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(OT) What's your theme song?


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Everyone needs a theme song in life.  Whether it's your at bat music, the wresting-style entrance song, or something that plays each time you enter the office.  What would yours be?  We may as well include a youtube clip to keep this entertaining.


Mine would be Hot for Teacher.  I married a teacher, so it has always felt right.  The fact that it's an incredibly catchy song doesn't hurt either.  I love when those opening drums pop up on the radio.


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Everyone needs a theme song in life.  Whether it's your at bat music, the wresting-style entrance song, or something that plays each time you enter the office.  What would yours be?  We may as well include a youtube clip to keep this entertaining.


Mine would be Hot for Teacher.  I married a teacher, so it has always felt right.  The fact that it's an incredibly catchy song doesn't hurt either.  I love when those opening drums pop up on the radio.



Yeah, I look at that video differently since my wife became a teacher.


Here's my song.

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When I was a first-grade Ebriate I saw the edited and condensed for time cut of this movie on TV. So... up until about fifth grade and math started requiring actual thought... anytime I took a math test I'd play this in my head.


Of course, then I watched the movie unedited. No first grader should have been watching that movie.

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Yeah, I look at that video differently since my wife became a teacher.



I had an awkward encounter with a former professor once after college. Got in the car, that damn song came on.


Then I taught (his old job, actually). Had a student who would play that when I came in the room sometimes. Yeesh. Still a good song, even if it makes me go "bleh" a bit haha 


This is my song, at least for the last several years. 


Though sometimes it's more this:

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Not sure if I really have a song that fits, describes, or characterizes how I roll(ed).


But this song? This song gets something in me way down deep. It has to something to do with family and memory, I suspect. And horns. And noises that sound like joy.




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