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Sabres pick #8 Casey Mittlestadt


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I'm happy that Botterill doesn't seem to have given up on Zemgus quite yet too. 


There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.

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April 6th is the championship game of the Frozen Four, which is the same day at the Sabres Regular Season Finale in Florida.


Casey will be Jack's LW for the playoffs

I'm bumping this mofo in April.  Please be right...please be right...please

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It's pretty normal around here to like a first pick a lot more a month after the draft than when he's first picked, isn't it? Something in the DNA of a sports fan.

(Guilty as charged)

Agree, and I was thinking about that.


I think you are right about that being in the DNA of a fan, but I think it's something than can come along with fandom in general, not just sports related fandom.


I was thinking about how I generally like movies I'm looking forward to more upon second viewing. Something to do with expectations and how the mind works. If you've been thinking about, and analyzing something for a long time prior to it actually happening, any sort of deviation from how you envisioned said event can, I think, sometimes lead to initial lack of enthusiasm.


Once you have time to digest it, it can often be appreciated for its own merits, rather than the merits you thought it might have.

Edited by Thorny
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Well I'm extremely excited about this guy... To make the impression he has without the ability to do a pull up is quite outstanding.


Imagine how good he will be when he does 10 pull ups.. I mean that is like a 10x bonus multiplier. Each pull up he can do will multiply his hockey abilities by a point

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