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McDavid breaks collarbone. Out "Long Term"


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I hate having 3 days in between Sabres games.

Was thinking the same thing, best we can in the down time is wish ill on the next great thing...


P.S. McJesus is an object at this point, not worthy of humanness. just pokin the bear... or the sanctamonious...

Edited by North Buffalo
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I just keep watching the greatest single threat to our winning Stanley Cups for the next 15 years break is collarbone on repeat. Does that count as game film?

The single biggest threat to our winning a SC is our own roster and coaching. Always has been. Always will be.


Reveling in McDavid's injury is pretty weak sauce.


When we play them in a couple of years in the SC finals, I want him there, playing amazingly well, and us winning anyway.

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Last page Liger


Not really, screws are titanium, plates are usually light weight stainless steel.  MRSA infections are related to sterility of the field and post bandaging issues.  Plus they can be removed after healing. 


Sometimes they just wire them.  That being said when I first heard plates and screws, I was thinking crap be careful what you wish for... now we have bionic McJesus... :)



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Don't they use Titanium and other non corroding alloys and metals?


Aids blood can corrode titanium though, so we're safe and he's in for an uphill battle of recovery. At least that's what raptor Jesus told me in his newsletter.

And for the record, I don't really care about the McDavid injury one bit, I just like having fun at the expense of the people who are up in arms about it. I save my voodoo and witchcraft for Boston teams mostly.

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I may have underestimated the force of McJesus on this board. Interesting. I am reminded of something Jack's dad was quoted in SI as saying when some reporter ball-washed his son in an interview. "What's he (Jack) ever done?!" What's McDavid ever done? You would think I wished for Mother Teresa to drown in the Ghaghara River. All I'm asking here is McDavid to pass out in a snowbank and lose all his fingers and toes to frostbite. Jeez.


Fingerless and toeless "Stumpy"  McDavid is still probably good for 30 goals, 30 assists. 

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 raptor Jesus 


This has no place in this thread.  In fact, it really has no place in this community.  Out of respect for the members here that do hold religious beliefs, would you please stop this sort of thing?

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Hmmmm. Surgery is not the standard of care for a clavicular fracture. Either Bob has no clue what he's talking about or McDavid has something a little more than just a fractured clavicle.

Actually if it's displaced Enough then surgery is def standard of care, especially for a young guy


To PA, if your erecrion is lasting longer than 4 hours..... I suggest you keep humping away!!

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I hate having 3 days in between Sabres games.


It's a weird year, innit ? 


Fingerless and toeless "Stumpy"  McDavid is still probably good for 30 goals, 30 assists. 


Man. I bet he would be too.


This has no place in this thread.  In fact, it really has no place in this community.  Out of respect for the members here that do hold religious beliefs, would you please stop this sort of thing?


Wait, really? 


Also, what is raptor Jesus?

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This has no place in this thread.  In fact, it really has no place in this community.  Out of respect for the members here that do hold religious beliefs, would you please stop this sort of thing?


I tend to agree with this. There are two areas I avoid bringing into any online conversation - religion and and other people's kids. Plenty of other ways to express one's opinion.

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It is scary how badly some of you really want to win a Cup.

This is what makes a player a champion, the willingness to do nearly anything to win it all. They play through injuries for that very reason. Wishing harm to your opponent is different than enjoying the following problems it causes the team. Carolina doesn't win the Cup if we still had our starters in at D. And you don't hear them complaining or regretting not beating Buffalo at full strength.

And don't tell me that Boychuck's hit on Vanek in the 2010? Playoffs was anything but purposeful injuring. I hate the targeting of players, unless they have legit reason to be, but if it was not intentional I'm not going to cry about the other team being worse.

You seem to make purposeful injury creation equivalent to merely taking advantage of another's bad luck.

Edited by thewookie1
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I tend to agree with this. There are two areas I avoid bringing into any online conversation - religion and and other people's kids. Plenty of other ways to express one's opinion.


I agree with those guidelines. But parody and satire seem okay. Raptor Jesus appears to be something patently absurd, even silly. No?

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Well, you answered your own question.


The question remains as posed.


I'm saying: It's one thing to say something that genuinely insults or attacks someone's faith (as illegitimate, corrupted beyond repair, malignant, bigoted, etc.); it's another to reference a fictional historical creature that is some combination of a raptor and Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

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The question remains as posed.


I'm saying: It's one thing to say something that genuinely insults or attacks someone's faith (as illegitimate, corrupted beyond repair, malignant, bigoted, etc.); it's another to reference a fictional historical creature that is some combination of a raptor and Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

It was a joke on using the term "silly" resulting in bans

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The question remains as posed.


I'm saying: It's one thing to say something that genuinely insults or attacks someone's faith (as illegitimate, corrupted beyond repair, malignant, bigoted, etc.); it's another to reference a fictional historical creature that is some combination of a raptor and Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


I would say you're right, but it's bad form either way. It's best if you want to be taken seriously, to leave it out of your posting.

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