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It looks worse and worse every time. No question it's the worst jersey in the history of Buffalo sports and there isn't even a close 2nd.....


For pure jersey design and layout, no question. But damn the slug still has to eek out the victory here in terms of overall awfulness just because this one at least has a respectable logo adorning it.

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It looks worse and worse every time. No question it's the worst jersey in the history of Buffalo sports and there isn't even a close 2nd.....


Tough call. As much as the home Slugs were at least a decent jersey (logo-aside), the roads didn't even have that ...



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I probably would hate them a lot less if there wasn't so much GRAY on them.


Seriously, GRAY?!


I found my post from the Summer about what's wrong with the gray in this uniform and in our current set as a whole. It's been a few months but I'm still absolutely blown away that professional designers and marketers let this happen. This is some of the sloppiest, least-focused work I've ever seen.


I disagree. I don't think people have spent enough energy dissecting everything wrong with the back of the jersey.


The only thing everyone noticed is the fake blue "cape." It's much worse than that.


We're also looking at big gray numbers with a yellow outline. Note to the Sabres: Gray and Yellow do not look good together. Gray and Yellow have NEVER looked good together. And for that matter, why are we still trying to cram the color gray into our color scheme? I understand why they didn't want to lose it entirely in 2006 after we'd used it for 10 years in the red/black scheme, but even the banana slug jerseys used it sparingly. Then we used it a little more as armpit stains in our current home/away. Now we're actually trying to add MORE gray than ever before.


Why? Are we ditching "blue and gold" to be the "blue and gold and gray" team? They already put gray outlines around EVERYTHING in our logo, much to its detriment. (Nice sophisticated design strategy there. Just use the shotgun approach and hit everything with gray outlines.) I just assume "blue and gold" is over with because it's too simple and pure for an organization apparently run by people suffering from severe ADHD.


The font for these numbers also looks like nothing else in our uniform set. It doesn't even look that much like the letters in "OTT" or "BUFFALO" (but we've only seen a 9 so far). The font for the names looks huge too. Is that even going to fit on the blue part of the back if you have a long surname? And why do you have a special different font for this jersey that looks nothing like the font for the home/away? Did they think it would help our brand to have an alternate uniform that looks like it belongs to another team (probably a roller hockey team)?




Second post:


Let's look at what gray is doing to our current logo for a second:






There are gray outlines around EVERYTHING -- to the point where different parts of the logo are now bumping into one another.

  • The gray outlines from the swords are bumping into the gray outline of the inner circle at both the sword tips and the bottom of the sword handles.
  • The gray outline from the "motion" line above the buffalo hits the gray outline of the buffalo.
  • The gray outline of the buffalo's back leg hits the gray outline from one of the swords
  • The gray outline of the buffalo hits itself a couple times at the chin and front legs

The morons who updated our logo wanted to outline EVERYTHING in gray, but were too lazy to resize anything to make sure parts of the logo don't bump into other parts of the logo. I'm honestly amazed that the buffalo's red eye doesn't also have a gray outline somehow. It's been like this for years, but apparently no one in the entire organization has the energy and awareness to fix this.


So not only have they thoughtlessly downgraded a classic logo by crapping gray all over it, they keep trying to find new ways to put gray all over what should be a terrific, simple color scheme.

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Heard on sport radio out west here from people not associated with the Sabs how ugly they were. Have yet to hear a positive comment but they haven't actually gone public have they. At least til sunday. The people with the negative comments have probably only seen the leaks that we have. Enough to form an opinion. No doubt this org. will screw this up too.

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I feel like, this is a dream scenario for Ted Black.


Team is terrible, so jersey sales probably would of been down anyways even if they were better looking. But, they'll wear them this year, Black will have his crew on lockdown to create a much better, top of the class, jersey for next season, which, almost anything else they come up with will be better, and that, plus the team doing better (they cant do any worse), those jerseys will fly out of the shelves with people just rejoicing that it's not the terrible 3rds.

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