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Things that are AWESOME...


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This thing sounds pretty awesome:





Luna is a mattress cover that not only improves the quality of your sleep, but also promises to improve your time awake.

Luna provides the typical sleep-tracking metrics of many wearables, but that's just the beginning. The device offers dual-zone temperature controls for the bed, freeing partners from the inevitable battle over the sheets.

It contains a built-in alarm clock that senses the best time to wake you to – during light sleep to avoid those groggy early mornings. Oh, and it also integrates with your smart home devices, setting the lights, music, and room temperature to your desired levels when you get into bed.

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Twice.  Clearly there's an issue here.  I'll have to avoid it next time or else I'll officially be labeled a perv.


It's not so bad

Awesome: listening to my wife make my kid laugh. Puppies and ktitens can't hold a cuteness-candle to a 5-month-old laughing.


Everyday when I get home from work I grab him and make him give me that laugh. It nearly brings a tear to my eye every time. Pure unadulterated joy. Adults can't or don't experience it. On a side note, prior to Cody's birth, my BP was ~ 160/110. Just terrifying numbers. Since he was born, 120/80. GO figure.

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Twice.  Clearly there's an issue here.  I'll have to avoid it next time or else I'll officially be labeled a perv.

I guess the lightheartedness that would've been heard in my tone of voice had this been an in-person convo is lost on the internet. Wasn't attacking you! 

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Toyota's long-form version of its Super Bowl commercial




I'm an all-day sucker for this sort of stuff.


EDIT: How do I get YouTube to embed now? Not working anymore, the way I used to do it.

Absolutely, positively awesome.  


"you're never as good as you think you are and you're never as bad as you think you are...  you're somewhere right in the middle"  ... words to humble and live by

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Being brand new to a kick butt series called House of Cards. I'm addicted to the show. Have House of Cards for drama and Sabres games for comedy. 


*Sabres remark involves a big  :rolleyes:

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