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Buffalo Bills 2016

That Aud Smell

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No matter how bad we think it will be, it won't top the Browns game in the snow during the Edwards era.


That was SO bad that it became ... entertaining, somehow.

Has anyone ever watched a 3-0 game before? Cause you're about to


Sorry - it's in my head because of what you posted, and now it has to be in someone else's (maybe yours, maybe someone else's).


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No matter how bad we think it will be, it won't top the Browns game in the snow during the Edwards era.

That was in 07. I was at the one in 09 that Derek Anderson went 2-17 with like 9 yards passing and beat us 6-3. It's the last game I've ever been to.

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Cyrus Kouandjio (who did look decent filling in for Cordy, I'll say) is starting against the Jets' defensive line, a unit that played out of their minds on Sunday. Ed Hochuli is officiating. Big presentation Friday. I should have no reason to want to turn this game on. And for some reason, I'll watch every last minute of it.

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No matter how bad we think it will be, it won't top the Browns game in the snow during the Edwards era.

This one? I thought the snow game was in Cleveland?





Edit: I see the two awful Cleveland vs. Buffalo games have been cleared up.

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Cyrus Kouandjio (who did look decent filling in for Cordy, I'll say) is starting against the Jets' defensive line, a unit that played out of their minds on Sunday. Ed Hochuli is officiating. Big presentation Friday. I should have no reason to want to turn this game on. And for some reason, I'll watch every last minute of it.


Reason why I'm probably listening while I clean my kitchen instead of watching.

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Was this the first play?




I found someone doing an All 22 analysis of this game, and couldn't find the other example. This play is very interesting. The Bills split the field in half for their QB, the first read is the TE, covered with 3 guys. The second read is the WR on the right, covered. Taylor hits third read, the checkdown. Very nice job by the QB.


What is interesting is that the Ravens know the play and the reads coming. How this play should have been defended was the FS rolls to his right to double Watkins, but since the Ravens knew the play, and knew it strong enough that they didn't even bother covering the left side of the field, the FS rolls to his left to triple team the TE.


This defense wouldn't work against a QB who... how can I put this nicely... has a free reign on altering the play. Flutie, for instance, would have counted three Ravens covering the TE, one on the WR right, two on the check down, four rushing, would add that to ten and step back and look for the open receiver, but that's not who Taylor is.


The interesting thing for me is how confident the Ravens are. Since it's the first play, and there was some other talk of the first play looking the same, but I couldn't find it. It's the first play, making it unique in two ways. The Bills could have talked about it in the locker room, or they could have gotten to the line early, when the defense would still have their helmet speakers on.


Just a theory.

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I found someone doing an All 22 analysis of this game, and couldn't find the other example. This play is very interesting. The Bills split the field in half for their QB, the first read is the TE, covered with 3 guys. The second read is the WR on the right, covered. Taylor hits third read, the checkdown. Very nice job by the QB.


What is interesting is that the Ravens know the play and the reads coming. How this play should have been defended was the FS rolls to his right to double Watkins, but since the Ravens knew the play, and knew it strong enough that they didn't even bother covering the left side of the field, the FS rolls to his left to triple team the TE.


This defense wouldn't work against a QB who... how can I put this nicely... has a free reign on altering the play. Flutie, for instance, would have counted three Ravens covering the TE, one on the WR right, two on the check down, four rushing, would add that to ten and step back and look for the open receiver, but that's not who Taylor is.


The interesting thing for me is how confident the Ravens are. Since it's the first play, and there was some other talk of the first play looking the same, but I couldn't find it. It's the first play, making it unique in two ways. The Bills could have talked about it in the locker room, or they could have gotten to the line early, when the defense would still have their helmet speakers on.


Just a theory.


How do you know this part?

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Eleven, they are triple teaming the tight end, double teaming the checkdown, and not covering Woods at all. Doesn't that tell you something?


I still don't know how they know what's coming.  I see what you see, but can't get to your conclusion.  Not playing devil's advocate; I just may not know as much about football as you do.

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Watch the corner covering Watkins. His assignment is to zone cover Watkins and Woods, because the SS (covering Woods) has no intention of ever covering Woods, his assignment is to tackle the checkdown.


My point is that this isn't a defensive breakdown, this is a defensive play. Woods didn't beat anybody, the defense used one CB for two WR. Watkins recognizes this and stops to put max space between him and Woods. So if it's a defensive play, why are they running it?  Why cover the TE with 3 players? Why not cover Woods?

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Watch the corner covering Watkins. His assignment is to zone cover Watkins and Woods, because the SS (covering Woods) has no intention of ever covering Woods, his assignment is to tackle the checkdown.


My point is that this isn't a defensive breakdown, this is a defensive play. Woods didn't beat anybody, the defense used one CB for two WR. Watkins recognizes this and stops to put max space between him and Woods. So if it's a defensive play, why are they running it?  Why cover the TE with 3 players? Why not cover Woods?


I definitely see that.  I can see now that Baltimore knew what was going on.


What I'm still not getting--HOW did Baltimore know?

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