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F'N...tastic Fridays....

Andrew Amerk

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Nice day out, absolutely buried in work, it's stressful but hey, at least I have work. And at least a bit of it is actually sports related. Old company came crawling back and have me working for them right now too. Looks like I might be able to afford xmas presents for a couple people this year after all. Have to teach 8 straight hours of fitness classes tomorrow, boss is out, but hey, she trusts me enough to essentially run the place, so that's cool.

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RosePIe loves Cherry Crest Adventure Farm. Grandma, Grandpa, Dada (me), and Mama all went today and she was absolutely thrilled.


The "farm" is a kind of a gigantic, farm-themed playground. Stacks of hay bales to play on, a big slide on a hill, pig races, petting zoo, corn maze, etc. 


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I had my hip replaced about 5 weeks ago. I just was cleared to drive again and go back to work in about a week. 

The ultimate F'N...tastic Friday I've had in quite awhile. 


No more bouncing off the walls with nothing to do

No more severe pain but much further along than I've been in some time.

Found out I missed something to do but didn't really miss work. About the only down side to getting better.  :w00t:  :w00t:

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A bunch of hard work finally has paid off. My first 5 figure paycheck today. And I’m not counting pennies. :)

:o  :worthy:


Just finished my last exam until finals. I did well on the first, bad on the second, and average I think on the third. None of them will kill me as long as I keep working. It's sunny and 68 degrees out with a nice breeze, MODO is back, it's Friday, and the Sabres are on tonight!

This should've gone in yesterday's thread.   :devil:

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Doing some freelance for the disorganized nightmare I call my old company.


And you know what? I am fuc*ing CRUSHING this deadline and it looks GREAT. 



I know you guys miss me


ok that's enough cockiness, I'm sure something will explode at the 11th hour... aka 4:48pm today... 

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Doing some freelance for the disorganized nightmare I call my old company.


And you know what? I am fuc*ing CRUSHING this deadline and it looks GREAT. 



I know you guys miss me


ok that's enough cockiness, I'm sure something will explode at the 11th hour... aka 4:48pm today...


So, if it does, go w/ them to happy hour, let 'em buy you some drinks & deal w/ the deadline tomorrow. :lol:


PS - pretty sure I know one of the newer project managers there.

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So, if it does, go w/ them to happy hour, let 'em buy you some drinks & deal w/ the deadline tomorrow. :lol:


PS - pretty sure I know one of the newer project managers there.

I'm not in Roch so it doesn't matter. I know everyone's doing costume party/drinking fun this afternoon so I'll probably never get feedback on anything. 


Is he closer to your age or my age? Because if he's closer to your age I know who you mean, most likely. Used to work at Xerox? Good guy. 

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