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Buffalo Bills 2015

Taro T

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I Cleary get treated different by women when I have scrubs/lab coat on, because women assume I'm loaded (far from the truth) but I don't walk around everywhere in that get-up just to seek gold digging attention.


I am not a fan of gold digging individuals, I'm guessing that 80% or so that attend this party are there for that sole reason, if not a higher number. So I really have no problem with this, it's scummy for sure, but you take a horny millionaire and his friends, add a bunch of Petty vain girls/women to the mix and you get pretty much what every VIP room in the county has, and no one has any issues with that.


If I was in my 20's and that rich, I would probably do crazy stuff like that as well, but the females attending know what the deal is just as much as the host.

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Skeevy, gross, scummy, degenerate.


But not predatory.


Words matter. Predatory is not a fit with this scenario. But the desire to slap the proposition with a scolding characterization is an understandable one.


As for wondering about whether the generations now coming online to adulthood (millenials?) will somehow be different from those that came before ... dude. C'mon. There's not a single new thing under the sun. Your generation will be the same messy mix of awesome and awful (and average, and ordinary) that every prior generation has been. I'm sure we'll make progress as a society on some fronts, while other issues remain maddeningly insoluble.

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There are plenty of hot women with a desire to bang a pro athlete.  McCoy is providing a way for this to happen.


Frankly, I find it dismissive of such women's ability to make choices for themselves to label them as prey, victims, or anything suggesting the fact that they lack the capacity to exercise their free wills. 


There's nothing to scold here.  McCoy wants to choose among some hot women.  The hot women want to bang McCoy.  They're all grownups and they're all capable of making--and allowed to make--their own choices.


Otherwise, it's tantamount to saying that the pretty little things don't have minds of their own.

Edited by Eleven
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There's nothing to scold here.


Otherwise, it's tantamount to saying that the pretty little things don't have minds of their own.

Not even a little to scold? A quiet clucking of the tongue and disapproving shake of the head?


I will also allow that there's a line of (fairly egg headed) thought and criticism about how these women aren't really acting of free will because they are under the yoke of societal blah blah blah.

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Iv repeatedly held the opinion that something that McCoy is doing can be predatory. Who knows if it is since I don't know what he's doing and I don't know the girls and I don't know what will happen. It's a little disappointing that the possibility can be so easily dismissed by so many. But oh well, that's opinions.


I would love to see the argument that strip club owners or some in the porn industry can't be predatory if they only work with adult girls who willingly got themselves into the situation and were asked to "join."


Also, using the argument that it is offensive that girls can't think for themselves is absolutly perverting what I said or Hoss said. Just because I envision a possibility that an adult girl can be manipulated and used in a situation someone planned, does not mean I don't think girls can think or protect themselves or blablabla. I'm saying anyone can be manipulated or be faced against a predator. It's not dismissive, and a generalization like that is always a poor (yet sadly effective) argument against women's rights in plenty of situations.


It's also a joke to think someone can only be a sexual predator if they physically force someone into sex.

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There are plenty of hot women with a desire to bang a pro athlete.  McCoy is providing a way for this to happen.


Frankly, I find it dismissive of such women's ability to make choices for themselves to label them as prey, victims, or anything suggesting the fact that they lack the capacity to exercise their free wills. 


There's nothing to scold here.  McCoy wants to choose among some hot women.  The hot women want to bang McCoy.  They're all grownups and they're all capable of making--and allowed to make--their own choices.


Otherwise, it's tantamount to saying that the pretty little things don't have minds of their own.

I agree with you as far as the women who would attend would be doing so of their own free will.


As Far as McCoy? He has to know better, doesn't he? Considering all the PR hits the NFL has taken over the years in relation to how their players treat women, you have the think that McCoy is going to have to answer when the Bills' management asks "WTF!" It may come across "Skeevy, gross, scummy, degenerate." as Aud said, more than anything it comes across as just plain stupid and gives me, as a fan, doubts as to how smart is this guy. I know football players don't have to be members of Mensa to play the game, but damn, there should at least be a minimal about of common sense. Shouldn't there be? 

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Iv repeatedly held the opinion that something that McCoy is doing can be predatory. Who knows if it is since I don't know what he's doing and I don't know the girls and I don't know what will happen. It's a little disappointing that the possibility can be so easily dismissed by so many. But oh well, that's opinions.


I would love to see the argument that strip club owners or some in the porn industry can't be predatory if they only work with adult girls who willingly got themselves into the situation and were asked to "join."


Also, using the argument that it is offensive that girls can't think for themselves is absolutly perverting what I said or Hoss said. Just because I envision a possibility that an adult girl can be manipulated and used in a situation someone planned, does not mean I don't think girls can think or protect themselves or blablabla. I'm saying anyone can be manipulated or be faced against a predator. It's not dismissive, and a generalization like that is always a poor (yet sadly effective) argument against women's rights in plenty of situations.


It's also a joke to think someone can only be a sexual predator if they physically force someone into sex.

Do you honestly think a party for fun is in any way comparable to some combination of money/job/career as coercion? I think you're taking apples and asteroids.

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Do you honestly think a party for fun is in any way comparable to some combination of money/job/career as coercion? I think you're taking apples and asteroids.

I'm saying I have no idea what will go on there or what the girls or McCoy are thinking. If it's an extremely naive girl and McCoys crew there promise her fame and fortune and she buys into then who knows?


But the reason of that analogy is because the arguments used on why this can never be predatory don't work for my example. Adult girls, willingness, lack of force, etc. I'm just saying there can be a power dynamic and some big time manipulation. If done in a certain manner, that can be predatory. I'm just surprised no one can see that.


Edit: there is no way this party can be used as a vehicle to manipulate a girl iusing a "combination of money/job/career as coercion?"


That's my point

Edited by Johnny DangerFace
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Iv repeatedly held the opinion that something that McCoy is doing can be predatory. Who knows if it is since I don't know what he's doing and I don't know the girls and I don't know what will happen. It's a little disappointing that the possibility can be so easily dismissed by so many. But oh well, that's opinions.


I would love to see the argument that strip club owners or some in the porn industry can't be predatory if they only work with adult girls who willingly got themselves into the situation and were asked to "join."


Also, using the argument that it is offensive that girls can't think for themselves is absolutly perverting what I said or Hoss said. Just because I envision a possibility that an adult girl can be manipulated and used in a situation someone planned, does not mean I don't think girls can think or protect themselves or blablabla. I'm saying anyone can be manipulated or be faced against a predator. It's not dismissive, and a generalization like that is always a poor (yet sadly effective) argument against women's rights in plenty of situations.


It's also a joke to think someone can only be a sexual predator if they physically force someone into sex.

I don't think anyone here really believes that. I think most have gone out at one time in hopes of looking for a "hookup" as they say. That's not a predatory act. If a party says no and you follow them, then it becomes predatory. The difference, I believe, is that you have to give the other party a chance to exercise their free will (if a party is impaired or under age they are deemed as not being able to make those decisions) and respect their wishes.     

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I don't think anyone here really believes that. I think most have gone out at one time in hopes of looking for a "hookup" as they say. That's not a predatory act. If a party says no and you follow them, then it becomes predatory. The difference, I believe, is that you have to give the other party a chance to exercise their free will (if a party is impaired or under age they are deemed as not being able to make those decisions) and respect their wishes.

Someone has said unless rape occurs at the party there was no predator. Maybe I'm taking it out of context?


But I do believe this party is fine (very dorky). I think women should go to it. I think everyone should have a great time.


My one and only point this whole time has been this has the potential to be predatory behavior. I don't know what's going on in anyone's head there. I highly doubt it's predatory behavior, but it could be. That's all. I think it's a fair point, I'm just surprised so many people believe there is no way in hell this has the possibility to be predatory behavior. Very surprising

Edited by Johnny DangerFace
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I agree with you as far as the women who would attend would be doing so of their own free will.


As Far as McCoy? He has to know better, doesn't he? Considering all the PR hits the NFL has taken over the years in relation to how their players treat women, you have the think that McCoy is going to have to answer when the Bills' management asks "WTF!" It may come across "Skeevy, gross, scummy, degenerate." as Aud said, more than anything it comes across as just plain stupid and gives me, as a fan, doubts as to how smart is this guy. I know football players don't have to be members of Mensa to play the game, but damn, there should at least be a minimal about of common sense. Shouldn't there be? 


Oh, it's definitely stupid.

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Also in fairness to the predatory vibe: Does this sort of soiree ("swar-WHAT?!") provide a ready-made venue for dudes who're inclined to take "no" as something fuzzier than that, dudes who're equipped with and not afraid to use date rape drugs?


Mos def.


The whole thing is just -- ick.

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Someone has said unless rape occurs at the party there was no predator. Maybe I'm taking it out of context?


But I do believe this party is fine (very dorky). I think women should go to it. I think everyone should have a great time.


My one and only point this whole time has been this has the potential to be predatory behavior. I don't know what's going on in anyone's head there. I highly doubt it's predatory behavior, but it could be. That's all. I think it's a fair point, I'm just surprised so many people believe there is no way in hell this has the possibility to be predatory behavior. Very surprising

If someone did say that, that is truly sad. 


You are correct, this party has the potential to spawn predatory behavior. Really, any party does especially if alcohol or other drugs are involved.


Another aspect of this is that McCoy if opening himself up to being a victim here of a female predator. It only takes a woman to show up at this party and been seen there and seen with McCoy and he can end up with some nasty allegations which don't have to be true, or ever proven true, to cost McCoy everything. 


To be honest, if I were young and had millions of dollars I'd be doing stupid things to.  

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It's beyond dorky. There's a much better way to pick up girls than a cheesy party.


I don't think anyone denies that. My only two points all along have been that it's consenting adults and its nothing a lot of us haven't done before on a much smaller budget( see my previous post).

I'm surprised more hasn't been made of McCoy's previous attempt at this kind of thing only with a party bus. Obviously there was at least one woman who didn't understand the deal.

The problem when we get into these kind of debates is that when I say I understand him having this kind of party it sounds like I'm ok with everything he stands for and that's not true.

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While my statement was oversimplified a bit above, I said the line about rape.


To be clear:  no one can force a woman, anywhere, anytime, to have sex, whether by physical force, drugging her or similar means.


But if a 21+-year-old woman is invited to a party and at said party is sexually propositioned -- that is not predatory behavior.


If she is sexually propositioned and the proposition includes "hey, you're really talented -- let me introduce you to my agent" or "hey, I really dig you and want you to be my girlfriend" -- that is also not predatory behavior.


Is there the potential for predatory behavior at this party?  Yes, of course, but that potential exists in just about every male-female interaction.


So for those who think this is an inherently predatory situation -- please provide a specific example of something that could happen at this party that would be predatory.

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Joe B is doing his top talents on the Bills list... Just tossed Mario at number 6. I think he's the best player on the team.


What're your top five Bills talents?



1. Mario Williams

2. Marcel Dareus

3. LeSean McCoy

4. Jerry Hughes

5. Stephon Gilmore


Sammy could move up with a step up this year.

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