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Patrick Kane: [Updated] D.A. Decides Not to Prosecute; NHL Determines Claims "Unfounded"

That Aud Smell

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This thread is a f*cking trainwreck.

Why is it a train wreck? A lot of people posting with various input and opinions. Just because we all don't agree with what each other is saying doesn't make it a train wreck. What does is when people start trying to tell people what they should and shouldn't think.


The reality of it, and this is sad, but if the Sabres announced that they traded Girgs this thread wouldn't get a post for a week.

Edited by sicknfla
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What purpose does this comment serve?


Seriously. Easy to hide behind derision.


Why is it a train wreck? A lot of people posting with various input and opinions. Just because we all don't agree with what each other is saying doesn't make it a train wreck. What does is when people start trying to tell let people what they should and shouldn't think.


The reality of it, and this is sad, but if the Sabres announced that they traded Girgs this thread wouldn't get a post for a week.


Couldn't agree more.  Total demonization of disharmony with hive mentality.

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Why is it a train wreck? A lot of people posting with various input and opinions. Just because we all don't agree with what each other is saying doesn't make it a train wreck. What does is when people start trying to tell people what they should and shouldn't think.


The reality of it, and this is sad, but if the Sabres announced that they traded Girgs this thread wouldn't get a post for a week.


I wouldn't go that far.  This one's not going anywhere for a while.  Regardless of what else happens around the world, until something more breaks on this story, people are going to be posting about it.

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Your twisting my words, thats not what I said, its slanting, its out of context and its irrelevant to the point. But your right, I should relent, and will soon, because rationality has clearly left this forum.

I wasn't twisting your words, I was paraphrasing. You said some despicable things and you're dodging every attempt by posters to take you to task for it. That's chickensh-- behavior and we don't tolerate it in this corner of the internet. Edited by qwksndmonster
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What purpose does this discussion serve? Is everyone having fun getting their rocks off?

Yeah that is what we are all doing. Getting our rocks off!! If that is the best you can do and this thread annoys you that much bye bye. Don't waste everyone else's time with your constant degrading posts. Your act has grown old.

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In closing, I hope they resolve the Kane situation quickly and decisively. If he is found guilty by a jury of his peers I will join the stake burning and promoter casting him asunder.  If not, well... 

Thank you all for the invigorating convos.... I must return to the bat cave (lab)... fighting crime (E.Coli) .. awaits..

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So true, but unfortunately, here in Chiraq there is a greater than average chance of getting lead "poisoning" due the fact that street gangs are now trying to establish certain trucks as their property.  Many are closing up shop instead of being in the middle.  Shame.



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Yeah that is what we are all doing. Getting our rocks off!! If that is the best you can do and this thread annoys you that much bye bye. Don't waste everyone else's time with your constant degrading posts. Your act has grown old.


Can you admit that you're speculating about rape scenarios for fun? 

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I wasn't twisting your words, I was paraphrasing. You said some despicable things and you're dodging every attempt by posters to take you to task for it. That's chickensh-- behavior and we don't tolerate it in this corner of the internet.


Oh man thats rich.  Please delineate the despicable "things" so I can own them... or you.

Whats chickensh-- behavior is making accusations without substantiating them properly, judging someones character based on your ignorance and misunderstanding of their intentions, and in your waning attempts at imagining a modicum of power,  deeming me unfit to stand in your arena.... Lets play this out so you can understand it.


Heres what just happened:


Newcomer : Heres my opinion.

Villager 1: No your wrong, your a bad person,

Villager 2: Yea hes wrong (hissing noises)..he said jesus isn't the son of god and that we are a church of idols

Newcomer: No, actually i was just trying to state an opinion based on a comment that....


Newcomer: Thats pretty excessive, I'm just saying.....

Villager 4:  He kinda reminds me of that other guy .. you know that guy that was here

Newcomer: WHOA are you serious? Well thanks for the chat anyways guys

Villager 5: We don't take kindly to your kind around here... (kicks newcomer out village.. possibly literally)


Truly, and Utterly Disgusting. 

Can you admit that you're speculating about rape scenarios for fun? 

 Can you admit that your commenting on people speculating about rape scenarios for fun?

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I think modern rules of engagement suggest man should expect something if two random girls follow him to his place in the middle of th night after hanging all over him at a bar.

This is the comment everybody has been referring to. But you're right, Tank Jr., you never said that he expected sex. You said he SHOULD expect it, which is an entirely different suggestion insinuating that a man has a right to expect sex from somebody just because of the circumstances around their encounter.


You're rambling like crazy trying to make it seem like we're antibodies attacking what's new and different. That's not the case. You said what you said and it was disgusting. Leave or don't, but let's be adults when we say something that people find disturbing. You said it. If you have a problem with people disagreeing then okay but don't hurl insults while claiming you didn't say what you said.

Edited by Hoss
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Oh man thats rich.  Please delineate the despicable "things" so I can own them... or you.

Whats chickensh-- behavior is making accusations without substantiating them properly, judging someones character based on your ignorance and misunderstanding of their intentions, and in your waning attempts at imagining a modicum of power,  deeming me unfit to stand in your arena.... Lets play this out so you can understand it.


Heres what just happened:


Newcomer : Heres my opinion.

Villager 1: No your wrong, your a bad person,

Villager 2: Yea hes wrong (hissing noises)..he said jesus isn't the son of god and that we are a church of idols

Newcomer: No, actually i was just trying to state an opinion based on a comment that....


Newcomer: Thats pretty excessive, I'm just saying.....

Villager 4:  He kinda reminds me of that other guy .. you know that guy that was here

Newcomer: WHOA are you serious? Well thanks for the chat anyways guys

Villager 5: We don't take kindly to your kind around here... (kicks newcomer out village.. possibly literally)


Truly, and Utterly Disgusting. 

 Can you admit that your commenting on people speculating about rape scenarios for fun?


None of this is fun. The fascination some here have with speculation is sad and gross. If this thread were serving an educational purpose I would forgive it, but the educational posts in this thread are being largely ignored in favor of tabloid level shenanigans. 

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Once you got outed by members pointing out that you are a returning troll, your responses started spiraling out of control.


Hehehehe, I definitely remember you.

I can't seem to recall. Which troll has trouble distinguishing between your and you're?

None of this is fun. The fascination some here have with speculation is sad and gross. If this thread were serving an educational purpose I would forgive it, but the educational posts in this thread are being largely ignored in favor of tabloid level shenanigans.

It was serving an educational purpose until it got commandeered by buffoonery.

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I think modern rules of engagement suggest man should expect something if two random girls follow him to his place in the middle of th night after hanging all over him at a bar. This is to say nothing about statutory rape (which if the case assigns guilt without any care for circumstances) or whether she was raped, or her culpability in the matter at all. But she was certainly not being responsible. If you could watch a video of the enitre incident, from the meet, to the drinking, (underage?) to the to the hanging all over him, to the willing and intentional following back to his place, and that was your kin.. Tell me you wouldnt be infuriated with them for how IRRESPONSIBLE their behavior was. Furthermore, who knows what was said between the two parties? We live in a more scandolous (to put it gently) world than people would like to believe, especially those who havent experienced its truly darker sides. Right now we have accusations and circumstantial evidence so lets chillax on crowning this mystery teen Ms. Buffalo 2016 until we get the facts. Seeing things for how you prefer them as opposed to how they ought to be is a human epidemic and casting aspersions wildly without proper consideration of an opposing thought is a cardinal symptom.


Did you really think you would get anybody to broaden the horizon of possibilities? Most here claim they haven't claimed guilt of Kane, yet every time a scenario is directed with the slightest possibility that maybe she isn't that innocent....... It gets shot down immediately. 


I've tried to be open minded when it comes to emotional topics on here. There are a few that return the favor. But it becomes difficult when so many just keep driving with tunnel vision.

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This topic is OLD. A NEW topic should be started unless there is a VERY SPECIFIC REASON to revive this one.

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