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Patrick Kane: [Updated] D.A. Decides Not to Prosecute; NHL Determines Claims "Unfounded"

That Aud Smell

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Mighty Taco before a Godwin? Who knew?

If she went to his house with a freind, IMO she *was* being responsible, and likely was looking for a party, not sex.

I think modern rules of engagement suggest man should expect something if two random girls follow him to his place in the middle of th night after hanging all over him at a bar. This is to say nothing about statutory rape (which if the case assigns guilt without any care for circumstances) or whether she was raped, or her culpability in the matter at all. But she was certainly not being responsible. If you could watch a video of the enitre incident, from the meet, to the drinking, (underage?) to the to the hanging all over him, to the willing and intentional following back to his place, and that was your kin.. Tell me you wouldnt be infuriated with them for how IRRESPONSIBLE their behavior was. Furthermore, who knows what was said between the two parties? We live in a more scandolous (to put it gently) world than people would like to believe, especially those who havent experienced its truly darker sides. Right now we have accusations and circumstantial evidence so lets chillax on crowning this mystery teen Ms. Buffalo 2016 until we get the facts. Seeing things for how you prefer them as opposed to how they ought to be is a human epidemic and casting aspersions wildly without proper consideration of an opposing thought is a cardinal symptom.

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I think modern rules of engagement suggest man should expect something if two random girls follow him to his place in the middle of th night after hanging all over him at a bar. This is to say nothing about statutory rape (which if the case assigns guilt without any care for circumstances) or whether she was raped, or her culpability in the matter at all. But she was certainly not being responsible. If you could watch a video of the enitre incident, from the meet, to the drinking, (underage?) to the to the hanging all over him, to the willing and intentional following back to his place, and that was your kin.. Tell me you wouldnt be infuriated with them for how IRRESPONSIBLE their behavior was. Furthermore, who knows what was said between the two parties? We live in a more scandolous (to put it gently) world than people would like to believe, especially those who havent experienced its truly darker sides. Right now we have accusations and circumstantial evidence so lets chillax on crowning this mystery teen Ms. Buffalo 2016 until we get the facts. Seeing things for how you prefer them as opposed to how they ought to be is a human epidemic and casting aspersions wildly without proper consideration of an opposing thought is a cardinal symptom.


Another excellent, fact filled post.  :rolleyes:

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I think modern rules of engagement suggest man should expect something if two random girls follow him to his place in the middle of th night after hanging all over him at a bar. This is to say nothing about statutory rape (which if the case assigns guilt without any care for circumstances) or whether she was raped, or her culpability in the matter at all. But she was certainly not being responsible. If you could watch a video of the enitre incident, from the meet, to the drinking, (underage?) to the to the hanging all over him, to the willing and intentional following back to his place, and that was your kin.. Tell me you wouldnt be infuriated with them for how IRRESPONSIBLE their behavior was. Furthermore, who knows what was said between the two parties? We live in a more scandolous (to put it gently) world than people would like to believe, especially those who havent experienced its truly darker sides. Right now we have accusations and circumstantial evidence so lets chillax on crowning this mystery teen Ms. Buffalo 2016 until we get the facts. Seeing things for how you prefer them as opposed to how they ought to be is a human epidemic and casting aspersions wildly without proper consideration of an opposing thought is a cardinal symptom.


This is the closest to "she asked for it" that I've seen so far.

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Another excellent, fact filled post.  :rolleyes:

Was it found that she wasnt a minor afterall?

This is the closest to "she asked for it" that I've seen so far.

Then you misunderstood me.

I nevet once claimed she wasnt raped or that it was her fault. Just refuting other comments claims.

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Mighty ain't really Mexican food. It's Mexican-esque fast food. There's a reason they've been so successful - it's tasty, as that sorta food goes.

You haven't lived until you've had late-night dollar-a-piece street tacos out of a trailer like this in a true barrio.



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Clearly if anyone even mentions the young womans role in the events they are blaspheming, and most likely rapists themselves.



That's because a man should never force himself on a woman, no matter what happened leading up to it. A woman has no role in getting raped, unless you feel like men have no control over themselves. How hard is this to understand?

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That's because a man should never force himself on a woman, no matter what happened leading up to it. A woman has no role in getting raped, unless you feel like men have no control over themselves. How hard is this to understand?

My posts had nothing to do with rape.

I said it 3 times now.

I was responding to a poster regarding responsibility and then mentioned hume quote and the blatant hypocrisy.

Mostly im trying to convey my distaste with flagrant disregard for logic and reasonable consideration in favor of biases of the group or self.

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I think modern rules of engagement suggest man should expect something if two random girls follow him to his place in the middle of th night after hanging all over him at a bar. This is to say nothing about statutory rape (which if the case assigns guilt without any care for circumstances) or whether she was raped, or her culpability in the matter at all. But she was certainly not being responsible. If you could watch a video of the enitre incident, from the meet, to the drinking, (underage?) to the to the hanging all over him, to the willing and intentional following back to his place, and that was your kin.. Tell me you wouldnt be infuriated with them for how IRRESPONSIBLE their behavior was. Furthermore, who knows what was said between the two parties? We live in a more scandolous (to put it gently) world than people would like to believe, especially those who havent experienced its truly darker sides. Right now we have accusations and circumstantial evidence so lets chillax on crowning this mystery teen Ms. Buffalo 2016 until we get the facts. Seeing things for how you prefer them as opposed to how they ought to be is a human epidemic and casting aspersions wildly without proper consideration of an opposing thought is a cardinal symptom.

If it was my daughter and she was 21 and wasn't drunk, I wouldn't find anything irresponsible about any of it — even ending in consensual sex. Does responsibility only enter into the picture because of the rape? If not, you and at least one other poster sound downright puritanical.



If the News is accurate in reporting that she had a bite mark, isn't that pretty close to a smoking gun?


This hasn't been mentioned here, probably out of sensitivity. But we're pretty far down the rabbit hole now. And everyone has the same question in mind — did he do it?

Edited by PASabreFan
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If it was my daughter and she was 21 and wasn't drunk, I wouldn't find anything irresponsible about any of it — even ending in consensual sex. Does responsibility only enter into the picture because of the rape? If not, you and at least one other poster sound downright puritanical.



If the News is accurate in reporting that she had a bite mark, isn't that pretty close to a smoking gun?


This hasn't been mentioned here, probably out of sensitivity. But we're pretty far down the rabbit hole now. And everyone has the same question in mind — did he do it?


Not in the least.

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If the News is accurate in reporting that she had a bite mark, isn't that pretty close to a smoking gun?


This hasn't been mentioned here, probably out of sensitivity. But we're pretty far down the rabbit hole now. And everyone has the same question in mind — did he do it?


A bit mark sure does sound like something they can trace.

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That's because a man should never force himself on a woman, no matter what happened leading up to it. A woman has no role in getting raped, unless you feel like men have no control over themselves. How hard is this to understand?

Agreed. No one should ever force themselves on anyone, no matter how friendly things were leading up to the point where minds changed. Rape can happen in marriages, partnerships, etc. as well, between trusting people. Any gender can be raped. It's not that difficult to understand. 


Bite marks- that can absolutely be consensual. That can also be a telltale sign of nonconsensual dominance. Again, we don't know. The relevance to the investigation is identification purposes/dental records, potentially as part of a pattern of physical injury. 


I gotta take a break from this thread- I have work to do and I can't do it when I'm seething. 

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