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The even randomer thread


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Didn't know that either. Also, for the first 2 years I had my license, so until I was 20, I never turned the heat on in the winter. I thought heat used gas; AC used gas, so why wouldn't heat? Took until my buddy got into the car and asked why it was so damn cold in there to find out

You know about lifting your feet up when going over bridges, right?

Your liking to walk? Probably not, but it is for those who pay attention. ;)

I am flattered. I didn't think you cared enough to send the very best.

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Didn't know that either. Also, for the first 2 years I had my license, so until I was 20, I never turned the heat on in the winter. I thought heat used gas; AC used gas, so why wouldn't heat? Took until my buddy got into the car and asked why it was so damn cold in there to find out

if you use the defroster setting for the windshield it will impact fuel economy. It turns on the ac motor to help defog the windshield.
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This is a friendly NS call out to all our friends in Ontario.


Derrico and Thorny and some others in Northern Ontario who's user name escape me right at the moment ... sorry.


You and your families / loved ones, neighbours and strangers are all welcome here in NS should that Mulroney ever become Premier of Ontario.


Now, don't all jump at once and crash our website for such things as our friends south of the border did in November 2016.


We have plenty of space and fresh air for one and all.  I personally will welcome you all with open arms and will help you learn our language.


Much Love, 



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Last night we captured surveillance footage of a vandal trying to break in to one of our employee's vehicles in our parking lot. While the suspect is still at large, we took the liberty to have John Curley give his play-by-play of the incident.
Take a listen ????




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Painted Eichel in my latest style- Dave Davis reached out and asked if I had any more art for the Buffalo Star. Said I'd been meaning to do an Eichel for awhile, so yup- if you still follow the Star, should be showing up soon! One of the rare times I'll do work for no money- I was going to do it anyways for no money, might as well get some exposure. 






square jaw, super round head, high top ramen noodle hair, crooked nostrils, large sort of pointy ears, droopy eyes, small mouth and thin lips, and looks different at every damn angle. Parts of his features are very nice looking, but together it's just all very difficult to get right. I've been trying to draw him for a couple years now- it's never easy.


Someone on here said it best before we drafted him- "That boy sure has a face for radio"

Edited by ABBA_älskare_69
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Jo, how do you deal with delicate matters such as unflattering features, in Jack's case his forehead acne. Obviously you glossed over it. But what thinking went into that decision?

A couple thoughts on that-


1- how would I want to be portrayed- I'd want to be accurately shown but if I had a bad breakout going (and god knows i've struggled my entire life with it), I'd be hoping it was downplayed. He's young and obviously has bad cystic acne that his helmet makes worse- he used to have it all over his face & it's more his forehead now- age and I'm assuming dermatologists are working on it. It's active and changing, rather than acne scars, which I'd definitely include were they there. 


One of my professors painted me once, and to get "me" he really focused on the lines next to my nose/down to my mouth. I hate them, but they're me. He really emphasized them, and the final picture looked more like my mother than me- everyone said "oh it's you in 20 years!". I wish he'd kinda softened it a bit- a case where editing would've helped the likeness. 


2- If he sees it, see above. "Hi Jack, look, it's you, and all your pimply glory!" 


3- artistic license. Especially with this style- I'm not going for pore perfect like my PK Subban or Mogilny paintings. If I were, I might include a bit of acne, but the reference it was very ... painful looking. 


I stayed true to his other features- patchy facial hair, a touch of roseacea on the cheeks, on Eric Wood I didn't thin him out- if you try to make someone "better looking" than they are, you lose the likeness.


Much easier with men than women. Men are craggier overall anyways, no makeup, more texture, "allowed" to have oddly sized features (big nose, "unnattractive" overall). I actually just finished a realistic painting of a rather unattractive (but absolutely amazing) woman this week- I kept catching myself shrinking her nose, erasing the weak chin/double chin lines, downplaying her bigger teeth/gummy smile and bowl haircut. Kept losing her. Says more about me than her for sure. 


Now, I have had cases where the subject is just plug ugly and the person commissioning it clearly doesn't appreciate it being painted as it is. In those cases I've been known to edit a bit. Every person, no matter how "ugly", has a good feature or two- play those up, dont' detail the rougher parts. Eyes- you can usually never go wrong with eyes. Soften/cover goofy ears, don't hi-def the nose, soften some lines here or there... but that can be suuuuper frustrating. Especially for caricatures. Some are never happy until you pretty much draw them as a supermodel or hollywood guy, just with their hair color and favorite shirt. :/ 


I think I want to do Hilary Knight next, actually. Winter Olympics are coming and dammit, she's amazing. 

Edited by ABBA_älskare_69
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Such an interesting discussion. I like what our minds do with our looks. I look in the mirror and somehow 25 year old me is still there but I see photos and I'm like who invited my dad.


Also, I'm convinced my child is the most handsome toddler to ever grace this universe. Obviously, that's not reality but our brains turn these little versions of us into this, so familiarity translates to good looking. I'm sure the psychology of it all would blow me away.

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