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Around the NHL - 2013-2014


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Thank you ever so much for taking what I said and twisting it inside your mind to add nothing to conversation. Thank for insulting my intelligence and thank you for tossing out the idea that every draft is the exact same.


Last year we couldn't move up to 1st, PERIOD.


This year if we don't draft 1st I don't think the drop off is as much as others, PERIOD.



Which was my original point, thank you.


I should also add that if we drafted 1 or 2 and Reinhart is there, I would take him.


I think the reason people are confused is because you literally said "drafting 3-5 would actually be better." Which directly means that you think having those picks this year is better than having the first pick.

I apparently forgot to use the Liger 'read what I was thinking, not what I wrote' translator. :oops:


Though I am quite certain that I am not the only one.

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The following is a statement from Mark Chipman, Executive Chairman of the Board & Governor, Winnipeg Jets Hockey Club:

“Earlier this week, we learned of a media-promoted stunt to have Winnipeg Jets fans wear helmets to the game on Thursday, November 21st versus the Chicago Blackhawks.

I would like to let our fans know we in no way endorse this idea and in fact and wish to personally advise that we will not permit fans to wear such headgear at tomorrow’s game.

The Chicago Blackhawks organization, for whom we hold a great deal of respect, conducted themselves with the highest degree of professionalism in the wake of the unfortunate incident on November 6th. We immediately received apologies from Team President & Governor John McDonough & General Manager Stan Bowman. The Blackhawks organization have also personally expressed their gratitude to Winnipeg Jets defenceman Adam Pardy for the way in which he handled himself in a very difficult situation. As well, the particular individual involved that night has extended a sincere apology to Adam and our organization. He is extremely remorseful and has made an unnecessary yet very meaningful donation to the Winnipeg Jets True North Foundation.

I sincerely believe we have the best fans in the entire National Hockey League. Their passion for the game is unequaled. However, this is about professionalism and respect for our great game and for the NHL. These are principles we attempt to follow in all aspects of how we play and present the game of hockey. Adam Pardy exemplified these characteristics and I am confident Winnipeg Jets fans will display that same respect and professionalism this Thursday by refraining from participating in this stunt and not wearing helmets to tomorrow’s game.”

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Every so often people like the throw around the idea of putting cameras in the goal posts for review purposes. According to this quick story on TSN from Darren Dreger, the league is looking into it. It's interesting to see that the league does wind up going down the same avenues that we fans talk about. Ultimately though, they'll never settle on anything. There are always going to be question marks in the review process, no angle will ever be perfect.


The one thing the league should do is mandate that the same cameras be in place at every game. The angles may be off slightly due to restrictions from building to building, but they need to at least have the same number of similar camera angles available. There is no excuse for what we see in the NFL a lot where one higher profile came has more and better camera angles available. If Toronto gets an overhead shot, cameras in the posts, and a goal cam, so should Phoenix.

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That pending suspension of the Sabres' goalpost is getting bigger and bigger in Shanny's mind, I'll bet.


Shanahan has announced the Sabres' right goal post has been suspended for 3 games. During the suspension, any puck that crosses the goal line to the right of the goalie will count as a goal. When asked for comment, Shanahan said, "it's not like we want them to win anyways, this will be easier.".


Every so often people like the throw around the idea of putting cameras in the goal posts for review purposes. According to this quick story on TSN from Darren Dreger, the league is looking into it. It's interesting to see that the league does wind up going down the same avenues that we fans talk about. Ultimately though, they'll never settle on anything. There are always going to be question marks in the review process, no angle will ever be perfect.


Realistically, most of people that work for the NHL are former players or people that it's just a job. We fans have other areas of expertise and may see things that those folks don't. I'm not at all surprised that "fan-sourced" ideas often end up getting implemented (independently or via someone at the mothership seeing it) since they generally make sense.

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Since the lockout the lowest point total has been 56 points (06/07 Flyers). We are on track for 39 points this season. The last team to get 39 points in a season were the 99/00 Thrashers. It was their first season in the league


Their level of losing rate to date is probably not sustainable, so they'll likely finish closer to that 56-point mark. That said, they are already 8 points behind their own worst start (first 2423* games) since the 2004 lockout and 3.5 points further away from the playoff pace line that I use than they were at any point in any season over that period (it took 49 games to get 11.4 points away in 2011-12; they are already over 15 points away.)




* Edit: oops, 24th data point, which is actually 23 games in (first point is 0,0.)

Edited by carpandean
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Their level of losing rate to date is probably not sustainable, so they'll likely finish closer to that 56-point mark. That said, they are already 8 points behind their own worst start (first 24 games) since the 2004 lockout and 3.5 points further away from the playoff pace line that I use than they were at any point in any season over that period (it took 49 games to get 11.4 points away in 2011-12; they are already over 15 points away.)


I think they have a shot at 70 points....somewhere in the 65-73 range is my guess.

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Well there are 59 games left. Provided they go .500 that only gets them say 30pts plus add in another 12 pts for SO/OT losses... that gives them roughly 53 pts +/-6 so at most I would guess they hit 59pts and of Ryan Miller gets traded I think hitting 59pts would be a blessing.


Going .500 over 59 games nets you 59 points.

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Going .500 over 59 games nets you 59 points.

Yea I realized what I did... help if I had used the calculator on my computer but quick adjustment 59+10+11 = 80pts so going .500 I think would be a major task. I think it is more likely we go .400 actually and again that is if we kept miller. I would guess we get 47pts + 10 + 11 = 68pts as are max total this season.


That math guesstimate is 10otl as an average giving us the extra 10pts.

Edited by LGR4GM
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Going .500 over 59 games nets you 59 points.

Did he really just reply back to you that he needs a calculator to figure out 59×0.5×2? (aka 59*1) :huh:


Yea I realized what I did... help if I had used the calculator on my computer but quick adjustment 59+10+11 = 80pts so going .500 I think would be a major task. I think it is more likely we go .400 actually and again that is if we kept miller. I would guess we get 47pts + 10 + 11 = 68pts as are max total this season.


That math guesstimate is 10otl as an average giving us the extra 10pts.

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