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Buffalo Bills 2015

Taro T

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I'd like to say there's no way the league avoids dinging Brady for a couple of games, at a minimum. But it's the NFL. They do what they want, and answer to no one. Well, no one other than maybe Congress. And I don't think this issue will rise to that level.


Thanks to last year, the league is at a point where they are going to do as much as they can to appeal to the public opinion.  That's pretty obvious already with the much larger suspensions they've been handing out lately.  No matter how full of themselves the people of Boston are, the majority of the public is going to want a suspension here.  Just look at how they've handled this one already.  They released the report and are sitting back to see how people respond.  Haven't they usually released the punishment concurrently with these type of report in the past?

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I'm predicting a 4-game suspension for Brady, primarily because of the coverup.


Token fine for Belichick too?  I don't think he had much of a role at all in this, but ultimately he's the guy who is responsible for what goes on within that organization.

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I'd like to say there's no way the league avoids dinging Brady for a couple of games, at a minimum. But it's the NFL. They do what they want, and answer to no one. Well, no one other than maybe Congress. And I don't think this issue will rise to that level.


I also saw Simmons Tweet a predictable dismissal of the Wells Report -- something like, the report should've just referenced Brady's stat line from the Super Bowl (where the balls were, presumably, fully inflated and Brady went 37/50 325/4). It chafes me that smart people can act so ignorant: The point is not whether Brady succeeded because he cheated -- he almost certainly didn't need to cheat in order to excel. The point is that he cheated. And then lied through his teeth about it.


As for the lying, I said at the time he gave that weird press conference: That bit about "no one is dying -- this isn't ISIS . . ." was, to me, the clearest tell that he was obscuring the truth. That is just a classic ploy of someone who's being untruthful -- I hear that sort of thing from my kids from time to time: "No I didn't do it. And, geez oh man, what you're accusing me of is not that big a deal anyway."


The report did reference the fact that Brady's performance improved in the second half of the Indianapolis game.  Doesn't matter, for the reasons you stated.

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Thanks to last year, the league is at a point where they are going to do as much as they can to appeal to the public opinion.  That's pretty obvious already with the much larger suspensions they've been handing out lately.  No matter how full of themselves the people of Boston are, the majority of the public is going to want a suspension here.  Just look at how they've handled this one already.  They released the report and are sitting back to see how people respond.  Haven't they usually released the punishment concurrently with these type of report in the past?


This is a fair point. I should not lose sight of that fact -- that the league, despite its seemingly unbesmirchable brand, does seem sensitive, attuned to popular opinion.


I'm predicting a 4-game suspension for Brady, primarily because of the coverup.


Four seems heavy to me. I think maybe it's 2 games plus some organizational penalty.


The report did reference the fact that Brady's performance improved in the second half of the Indianapolis game.  Doesn't matter, for the reasons you stated.


Quite right.

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In a league that routinely suspends players for smoking marijuana and/or engaging in off-duty behavior that has no direct impact on the integrity of the playing of the game of football, how can the NFL not suspend Brady for his general awareness of the deflation scheme and for deliberately refusing to provide information that may have made his involvement even more obvious?


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I'm standing by no suspension for no other reason than it will piss off Bills fans therefore it's most likely to happen.

I don't think it will happen. I mean, it's Brady, the league will just fine them and take a 7th round draft pick from 2035 

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I don't think it will happen. I mean, it's Brady, the league will just fine them and take a 7th round draft pick from 2035

It really surprises me that a couple of radio personalities I listen to, Bulldog and Duffy (Wcmf rochester) were down right giddy over this report. I guess I'm just too jaded. Things NEVER goes the Bills way so why is it going to start now.

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lying, yes.


but i just don't think the facts bear out the idea that he gained any real competitive advantage by doctoring the balls as he did.

Then why do it? It was clearly done in an attempt to gain a competitive imbalance in their favor.

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Then why do it? It was clearly done in an attempt to gain a competitive imbalance in their favor.


Exactly, if there isn't something to be gained from it, the rule wouldn't exist and this guy wouldn't have gone all mission impossible to lower the PSI.

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Then why do it? It was clearly done in an attempt to gain a competitive imbalance in their favor.


Exactly, if there isn't something to be gained from it, the rule wouldn't exist and this guy wouldn't have gone all mission impossible to lower the PSI.


It could be purely psychological. 

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Then why do it? It was clearly done in an attempt to gain a competitive imbalance in their favor.


aye, there's the rub.


Exactly, if there isn't something to be gained from it, the rule wouldn't exist and this guy wouldn't have gone all mission impossible to lower the PSI.


there's logic to what you're saying. i'm just saying that it's dubious to me whether any objective advantage was gained.


It could be purely psychological. 


Yep. Which is not nothing.


If you want psychological, why don't you just tell Brady you deflated the balls as opposed to actually doing it?


Did you read all of the texts? It sounds like they actually might have done that at times.


Mind. Blown.



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lying, yes.


but i just don't think the facts bear out the idea that he gained any real competitive advantage by doctoring the balls as he did.


Why are there rules in the NHL about stick curve?


With the modern technology, you don't see it as much today, but back in the day the guys on the point would go crescent moon to get that baby flying and up. You'd see the opposition call for measurement a good half dozen times a year.


In reality I agree.....by deflating the balls, the Pats probably went from 18% to win the SuperBowl to 18.2%......but not only is it wrong, but they lied, and have a history of other issues. What else have they been doing for 15 years that we haven't exposed yet?

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