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F'N...tastic Fridays....

Andrew Amerk

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Mrs Case is out of town on business this whole week, so I've been shuffling all three mini cases around to their various schools, sitters, sports, etc by myself while still trying to get to work at least some number of hours each day. It has been fun, but exhausting.


My love returns today!


But before that? On Fridays, my wife is usually off of work so that she has a one on one day with our youngest while the other two are at school. I've taken the day off and will spend the next 6 hours on a walking expedition to explore Canandaigua with him, including the pastry shop and the toy store :-) then we are going to plant some veggies in our new back yard garden. The. We are both going to take a nap. Dino is 3 and a half, and I have never spent a day alone with him.


F'n Fantastic!!



That's gotta be fun.

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Today is my last day in this crummy job with the sometimes psychotic coworker.  I'm no more interested in the job I'm transferring to than the one I'm leaving, but at least it should be busy and I won't be micromanaged by a crazy person.  Just gotta keep sucking it up and enjoy the flexibility the salary affords until I can leave for something better.

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Today is my last day in this crummy job with the sometimes psychotic coworker.  I'm no more interested in the job I'm transferring to than the one I'm leaving, but at least it should be busy and I won't be micromanaged by a crazy person.  Just gotta keep sucking it up and enjoy the flexibility the salary affords until I can leave for something better.

Good, she sounded like a psycho.  It's one thing having a crummy job, much worse if you deal with crummy ppl.

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Good, she sounded like a psycho.  It's one thing having a crummy job, much worse if you deal with crummy ppl.

Yeah, that's what I'm trying to tell myself.  I'm basically moving into the job I declined last May because it wasn't the type of work I wanted to be doing, but since I'm not doing what I thought I'd be in my current job, at least I can get away from the crazy chick and have a more stable work environment.

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Spending the weekend relaxing in a cabin in the woods, with no internet or television to distract me, and then coming back home to begin the week I've been looking forward to since the final Sabres game of the season.

Why, what's going on that week, outside of the draft?

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Other than yesterday's news, been a good week here:


1) Home inspection was on Tuesday.  Found a number of issues, wasn't sure if the sellers would agree to address.  They signed off yesterday on 5 of the 6 asks, and the 6th isn't terribly expensive so I can take care of it.  Last major hurdle is the appraisal before I can trust all will continue to go according to plan, but so far, so good...


2) First week in the new lab has gone very well.  It's still not the type of work I want to be doing, but the new manager has zero interest in micromanaging and actually values my input, which is a refreshing change of pace.  Also, he's not crazy.  :thumbsup:


3) Movie night tonight with a friend.


4) Tomorrow I finally pick up my new bike!!  Can't wait to take it for a spin (and hopefully not make an a$$ of myself in the process).


Happy Friday, SabreSpace!  Wish I could join you guys at the draft party, but I hope all who attend have a great time!

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Bosses got plastered and went to my 23 year old female coworker's apartment building after midnight and drunkenly screamed up at her for awhile. Today is her last day, they went a little too hard after she went home for the night. Not to mention the creepy messages she received. 



What's fantastic? I'm just going to spam Buffalo companies with cover letters and resumes all weekend. Leaving is a real thing that can happen. I guess I don't even care what I get, I just get out of here, and that's a gift. 


And I get to support my friend as she performs in her first aerial recital on Sunday :) 

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Bosses got plastered and went to my 23 year old female coworker's apartment building after midnight and drunkenly screamed up at her for awhile. Today is her last day, they went a little too hard after she went home for the night. Not to mention the creepy messages she received. 



What's fantastic? I'm just going to spam Buffalo companies with cover letters and resumes all weekend. Leaving is a real thing that can happen. I guess I don't even care what I get, I just get out of here, and that's a gift. 


And I get to support my friend as she performs in her first aerial recital on Sunday :)

How have these dickheads not been sued yet?

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"Be thankful you have a job", the refrain of many a young person entering the worst job market since the 80s, tends to get bandied around quite a bit by this company's grateful employees/victims. 

"Go for the green." -Stan the Caddy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Going to a friend's surprise b-day party tonight at a high-end NYC Italian restaurant.  I've been there a few times and it has been outstanding each time.


(BTW, one of the house specialties is a "suckling pig."  It may not sound appetizing but it is delicious.)

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Going to a friend's surprise b-day party tonight at a high-end NYC Italian restaurant. I've been there a few times and it has been outstanding each time.


(BTW, one of the house specialties is a "suckling pig." It may not sound appetizing but it is delicious.)

Waddaya mean, doesn't sound appetizing? It sounds like sheer, unadulterated bliss.

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