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F'N...tastic Fridays....

Andrew Amerk

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I'm getting an opportunity to meet former first lady Laura Bush! She's coming to UB in a couple of weeks for the Distinguished Speaker Series, and afterwards there will be a reception event. The political science department has been offered a chance to invite a handful of students to take part in the reception, and I'm one of them. Meeting a president (former or current) is on my bucket list, so hey, this is pretty damn close. Not sure exactly what the format of the reception will be, but I'm really excited about the opportunity.

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I'm getting an opportunity to meet former first lady Laura Bush! She's coming to UB in a couple of weeks for the Distinguished Speaker Series, and afterwards there will be a reception event. The political science department has been offered a chance to invite a handful of students to take part in the reception, and I'm one of them. Meeting a president (former or current) is on my bucket list, so hey, this is pretty damn close. Not sure exactly what the format of the reception will be, but I'm really excited about the opportunity.



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I took a spill into the boards last night and discovered my knee pads were no longer padding my knees, so I can barely walk today. I went out and bought new ones.


My phone charger has decided to crap itself.


I had to replace a headlight bulb on my truck today, which cost me like $30 because I use the fancy ones.


But it's Friday and that means it's the weekend, which means I get to see another one of my highschool buddies get married tomorrow, and that's awesome. :thumbsup:

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This has sparked some soul-searching as to whether I have ever performed certain acts outside...


Actually, it wasn't ever real porn, more like a late night Cinemax soft porn type thing I'd find on Netflix, and it was only done because our wives were there and we wanted to rile them up. Come to think of it, I suppose I could stream real internet porn to the PS3 I have in there to the outside TV.


Reminds me of a funny thing my friend told me he used to do in the VCR era. He'd have a porn tape playing on the VCR in their bedroom while the TV was tuned to the nightly news, after a few minutes of watching the news with his wife he'd hit the button the remote and the porn would come on. He'd play innocent and say that someone must be playing games down at channel 7. It worked a few times for him before she finally caught on.


Late at night... empty golf course...


Solo or with a caddy?

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Leaving in the morning for some fall camping at Beaver Meadow 'til Monday. Trick-or-treating and haunted hay rides for the kids. More importantly, not being in Jersey for a long weekend.


F'N Fantastic.

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getting out of work a little early today, heading to Columbia, then F'n Fantastic tailgate tomorrow for the Dawgs v. ###### game... kinda pumped


hey! thats what they are called the Game C**ks...

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getting out of work a little early today, heading to Columbia, then F'n Fantastic tailgate tomorrow for the Dawgs v. ###### game... kinda pumped


hey! thats what they are called the Game C**ks...


Sounds like a good time. In the 10 years I've been down here I've yet to attend a NC State, UNC, Duke, Wake Forest etc. football game. Plenty of basketball games, but never football. I need to change that this year.


The tailgating at State games used to be legendary from I've heard, until there was a double homicide before a game about 8 years ago.

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I'm getting an opportunity to meet former first lady Laura Bush! She's coming to UB in a couple of weeks for the Distinguished Speaker Series, and afterwards there will be a reception event. The political science department has been offered a chance to invite a handful of students to take part in the reception, and I'm one of them. Meeting a president (former or current) is on my bucket list, so hey, this is pretty damn close. Not sure exactly what the format of the reception will be, but I'm really excited about the opportunity.


I used to donate platelets at Roswell Park - back a few years ago around election time, George Bush (the elder) was to make a stop at the Donor Center. So, I booked an appointment on the day of his visit. Unfortunately, I picked a chair way across the room from where he entered, so I got to see him but not "meet" him. Still pretty cool, though.


Oh, and yeah, it's a Friday before a long weekend and I'm going to a co-worker's wedding on Sunday so it's pretty F'n fantastic!

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Hopped on the (read: "a") bike for the first time this millenium. Thought I'd try biking to work. 30 miles. Made it 10.5 before I gave in to handle bar blisters and "other discomforts." But still ... over 10 miles for the first ride in a long-a time? I'm not disappointed. Sore as hell, but not disappointed.


Edit: Oh! 1 away from the 1000-post milestone!

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