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GDT: Sabres at Canadiens 1/31/12 7:30PM


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I understand what you mean. And I don't necessarily disagree. But if Adam responds in anything other than a positive way, that says a lot about the player. Coaches need to find these things out. Like Myers and countless others that have found the press box before, I think Adam comes out and gives Lindy a reason to keep him in the lineup.




I agree on Adam needing to respond accordingly. I just think the time to bench him was before the break. Everyone else is supposedly talking about a fresh start and wiping the slate clean after the time off, but Adam goes right back to the doghouse after having been honored as a rookie all-star? Just doesn't make sense to me.


Edit: and thanks, Swamp. :)

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I agree on Adam needing to respond accordingly. I just think the time to bench him was before the break. Everyone else is supposedly talking about a fresh start and wiping the slate clean after the time off, but Adam goes right back to the doghouse after having been honored as a rookie all-star? Just doesn't make sense to me.


Before the break would have been preferable as you say but I think Lindy was a bit hamstrung due to the injury situation at the time. Anyway, Adam doesn't strike me as a moper and I assume he's been challenged by his coaches throughout his career and he wouldn't have made it to this level if he didn't have a habit of meeting the challenges. If it turns out the opposite is true and he's easily dispirited by this, then he'll be back in the minors working on his game. I just don't think he's that fragile though.



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How awesome to have a winning streak!!!


Ennis at center turned out to be a pretty good experiment. I expect to see more of that line the next few weeks. Also great to see Leino's improved play finally starting to pay off.


I might be the only one who thinks Stafford has been steadily been improving as well, if he keeps his play up I think pucks will start to fall for him soon.


With Miller playing more like his contract the whole team seems to grow.


Super excited tonight, can not wait for tomorrow!


Sounds like the Habs players are all bent out of shape about Gaustad chirping Pacioretty about Chara. Love it.


That is awesome

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Lets face it. Ennis at centre is a desperate move by a club desperate for centres. Go out and get a centre Darcy. I dare you.


I thought he looked damn good tonight! Considering it was his first game back AND first game at that position, he played better than most of the other sluffs have done for the past month and a half. Might be worth keeping him there to see how it works out.

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Good post.


I'll just add a couple of items:


1. Holy mackerel it's good to see Miller playing well again.


2. The Sabres have 47 points and 32 games left. They'll need to go 22-6-4 or thereabouts to make the playoffs.

3 questions:


1) Do you think if they squeaked into the playoffs they could make it out of round 1?


2) Is going on a run now the absolute WORST thing this team could do?


3) If they go say 10-3 counting tonight, should they be buyers or sellers at the deadline?


My answers:


1) NO. They are more mentally frail than a recovering heroin addict with a personality disorder.


2) They are not going to even remotely challenge for a cup so yes, winning at this point is horrible because it maintains the status quo and screws up our draft picks. .500 Hockey works just fine.


3) Sellers. In the last 5 years Darcy has not once acquired anything at the deadline to assist the Sabres. Considering the locker room is already being screwed up by certain players, why not sell them off at premiums now. If the goal is the cup you must let go of the past. Derek Roy is not going to wake up tomorrow and suddenly become Evgeni Malkin. Trade him and free up some cap room and get a decent return.


The goal is the cup. Keeping all our baggage and sneaking into the playoffs moves us further away from, not closer to, that ultimate goal.

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I honestly don't think it will take 95 points to get in this year. It only took 93 last year. There are a couple of teams ahead of the Sabres that have been trying to get by with what they have and I think they will end up being sellers before the deadline. I really think it will take 88 points to get in this year. I also think it is possible to cut some dead weight WHILE trying to make a playoff run and improving the team right now. We're not going to finish in the bottom 5, and we're not going to finish in the top 5. So, is it really worth playing like crap the rest of the year PURPOSELY just to gain a couple of spots in teh draft? Come on........... Everybody knows unless you're picking in the top 3 the rest of the first round is a crapshoot.

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I liked the Ennis, Stafford, Gerber lein, but man are they a defensive liabiltiy. If they can come back and bail themselves out like Ennis did or have the D be ready, I'll take the good with the bad with those guys. They generated a lot of chances.


Leino's best game of the year? From what I have seen, yes.


Selfish play by Erhoff on the empty net. Kaleta was there to bail him out.


Miller looked great.




Dammit, it's now February. Really?


Sounds like the Habs players are all bent out of shape about Gaustad chirping Pacioretty about Chara. Love it.


That's alright, the Habs chirped back about Goose during the Lucic-Miller incident.

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3 questions:


1) Do you think if they squeaked into the playoffs they could make it out of round 1?


2) Is going on a run now the absolute WORST thing this team could do?


3) If they go say 10-3 counting tonight, should they be buyers or sellers at the deadline?


My answers:


1) NO. They are more mentally frail than a recovering heroin addict with a personality disorder.


2) They are not going to even remotely challenge for a cup so yes, winning at this point is horrible because it maintains the status quo and screws up our draft picks. .500 Hockey works just fine.


3) Sellers. In the last 5 years Darcy has not once acquired anything at the deadline to assist the Sabres. Considering the locker room is already being screwed up by certain players, why not sell them off at premiums now. If the goal is the cup you must let go of the past. Derek Roy is not going to wake up tomorrow and suddenly become Evgeni Malkin. Trade him and free up some cap room and get a decent return.


The goal is the cup. Keeping all our baggage and sneaking into the playoffs moves us further away from, not closer to, that ultimate goal.


ok, we get it, you've jumped ships.

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Oh, and if Myers played like that every night I don't think there would be any debate about him being untouchable.


I believe that he's always been an untouchable.

Not many gigantic defensemen in the league who know to use their stick like he does (in accordance with size)


I think Adam sat because he was at the ASG.


I was under the same impression; giving him a break.


Lets face it. Ennis at centre is a desperate move by a club desperate for centres. Go out and get a centre Darcy. I dare you.


I agree that it was somewhat desperate, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and the post I quoted below is how I feel AFTER the game about Ennis being in center.


I thought he looked damn good tonight! Considering it was his first game back AND first game at that position, he played better than most of the other sluffs have done for the past month and a half. Might be worth keeping him there to see how it works out.

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Sounds like the Habs players are all bent out of shape about Gaustad chirping Pacioretty about Chara. Love it.

Yeah, the guy almost had his neck broken by Chara. Classy move. Habs responded by asking where he was when Lucic hit Miller. Sabres should shut up and try to play hockey.

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Gaustad was the third star and the only Sabre? Ces connards français!



I can see Price, but what did Cole do to deserve a selection, let alone the 2nd star ?



Yeah, the guy almost had his neck broken by Chara. Classy move. Habs responded by asking where he was when Lucic hit Miller. Sabres should shut up and try to play hockey.



Ii didn't hear any of this but, I agree it was classless, Goose could of just let his game speak for him last night.

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Yeah, the guy almost had his neck broken by Chara. Classy move. Habs responded by asking where he was when Lucic hit Miller. Sabres should shut up and try to play hockey.

Gaustad is the last person that should be talking garbage. He did nothing when Miller was run, again. I do believe Scott Gomez was in the lineup. The same Scott Gomez that ran Miller and pretty much eliminated the Sabres from the playoffs. Instead of talking, maybe Gaustad should be going after Gomez.

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I am not reading too much into this win against a team that the Sabres should beat.


I really liked the effort of Boyes on the Gaustad goal. Hard on the puck and worked hard behind the net and just threw it out in front ... with effort like that we can see the results.


Anybody know the deal on Vanek?

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Only things over the line in trash talk is family (especially kids) and death, outside of that its fair game. Goose said something, they said something, this is just what happens. You think Barnaby didn't say some 'classless' things back in the day?

According to Hamilton this morning Pacioretty said something about Lucic first and Goose fired back with Chara. Like you said, all's fair in that situation.


And I don't think it was only back in the day when Barnaby said some classless things.

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i didn't get to see the game, so i appreciate the ability to "find" ennis's name throughout this thread to see real-time feedback on his play at center.


i will say this, the idea of taking a smallish top-6 left winger who is creative with the puck and moving him to center is somehow familiar to me ...





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My thoughts on what I did see:

  • Ennis being back was a shot in the arm that this team needed
  • Ennis at center actually didn't look too bad
  • Vanek being out is no good.
  • Roy was nowhere to be seen last night
  • The defense played A LOT better last night compared to recent weeks...A LOT
  • Congrats to Miller for tying Dom's record. He played extremely well last night, and I hope he keeps "trending up"

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