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Buffalo Bills 2014


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Other than Whaley himself? Credible reports (see: Tim Graham, who does not engage in rumormongering) had Ebron as the likely pick if we didn't complete the Watkins trade. People should care about that question, because those are the options Whaley was debating between. The whole "I'd have taken Beckham and still had a 1st this year" is all well and good, and maybe that's what Whaley should have done, but it's irrelevant because Whaley wasn't going to take Beckham.


For reference: http://bills.buffalo...-sammy-watkins/


I'm not disputing that those were the choices that Whaley was debating. My point is that those were the wrong choices for Whaley to have narrowed himself down to -- and that as GM, he is accountable for making that mistake.


If Ebron was *definitely* the pick at 9 had we not traded up for Watkins, then I feel even less bad about including Whaley in the firings. Burn it all down!


Yes indeed. Burn baby burn.

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I'm not disputing that those were the choices that Whaley was debating. My point is that those were the wrong choices for Whaley to have narrowed himself down to -- and that as GM, he is accountable for making that mistake.


I worry just as much that if they bring in a guy like Polian, that he will bring along his son, and that we will be clamoring for the "success" of Whaley a few years down the line. Polian Jr. is an even worse talent evaluator and Polian Sr. is already nearly 80.


Sometimes it is better to stick with the guy you know (mistakes and all) than roll the dice on the unknown. Whaley has hit on a high rate of picks in the last few drafts. His blunders have admittedly been the 1st round picks, but the average NFL draft only gives you 2 or so starters. He has surpassed that the last few years he's been in charge.

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I'm not disputing that those were the choices that Whaley was debating. My point is that those were the wrong choices for Whaley to have narrowed himself down to -- and that as GM, he is accountable for making that mistake.




Yes indeed. Burn baby burn.


In the press conference, Whaley says he makes a draft board of guys he would trade up for, guys he would stay where he was, and guys he would trade away from.


That's just plain stupid. In the case of Watkins who was going top 5, that's 1 thing....you have to move to get him.....but the whole idea of a draft board is to put guys in a general area....see where the chips fall.....and THEN decide if you want to trade up or down. You can really like a guy relative to the rest of the projections, so you just slot him higher. Whaley bombed by going for EJ so early, and by trading so much for a WR. He pretty much blew 3 straight years of 1st round picks relative to what may have been available or possible.


If you look at Polian, he tells you how to do it right. There are a lot of tangibles and intangibles on guys, and he codes it in a few key categories...pure talent, build, size, medical, and character....pretty much in that order. When you start slotting guys on the board, he says that, "Let the board talk to you....it's a living, breathing entity." He will have visual cues on each player that a gut feel of taking it all in will help to individually rank.


Whaley has been able to find some talent, but it just seems he has mismanaged the top of the draft to the point that it really weighs down the overall results.

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Anyone paying attention to this opt-out stuff? Anyone think Marrone will leave (I don't).


I think he's leveraging to keep Hackett on board and that's it. If he does opt out he'll probably get a job pretty quickly.


Meanwhile, Jason LaConGarrioch is reporting that Oakland is interested in Russ Brandon.

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I think he's leveraging to keep Hackett on board and that's it. If he does opt out he'll probably get a job pretty quickly.


Meanwhile, Jason LaConGarrioch is reporting that Oakland is interested in Russ Brandon.


Shades of Wade Phillips and Ronnie Jones. Minus the whole playoff appearance thing.

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Shades of Wade Phillips and Ronnie Jones. Minus the whole playoff appearance thing.


Why can't we just have a nice, normal sports experience here? Either everyone is leaking BS to try and get Pegula to pay through the nose, or it's going to be another clusterf of a housecleaning.


Get ready for the Tom Bradley/John Hufnagel Buffalo Bills......

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As much as I've been down on Marrone I'm not sure how I feel about this...


It also might say something about a franchise when the only two coaches to have a winning record in the new millennium quit.


this is where I'm at. I actually think, based on what all the players said in their end of year interviews, the players respect Marrone, and they definitely respect Schwartz. I think it would be a terrible thing for the players, their morale, and their will to play their ###### off (i.e. Freddy, K Williams, etc.) if Marrone quits.

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this is where I'm at. I actually think, based on what all the players said in their end of year interviews, the players respect Marrone, and they definitely respect Schwartz. I think it would be a terrible thing for the players, their morale, and their will to play their ###### off (i.e. Freddy, K Williams, etc.) if Marrone quits.


If Marrone is even thinking of quitting, I would show him the door. His credentials for a HC are as thin as they come to begin with. I have not hid my disdain for him from the day it was announced he was to be HC. I for one, will be happy to open the exit door for him.

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It's quite possible that there is a power struggle going on behind the scenes between Marrone and Whaley -- i.e. maybe Marrone has told Pegula that he's leaving unless Whaley gets canned.


As for Brandon to the Raiders: yes please, and take Whaley with you.

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I don't care much whether Brandon stays or goes.


Draft or acquire a franchise quarterback and then just about all of this sort of stuff falls by the boards.


Yep. Not sure why fans care so much about Brandon either way. After QB, there are at least a dozen other higher priority things to fix before the marketing guy.

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I don't care much whether Brandon stays or goes.


Draft or acquire a franchise quarterback and then just about all of this sort of stuff falls by the boards.


Isn't this the equivalent of not caring if Larry Quinn hung around after Terry bought the Sabres? How can any fan who has suffered for lo these many years not want a housecleaning from top to bottom? Again, I will hold my fire. But maintaining the status quo would be right out of Terry's playbook.

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I don't care much whether Brandon stays or goes.


Draft or acquire a franchise quarterback and then just about all of this sort of stuff falls by the boards.


Because culture.


Personally, as long as he has nothing to do with football operations I couldn't possibly care less what they do with him.

Edited by TrueBluePhD
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Isn't this the equivalent of not caring if Larry Quinn hung around after Terry bought the Sabres? How can any fan who has suffered for lo these many years not want a housecleaning from top to bottom? Again, I will hold my fire. But maintaining the status quo would be right out of Terry's playbook.


Because history has proven it really doesn't matter. Luck into a quarterback and you become a genius. I know it's hard for those who want it to be about so much more, but it really isn't.

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yes there is some luck involved in getting a franchise QB. But there is also some wisdom /skill/smarts. Only idiot franchises would take an EJ in the first. Only dumb franchises go 15 yrs without even

an avg NFL starter. There was very little luck involved with Ind getting Luck. That was beautifully and skillfully executed.


Some teams pick the Bradys and Wilsons.Others don't.-Those teams also have great/smart coaches.I don't think that is mere coincidence.

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