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The Chara incident

X. Benedict

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This lack of respect for human well-being is absolutely disgusting. If that had been Crosby getting his neck broken they would have strung Chara up by his boots in the middle of town. But Pacioretty gets nothing done for him.


I'm sickened.

Could you imagine if it were on Crosby? The league would shut down the rest of the season. The favoritism in the NHL is mind numbing.


Eric Goddard of the Penguins gets a 10 game suspension for leaving the bench to help protect his goaltender. Because it's written in the rulebook, no leaving the bench. 10 freaking games, and Chara gets nothing for breaking someones neck and possibly ending their career. I don't get it at all.

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Could you imagine if it were on Crosby? The league would shut down the rest of the season. The favoritism in the NHL is mind numbing.


Eric Goddard of the Penguins gets a 10 game suspension for leaving the bench to help protect his goaltender. Because it's written in the rulebook, no leaving the bench. 10 freaking games, and Chara gets nothing for breaking someones neck and possibly ending someones career. I don't get it at all.


No doubt about it. Had this happened to Ovechkin, Crosby, Toews, Stamkos, etc. there is no way in hell the league wouldn't hand out a stiff suspension. Had the perpetrator NOT been a star player, there is no way in hell the league wouldn't hand out a stiff suspension. As a general case, the NHL tries so hard to market itself that at times it toes the line of what is moral and just.

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No it doesn't, the hit looks like a good hockey play. I don't think Chara should get any suspension for this. He got beat by a speed guy along the boards and had a split second to make a decision to figure out if he can hold off the guy or not, when he realized he couldn't, you have to make a penalty (interference or hook)... everyone will tell you that getting a 2min penalty is better then giving up a breakaway. However, in this case, Chara hits him in the wrong spot. Should Chara have more respect for other players not to put him in a really dangerous spot? Of course, but, remember, this is a split second he has to make up his mind.


Someone earlier in this thread said suspend him because he intended to do it... you're only assuming. It could be a good assumption, but an assumption none the less. The hit was good, if the hit is made 4 feet earlier, this thread is never made.


Despite me not thinking he should get any games, i could see NHL giving him 1 or 2 games because of the injury, but rest of season? Theres no way. Not for this.


This is ice hockey and the potential of injury is and always will be there, there are other ice skating sports with less risk, like figure skating.

What breakaway? By the time Pacioretti would have reached the blueline (had he gone in clean chasing the puck) the other Bruin D-man already had the puck.


All this happened in a 4-0 game with less than 20 seconds in the period in the 1st game (?) after Pach scored in OT against Chara and then bumped him in the back during the celebration. I find it very hard to believe that Chara didn't want to 'give him a little something extra there.'


I don't think he meant to injure the Hab, but I can't believe that a competitive guy like Chara who'd been shown up before and whose team was getting shown up again didn't see (and take) the chance to give a bit of it back. That he did it at the worst possible spot on the ice to do it is why I could have seen him getting a couple of games. But this being the NHL, I understand why he didn't get any.

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If that exact play happened on the other side of the ice where the glass is continuous, it would have looked like a bump into the boards that we would not even be talking about.




But there's a respect thing about hockey that anyone who has played the game at any level understands. And anyone who has played at any level can tell you, you know where you are on the ice, you know you're along the bench or penalty box wall, and you know where the glass is and where it isn't...


It's a dirty shot with intent to injure, period.

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Disgusting. If this incident doesn't prove my theory, nothing will.



Someone's gonna have to die on the ice before this suspension thing, the dirty hits, and the consistency of penatlies handed out to players changes. Unfortunately, karma's gonna get Chara in a bad way, or at least get Gregory Campbell.

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Wait a minute. Everyone hold on a sec. Are you guys telling me that hockey is a violent sport where guys sometimes get hurt? Wow! I for one am shocked. I might have to change over to football,.. what?.. you mean...

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man, does this make me mad. Chara is a goon, and always has been. There is no doubt in my mind, as others have stated, that if this were a star player ala crosby, the league would be in uproar. Instead, a players career is probably over with who knows what other problems he may have in life. But since he is a 'lesser' player, the league can just pull a 'move along, nothing to see here' stance, and protect one of their poster boy defenseman. Absolutely pathetic.


Another statement that caught my attention....Murphy said one of his reasonings for no suspension was that Chara hasnt had a supplementary discipline in his career...hmmm...im sorry, I seem to remember him getting a game suspension in the PLAYOFFS last year against the SABRES for an instigating penalty after the game was over, only to have it revoked by the league! Just another example of the despicable favoritism shown in this league. Absolute bullsh*t

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Wait a minute. Everyone hold on a sec. Are you guys telling me that hockey is a violent sport where guys sometimes get hurt? Wow! I for one am shocked. I might have to change over to football,.. what?.. you mean...

By this logic, literally nothing could happen on the ice that would warrant a suspension. Because it is, after all, a "violent sport" and "guys sometimes get hurt."


This is also saying that all injuries are created equal. So a guy getting a dislocated shoulder from a legal hit is the same as Zdeno Chara ramming a man head first into a solid wall at 20mph, leaving him twitching on the ice with a broken neck and severe concussion. In effect, you're saying intent and injury severity don't matter because it's a violent sport and things happen.


Those of who hate the NHL's response just want intent and injury severity to matter here, just like they would in every other aspect of life. The NHL's decision effectively says that the only thing that matters is who injures who, and that's fairly sickening.

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man, does this make me mad. Chara is a goon, and always has been. There is no doubt in my mind, as others have stated, that if this were a star player ala crosby, the league would be in uproar. Instead, a players career is probably over with who knows what other problems he may have in life. But since he is a 'lesser' player, the league can just pull a 'move along, nothing to see here' stance, and protect one of their poster boy defenseman. Absolutely pathetic.


Another statement that caught my attention....Murphy said one of his reasonings for no suspension was that Chara hasnt had a supplementary discipline in his career...hmmm...im sorry, I seem to remember him getting a game suspension in the PLAYOFFS last year against the SABRES for an instigating penalty after the game was over, only to have it revoked by the league! Just another example of the despicable favoritism shown in this league. Absolute bullsh*t



He wasn't suspended but he clearly didn't instigate anything. Gaustad went after him.

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I really think the NHL missed it here. There really should have been a suspension handed out. It was an illegal hit, and it resulted in a very serious injury.


Mike Schopp (who is not exactly the standard for logic--he's more about using logic to backfill his opinion than he is about using it as a starting point--as entertaining as I often find him to be) wanted callers to articulate a standard. It's pretty simple, really: If you do something that's against the rules (in this case, interference and boarding (since Chara's skating was perpendicular to the run of play and the hit was well after Pacioretty had moved the puck)), and that something results in a missed-time injury, a suspension is issued. It's not that hard. There's your standard, Mike: Illegal hit plus missed-time injury. Done. The league can take history and intent into account, but the concept of a minimum suspension shouldn't be beyond grasp.

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I really think the NHL missed it here. There really should have been a suspension handed out. It was an illegal hit, and it resulted in a very serious injury.


Mike Schopp (who is not exactly the standard for logic--he's more about using logic to backfill his opinion than he is about using it as a starting point--as entertaining as I often find him to be) wanted callers to articulate a standard. It's pretty simple, really: If you do something that's against the rules (in this case, interference and boarding (since Chara's skating was perpendicular to the run of play and the hit was well after Pacioretty had moved the puck)), and that something results in a missed-time injury, a suspension is issued. It's not that hard. There's your standard, Mike: Illegal hit plus missed-time injury. Done. The league can take history and intent into account, but the concept of a minimum suspension shouldn't be beyond grasp.


Ok....so what happens when Miller clips a scrub coming through the crease, the guy takes a dive, clutches his knee, and the team says he's out 3 months?


Whatcha gonna do then?


Illegal act.


"Caused Injury"



Time missed

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Ok....so what happens when Miller clips a scrub coming through the crease, the guy takes a dive, clutches his knee, and the team says he's out 3 months?


Whatcha gonna do then?


Illegal act.


"Caused Injury"



Time missed

Yeah, totally the same thing. <_<


You were doing better with your awful Clint Malarchuk analogy.

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I really think the NHL missed it here. There really should have been a suspension handed out. It was an illegal hit, and it resulted in a very serious injury.


Mike Schopp (who is not exactly the standard for logic--he's more about using logic to backfill his opinion than he is about using it as a starting point--as entertaining as I often find him to be) wanted callers to articulate a standard.

It's basically impossible to articulate anything if you're calling that show because at the first hint of a slip-up, Schopp will pounce on you. Their callers aren't the best, but I've heard plenty of people with valid points get run off the air because they've mispronounced a word.


It's insanely simple: factor in if the hit was illegal, if there was intent, and if someone got hurt. You can even factor in player history. In other words, factor in EVERYTHING, just like you would in real life.

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Ok....so what happens when Miller clips a scrub coming through the crease, the guy takes a dive, clutches his knee, and the team says he's out 3 months?


Whatcha gonna do then?


Illegal act.


"Caused Injury"



Time missed


A guy is going to take a dive and his team is going to say that he's out for three months? Really?


I guess the next time my team played that team, I'd bring up a scrub and pull off the same stunt.


I mean, there's only so much paranoia that is reasonable, you know?

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A guy is going to take a dive and his team is going to say that he's out for three months? Really?


I guess the next time my team played that team, I'd bring up a scrub and pull off the same stunt.


I mean, there's only so much paranoia that is reasonable, you know?


Are you that naive?


god knows Lindy never coached a player to take a dive for 2 minutes!!!


Now imagine if Mark Parrish could run Carey Price a few times....hack at him after a whistle...then the next time he comes close, Price hacks him. Parrish crumples up into a ball and is out for the night with a lower body injury. Team puts him on crutches...have a nice day.


You just can't have blanket policies.

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Are you that naive?


god knows Lindy never coached a player to take a dive for 2 minutes!!!


Now imagine if Mark Parrish could run Carey Price a few times....hack at him after a whistle...then the next time he comes close, Price hacks him. Parrish crumples up into a ball and is out for the night with a lower body injury. Team puts him on crutches...have a nice day.


You just can't have blanket policies.


I'm sure the NHL can hire physicians to evaluate whether an injury really is serious, if that's your concern. I don't see the league devolving to the point where coaches are dressing scrubs to intentionally fake injuries (that's what your post meant, right?), quite frankly. I don't think that's naive.

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It's basically impossible to articulate anything if you're calling that show because at the first hint of a slip-up, Schopp will pounce on you. Their callers aren't the best, but I've heard plenty of people with valid points get run off the air because they've mispronounced a word.


It's insanely simple: factor in if the hit was illegal, if there was intent, and if someone got hurt. You can even factor in player history. In other words, factor in EVERYTHING, just like you would in real life.


That's what the league did in this case.


A hit can be illegal and there not be intent. That's the case here. Chara wanted to send the guy over the boards....ok. He dragged him too far too fast.


Again, Montador was lucky last night the guy didn't break his neck. To me that was just as bad. He got a penalty, end of discussion. If the guy sold it better, he could have gotten Montador thrown probably.


Has Chara made a statement? I bet he called the hospital or something to that effect. Not many people are evil enough to want to do that to someone. Let Montreal handle it the way they see fit. If you are a ref in the next game, you tell them do what you have to do...and then it's over. The guy broke his neck. If Chara is a man, he will take it.


Remember when Ovechkin pushed Briere near the bench at the end of the shift? It was crap. Ovechkin told Drury and Briere he would fight but they ignored him afterwards. Briere hid behind Campbell then speared Ovechkin in the groin behind the play.


Sometimes things that aren't smart or are dirty happen in a flash without premeditation. How it is handled after that determines what everyone is about. How nobody from Montreal jumped on Chara speaks volumes to me. It happened so fast during the course of a hockey play...nobody could react with confidence.


For all this hippy talk....what game will you be watching the 24th? Montreal/Boston, or Vancouver/Detroit?

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I'm sure the NHL can hire physicians to evaluate whether an injury really is serious, if that's your concern. I don't see the league devolving to the point where coaches are dressing scrubs to intentionally fake injuries (that's what your post meant, right?), quite frankly. I don't think that's naive.


When there's an automatic suspension involved....you bet stuff will happen.


Again....Lindy is classless enough to encourage his guys to dive for a 2 minute advantage.

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