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GDT: Sabres at Canadiens 1/31/12 7:30PM


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POMINVILLE......what effect if any, do you think his comment from the All-Star weekend will have on the team ?


where he was asked.......If you could pick one All-Star player to be part of the Buffalo Sabres, do you think you could pick one player?


"I don't know if I'd pick a player," Pominville said in a serious tone. "I like our team. I like everybody we have. I like the chemistry we have in our locker room, so I would keep it that way."


even tho he's full of horse manure.....it's the type of answer that could have a big impact in a positive way, going forward.

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Lazy play by the Montreal D on the empty netter. There would be quite an uproar here if the roles were reversed there and that was the Sabres D lumbering back into their own zone as the opposing forwards hustled and scored.


Anyway, if they can beat the Rangers tomorrow night and look convincing doing it, maybe I could get excited?

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Lazy play by the Montreal D on the empty netter. There would be quite an uproar here if the roles were reversed there and that was the Sabres D lumbering back into their own zone as the opposing forwards hustled and scored.


Anyway, if they can beat the Rangers tomorrow night and look convincing doing it, maybe I could get excited?


Woah woah let's not get carried away

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Congrats to Ryan Miller on win 234. I'm wearing my Miller Time t-shirt today in his honor!


I cant believe he tied Hasek...Man Hasek's years went by quickly...They aren't even in the same universe..

Congrats on stayin here long enuff to Tie Haseks win totals......If I had to rank Sabre all time goalies they would go







and so on....

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I had no idea Millsie was that close to Hasek


Win or lose, that was a fun game to watch. I have been watching more West Coast (CHI, VAN, LA, etc.) games since December than the Sabres for the mere fact that they were such good hockey and exciting, which obviously has been sorely missing from Sabre games Speaking of, Chicago and Vancouver just came on...

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I liked the Ennis, Stafford, Gerber lein, but man are they a defensive liabiltiy. If they can come back and bail themselves out like Ennis did or have the D be ready, I'll take the good with the bad with those guys. They generated a lot of chances.


Leino's best game of the year? From what I have seen, yes.


Selfish play by Erhoff on the empty net. Kaleta was there to bail him out.


Miller looked great.

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Well, whoda thunk it? You play with energy and aggression and you look like a team near the top of the standings.


Ennis looked like he might be a decent temporary fix at #2 center.


The entire team looked like they were actually looking forward to playing the game.


Myers looked more like the Myers we saw in the playoffs.


Glad to see secondary scoring (more like tertiary scoring?) but we cannot depend on energy liners to score on a regular basis.


Leino continues his trend of strong games.


I get the distinct impression they are out of the all star break with the mindset that this is their playoffs.


Miller seemed more into the game with the team in front of him more into the game.


If this effort and energy becomes consistant we are looking at another fight for 8-10 spot. And not being sellers at the deadline. I've got a bad feeling about that.

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That's the best Sabres game I've seen in a long friggen time. Great effort for the most part the entire game and we won it without Vanek. Let's hope he's not hurt too bad, any news on him?


On a side note, anyone see the Leaf collapse tonight? They were up by 3 in the third and 2 with five minutes left. Pitt scored with 6 seconds left to tie and won it in the shootout. A Sabres win and Leafs loss is always a good night in my books.

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I loved almost everything I saw tonight. With the exception of Ellis dressing for the game, which did lead to the only Hab goal (Ellis couldn't chase ME down...) :


Hitting. D hitting, D checking, D doing everything except for the fact that Matt Ellis was covering a point.


STAFFORD, hitting and digging, FFS. And yeah, I still want him gone.


Even more hitting.


Most importantly, that puck was kept in the Canadiens' zone so well, for so much of the game. Wow. Good job.


That opening-night roster doesn't look so bad (but I'd still get rid of Stafford for a third-round pick).


This game made me look forward to next year. With some key subtractions (21) and an addition or two at C (two or three if Roy is to go), this team--the healthy one--does well. Very obviously, centers and depth both are needed.


And Vanek, get healthy. Before 730 tomorrow evening.

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As much as I hate to bitch about a game like this, but why why WHY did Gerbe have 8 minutes of play the first 2 periods???



Because there are back-to-back games and Ruff knows who can make a difference in a game with the Rangers.


Nice win. Unfortunately I was updating my wife's Crackberry so I couldn't pay close attention, although I caught the last 5 minutes without being distracted.


Not happy to see Vanek not come back - maybe it made the boys play a little harder..?


Caught the massive miss by Stafford on a great set-up. It could have been 5-1 from what I saw.

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Let me be the first to say "aw crap...they won again." We are cheering for them to lose out, right?



In theory, but never in practice.

POMINVILLE......what effect if any, do you think his comment from the All-Star weekend will have on the team ?


where he was asked.......If you could pick one All-Star player to be part of the Buffalo Sabres, do you think you could pick one player?


"I don't know if I'd pick a player," Pominville said in a serious tone. "I like our team. I like everybody we have. I like the chemistry we have in our locker room, so I would keep it that way."


even tho he's full of horse manure.....it's the type of answer that could have a big impact in a positive way, going forward.

Eh. I didn't hate the answer. I mean, obviously it'd be nice to have a top center but everyone knows that. Why not be positive?


Just adding to what's already been said:


-Boyes had a really nice game against the boards today. Battling for pucks all day long.

-Miller with some more strong play. I'm thinking we'll see #30 in net tomorrow, too.


Any word on the severity of Vanek's injury?

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Well, whoda thunk it? You play with energy and aggression and you look like a team near the top of the standings.


Not sure I agree that they looked like "a team near the top of the standings," but there was some energy there.



Ennis looked like he might be a decent temporary fix at #2 center.



I would much rather have him in the #1 slot. Roy STILL looks horrible.

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