into the boards with what looked like a head shot



Probably not referring to Yale lax's X that was a 3rd team All American & the Ivy League's RotY last year. ;)

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My daughter was around a year and a half when I took her to an OHL game here, she went to another later in the season, she didn't stay for the full game but it was fine. Now she is 2 going on 3 and we went to atleast 3 games together this season and she loves it, she always asks to go to a hockey game now. Sure she doesn't always sit still or pay attention to the game but it's still fun for her and I'm watching out for her knowing that picks could come into the seats. I wouldn't take my youngest to a game until she's older then a year. I also would never take her to a Bills game until either are teenagers just because of the rejects that populate the stands there and think it's their right to be obnoxious ignorant drunks.



When I first heard about what happened in Montreal I definitely thought why someone would take such a young child with them, it's why there are babysitters if you have to go somewhere. But there was a local DJ here who last night went off on this defending the person and saying you should take your kid everywhere (except for strip clubs) at any age and it's bad parents who wouldn't take there kids to those places. He then goes on to say how he gas taken his kid to concerts and other events since it was born and basically implied he was a better parent for doing it.

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Wait. Is there a debate ongoing about whether small children should be at hockey games?


Indeed there is.  There's a couple in my row that bring infants and toddlers from time to time.  I've never had an issue with it.

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I see people with small children at the games all the time.


Not what I would prefer to do, but I can't understand begrudging someone that choice.


Many of the parents with young kids that I see at the game are young, too (like maybe not even 30) -- and most don't look (to me) like they're rocking a top 5% WNY household income (~$168K per Biz First). I say that because, if you're a young family that's already shelled out a lot of coin for Sabres tickets, coming up with another $60 (or more) for a sitter can be a real kick in the stomach. Grandma or Grandpa can't always swoop in.

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The Caps are the only team to win 44 of their first 58 games in NHL history.

Long way to go to beat the 132 out of a possible 160 the Canadiens set in '76-'77. Still, very impressive by the Caps. I hope for their sake they don't focus on the wrong trophy





Probably not referring to Yale lax's X that was a 3rd team All American & the Ivy League's RotY last year. ;)

Dammit, so close  :lol:

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I see people with small children at the games all the time.


Not what I would prefer to do, but I can't understand begrudging someone that choice.


Many of the parents with young kids that I see at the game are young, too (like maybe not even 30) -- and most don't look (to me) like they're rocking a top 5% WNY household income (~$168K per Biz First). I say that because, if you're a young family that's already shelled out a lot of coin for Sabres tickets, coming up with another $60 (or more) for a sitter can be a real kick in the stomach. Grandma or Grandpa can't always swoop in.

Or just stay home and watch the game on tv like a responsible adult. Babies don't belong at sporting events. The arena music alone could be damaging.

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I'm not good friends with idiots. For the most part. Okay that was a lie. But still. I don't fault my friends for wanting to bring their two year old to a game. I don't think I would ever want to do it.

If you expect everybody else around you to adjust the way they act because you brought your child then you're an idiot. Otherwise have fun. If the baby cries leave the stands and take care of it.

You probably shouldn't bring a newborn but a year or older sounds fine to me.


Why leave the stands?  First, I've heard complaints the crowd isn't loud enough, wouldn't a crying child help that?  Secondly, perhaps they don't expect everyone else to adjust their behavior.  But you then go on to tell them how to adjust their behavior by telling them to leave the stands.


So, by your logic.  Crying baby means the parent should leave the stands.  Drunk guy swearing his butt off should stay.  Just want to be clear on who is in more control of their actions here and what behavior you want excused from the stands and what behavior you deem okay.



Or just stay home and watch the game on tv like a responsible adult. Babies don't belong at sporting events. The arena music alone could be damaging.


It could be.  They probably should be using earplugs... but then again most of us should be.




A season ticket holder could be doing more hearing damage than taking a kid to a single game. It's not really a kid thing so much as it is a hearing protection issue.  Certainly kids ears are impacted more but again.. earplugs negate the impact. 


The key here is to have a few children and see what in your life you are willing to give up because of it.  You won't know until you have your own children.  Believe me.

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The Caps are the only team to win 44 of their first 58 games in NHL history.

This is surprising. Montreal?


76-77 Habs were 42-7-9. Had to look that up to believe the Caps are better. Or are they really? Cough cough overtime/shootout.

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Or just stay home and watch the game on tv like a responsible adult. Babies don't belong at sporting events. The arena music alone could be damaging.


Good to know where you stand. Have you been in touch with Drew Brees?




So, by your logic.  Crying baby means the parent should leave the stands.  Drunk guy swearing his butt off should stay.  Just want to be clear on who is in more control of their actions here and what behavior you want excused from the stands and what behavior you deem okay.


Waiting on the response to this one.

The key here is to have a few children and see what in your life you are willing to give up because of it.  You won't know until you have your own children.  Believe me.



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