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Sabres at Senators 7:30


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I have reached this point as well.  I watched the game last night, but I didn't start until the first was well underway.  And I turned it off at the end of the 2nd.  The early enthusiasm is about gone for me.  I expected better than we're getting.

I didn't watch it. New X-Files and a book I wanted to read kept me from it. I had hoped this wouldn't be a throwaway year, but it looks like it will be. 

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I have reached this point as well.  I watched the game last night, but I didn't start until the first was well underway.  And I turned it off at the end of the 2nd.  The early enthusiasm is about gone for me.  I expected better than we're getting.

Yup, If I look at my phone and they are down a goal, I won't even watch until it's at least tied.

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Watch the new episode tonight if you can. It's wayyy better. I think Fox is streaming it online. 


plan on doing so. that is actually how i caught episode 1.


ep. 1 was a delight, in its own weird somewhat awful cheesy way.


god. that big conflict conversation between scully and mulder at the alien woman's home (i think)? i cringed. but i LOVED it.


i have heard episode 2 is, as you say, way (way) better.


which is great!

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Hockey is about 80% of my total tv viewing experience. If the Sabres are on I watch.


It may be a little bit disappointing of a year win total wise. But watching the birth of 2 franchise forwards and the adopted one settling in quite nicely is worth it alone. All of a sudden I get to see a goalie that was going to need to play lights out for me to feel he was worth his trade, and he might just be doing that? I'm tuning in.

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Hockey is about 80% of my total tv viewing experience. If the Sabres are on I watch.


It may be a little bit disappointing of a year win total wise. But watching the birth of 2 franchise forwards and the adopted one settling in quite nicely is worth it alone. All of a sudden I get to see a goalie that was going to need to play lights out for me to feel he was worth his trade, and he might just be doing that? I'm tuning in.



Well said fan.

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plan on doing so. that is actually how i caught episode 1.


ep. 1 was a delight, in its own weird somewhat awful cheesy way.


god. that big conflict conversation between scully and mulder at the alien woman's home (i think)? i cringed. but i LOVED it.


i have heard episode 2 is, as you say, way (way) better.


which is great!

Worst scene in TV history...or entertainment history? I watch some cheesy TV shows, but man, that tested my limits.

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I'm always watching the game when they play.  But I record it and start watching around 830.  You can get through it in an hour and almost catch up to live by the end.  I can't imagine suffering through two and a half hours of them.


Especially since they routinely take off the first period.

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Hockey is about 80% of my total tv viewing experience. If the Sabres are on I watch.


It may be a little bit disappointing of a year win total wise. But watching the birth of 2 franchise forwards and the adopted one settling in quite nicely is worth it alone. All of a sudden I get to see a goalie that was going to need to play lights out for me to feel he was worth his trade, and he might just be doing that? I'm tuning in.

Exactly this. Sure there have been some disappointing games, and more than a few underachieving players. But a few times a game you see flashes of what's coming. Good goalie play from all 3 guys. Risto developing into a legit #1. Jack showing us exactly why we wanted him, and his apparent great chemistry with Z. Samson developing way ahead of schedule. ROR being the leader we've needed for years. The AS break is needed right now. Jack is gassed, he's played just as many games so far this year as he did all last year in college. It's a whole new world for him. ROR is gassed from the crazy amount of ice time he's getting. And we really need Samson back. It's been a frustrating season but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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So I'm flying for the 3 hours the game will be on. Do I waste $8 for the WiFi to watch this slop?



Buy $8 worth of liquor instead.


I think the Sabres would be more capable of leaving me dazed and confused than $8 worth of airline liquor. It's gonna take $50+ to compete with that.

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Better than going to work at a factory at 5am, as I did this morning.


Sitting in a class with young supple college aged women. I feel your pain.

You take all the joy out of my petty complaints


And I'm a science/math major. What are these 'women' you speak of? There's about 2 in the entire department

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You take all the joy out of my petty complaints


And I'm a science/math major. What are these 'women' you speak of? There's about 2 in the entire department

Most likely better than the factory "women" I deal with. This morning I had to work with Ashley. Ashley is a very nice person. She's also 6'2" 230 lbs and used to go by Jamal.
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