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F'N...tastic Fridays....

Andrew Amerk

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That's awesome Josie! Find an industry that's under-served and bring something unique to it; great idea!


I dusted off my favorite keyboard today, and I forgot how much I love this thing. I haven't had my desktop set up at home for a few years and have been just using whatever laptop has been around (mostly work-issued). The only bittersweet part of this keyboard is it's a PC101 (no Windows keys[0]) so it's a little annoying as I've gotten used to a few keyboard shortcuts that use them. I think I'm in the market for a new PC104 USB version of this same keyboard.


[0] This keyboard almost predates Windows (it predates Windows 2.0). It certainly predates many posters here. It predates Thurman Thomas being a Bill. It remembers the Bills being great.The day after it was built, the Sabres lost to the Minnesota North Stars 5-4 in the Aud. Phil Housley and Scott Arniel scored goals early in the third to tie it up, but Minnesota scored a PPG  with 8 minutes left and didn't look back. Sabres Captain Lindy Ruff had an assist on Arneil's SHG. This keyboard is 30 years old, and still works like new.


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I remember those keyboards.  I still have one in my office back storage area.


Worked well and just felt 'right'.  Matt, you know what I mean, right?


IBM spent a lot of time working on things like feel, and for the old screens, font legibility. They went way further than "does it work? ship it!"

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Yup, you got it. Keeping it simple to start, just files. Simple illustrations for the SavetheDates. Simple illustrated maps (reception/ceremony locations). Bridal party who's who program stuff, table "numbers" (sit at table 6, or groom's favorite movie- illustration)... 

Something my wife and I spent money on at our wedding was a poster sized illustration for guests to sign at the reception, which is now framed and in our attic :)

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A lot of us are about the same age, so I'm wondering if this rings a bell. Fridays start to feel more like Mondays. Just tired. The weekend isn't what it used to be. You chill and rest up. Which makes Mondays feel quite refreshing, like Fridays used to feel.

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A lot of us are about the same age, so I'm wondering if this rings a bell. Fridays start to feel more like Mondays. Just tired. The weekend isn't what it used to be. You chill and rest up. Which makes Mondays feel quite refreshing, like Fridays used to feel.


Not sure I agree but I'm 36 so I may not be in the age demographic you're speaking of. I'm no weekend warrior and I've cut back significantly on drinking over the last few years but I still find myself wishing 5/7 of my life away while waiting for my weekend days off.


I've always questioned the standard 5 day work week in general. I wish I could work 4 ten hour shifts instead of 5 eight hour shifts. Then I'd get 3 days offs for every 4 days worked and still put in the same number of hours for compensation purposes.

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A lot of us are about the same age, so I'm wondering if this rings a bell. Fridays start to feel more like Mondays. Just tired. The weekend isn't what it used to be. You chill and rest up. Which makes Mondays feel quite refreshing, like Fridays used to feel.

I work Thursday-Monday. Friday is my Tuesday. It ain't special. And I love Mondays! Walk out at 10am and I've got 3 full days to do whatever.

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A lot of us are about the same age, so I'm wondering if this rings a bell. Fridays start to feel more like Mondays. Just tired. The weekend isn't what it used to be. You chill and rest up. Which makes Mondays feel quite refreshing, like Fridays used to feel.


I agree, but I don't really like Mondays.




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Maybe my naivety is showing, but how exactly would you be using your talents for weddings? Are we talking custom wedding invites/save the dates or something else entirely.


Either way, glad to hear you've found a potentially high demand area for your work :thumbsup:

Yup, you got it. Keeping it simple to start, just files. Simple illustrations for the SavetheDates. Simple illustrated maps (reception/ceremony locations). Bridal party who's who program stuff, table "numbers" (sit at table 6, or groom's favorite movie- illustration)... 


Essentially 3 templates to choose from- from simple portrait illustration to full on realistic painting, prices pre-determined with a la carte for additions (add your pet, add a scene, add a certain flower, etc). This way I don't get slammed against the wall by a bridezilla nightmare customization scenario. You get your portraits, names/info swapped in, colors swapped. That's it. You get what you pay for unless you wanna pay more more more. I'll gladly take your money, but I want to offer this as a boon to the cash strapped couple. This industry is absolutely insane- most people I know getting married now are doing it on a tight budget, but still want something nice. 


I've done some looking. The rustic barn loopy cursive text fad has to die soon. There's not a lot of custom illustration out there, and what there is, I think I can do better. 


I immediately imagined lurid drawings of the wedding night...


And Fridays are not like Mondays.  Jeez Louise.

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My dad finally got (and accepted) a job offer today.  :)  It's only part time to start, but that sort of works out while he finishes up the last few medical appointments and procedures, and hopefully will become full-time within the next month or two.  After 2.5 years out of the workforce, it'll be very much appreciated!

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I'd love one of those, but I don't have the room for it.

This was the first post I saw when I clicked on this thread. It would be fantastic if checked on it more then once every five years.

My dad finally got (and accepted) a job offer today. :) It's only part time to start, but that sort of works out while he finishes up the last few medical appointments and procedures, and hopefully will become full-time within the next month or two. After 2.5 years out of the workforce, it'll be very much appreciated!

Great stuff Bio

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A lot of us are about the same age, so I'm wondering if this rings a bell. Fridays start to feel more like Mondays. Just tired. The weekend isn't what it used to be. You chill and rest up. Which makes Mondays feel quite refreshing, like Fridays used to feel.


Not sure I agree but I'm 36 so I may not be in the age demographic you're speaking of. I'm no weekend warrior and I've cut back significantly on drinking over the last few years but I still find myself wishing 5/7 of my life away while waiting for my weekend days off.


I've always questioned the standard 5 day work week in general. I wish I could work 4 ten hour shifts instead of 5 eight hour shifts. Then I'd get 3 days offs for every 4 days worked and still put in the same number of hours for compensation purposes.


I work Thursday-Monday. Friday is my Tuesday. It ain't special. And I love Mondays! Walk out at 10am and I've got 3 full days to do whatever.

Since my office operates 24/7/365, we've come up with a few creative scheduling ideas. We work four tens, shifts rotate. Half of us work weekends one month, then it switches. As a result, I often have no idea what day it is or where I'm supposed to be.


It does have advantages; I almost never need to take leave for appointments or whatever, since I generally have at least one free weekday every week. As a result I just took a month off because I had to use that much leave by 1/9 or loose it. Which was nice.

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Most of my site is now working what's called 9/80 in our vernacular. I work 4 9s per week (roughly, we do flex time as well so it can vary), and 8 hours every other Friday. Today was my Friday off which coincided with RosePie's first Friday in Preschool. MrsPie and I lived it up; CostCo and Panera.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After three extremely long weeks at work with far too little sleep, we passed our clinical lab inspection yesterday with no deficiencies. :) I'm off work today and headed to meet the bf in Vancouver (BC) for the weekend, and the weather looks like crap, but I'm just excited to see him and relax for a few days.

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After three extremely long weeks at work with far too little sleep, we passed our clinical lab inspection yesterday with no deficiencies. :) I'm off work today and headed to meet the bf in Vancouver (BC) for the weekend, and the weather looks like crap, but I'm just excited to see him and relax for a few days.

As someone who did long distance for a bit, it is so nice to see your significant other especially after a long week. cheers,  :beer:

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After three extremely long weeks at work with far too little sleep, we passed our clinical lab inspection yesterday with no deficiencies. :) I'm off work today and headed to meet the bf in Vancouver (BC) for the weekend, and the weather looks like crap, but I'm just excited to see him and relax for a few days.

Sounds like life is good right now for you. Enjoy the smell of victory wafting in the air out there.

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After three extremely long weeks at work with far too little sleep, we passed our clinical lab inspection yesterday with no deficiencies. :) I'm off work today and headed to meet the bf in Vancouver (BC) for the weekend, and the weather looks like crap, but I'm just excited to see him and relax for a few days.


It sounds like that inspection has really been wearing you down for awhile. Glad it's over and you passed!! Safe to say the long weekend is well deserved- enjoy :)


I'll have to ask my wife about inspections. I haven't heard her mention one in her lab yet, but she just joined in the spring. Was yours imposed by the university? Or was this a state/federal thing that has to do with safety and/or funding?

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It sounds like that inspection has really been wearing you down for awhile. Glad it's over and you passed!! Safe to say the long weekend is well deserved- enjoy :)


I'll have to ask my wife about inspections. I haven't heard her mention one in her lab yet, but she just joined in the spring. Was yours imposed by the university? Or was this a state/federal thing that has to do with safety and/or funding?

Sorry for the delayed response!  Our inspection was much more intensive than a typical lab because we were going for CLIA-accreditation, which allows us to do clinical sample testing and return results to patients.  So (understandably) there are WAY more regulations and a whole lot more paperwork involved to document we've validated how we do our processing, there are plans in place and official documents signed by everyone indicating we've read and understood the procedures, all of our equipment has to be up to spec and calibrated, no expired chemicals, etc... we literally have a full shelf of just binders with documents in them.  And a year from now we're going to move to the next level (CAP-accreditation), which from what I've heard is even more involved.  :blink:  But at least by then we'll have some additional systems and software in place that will make tracking everything that much easier.

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