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But seriously whats a dues run? 1mil?

I've never looked. I'm sure it's about as attainable as a 1936 Bugatti. I... I need to be alone for a few moments.


In the end I prefer rat rods anyways :)

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You're a good man, NS. No matter what happens to your wife, she's lucky to have you as a mate. Best of luck with everything.


Sorry to have missed this.


Thanks, CD. I appreciate that very much.


The way I look at it it's easy to be a good man when you are married to an extraordinarily good woman.


Over 25 years ago we said our vows and we have stuck to them. Now, it has not been a picnic and I think it really helped us knowing that both of our families are nuts. This made us realize that we are all we have and that going back home was never an option. So, two alone are better than one. Over the years we have developed some key relationships with our "family of choice" and that helps too.


Over the years my wife has stood by me though some very rough patches. She has helped me deal with some pretty major issues, some of which have been discussed on this board in some detail (my autism). That is the way it is when you are a good team.


I realize that many couples split up for a number of reasons and I believe that it usually is for the best. I don't think any less of people who don't make it and I feel sad for them. We were lucky in that we picked mates that really complimented each other, but it has been and will continue to be a lot of hard work.

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With a kid on the way (which I don't think I've actually mentioned in the awesome thread, IT IS!), I've been toying with getting rid of my bikes. I'd like to say I'd get a Caterham or MX-5 to replace them, but realistically I can't blow that kind of money on toys for awhile. Sure, the Caterham is dorky but it seems like *so* much fun.



EDIT: There's a dealer in Clarence Center, do it! :)

Edited by MattPie
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Channelling NS: CLASSICSHELL! I've only used it a bit on Windows 2012, but it looks to make the Metro GUI far more bearable.



I decided against classic shell and went with Pokki. I may try ClassicShell at some point. Turning off all the animated effects made a tremendous difference. The next thing I need to do is create a task so it will boot to the desktop instead of that stupid Metro screen.

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sushi buffet for lunch. normally those two things are a recipe for digestive disaster, but this place is great. there's so much turnover the rolls are replaced every 5 minutes, and it's good stuff too, not just your usual california rolls with different stuff on top. soooooo goooooood.

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It's meant to be read like this ...




And Windows 8 ... 8.1 is still BS, even if you spend forever trying to turn it into anything but a tablet format. Why would Microsoft announce the pending Windows 9 over a year ahead of time. To appease the masses.


Give me (and I got) Windows 7 machines ... perfect solution. I will be getting a new Toshiba (love them) laptop for my wife soon from the small shop where I got my 2 for work. Still use my XP desktop to run many non-Internet stuff.

Edited by Sabres Fan In NS
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I did the r/hockey gift exchange recently. The person I got is an Islanders fan whose fav player is Kyle Okposo. I did a quick painting of him, printed, framed, and got it sent out a day before the deadline. Just got a notification in the email tonight that my giftee had posted what he had received. Apparently my gift made this guy so happy he cried. I don't usually enjoy making men cry, but in this case, it totally made my night.

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