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Round one Pick #12: Mikhail Grigorenko: Signed


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There is an obvious reason Grigorenko is already in Buffalo. Darcy wants to get him signed to a contract ASAP.


Why? Because then he cannot jump to the KHL - in case the negotiations with the union go sour. Look for him to have signed a contract sometime this week - IMO, of course.

The point he has made time and time again:


If he was going to do that why would he have come over hear and worked so hard, torn his family up from their home to begin with?


Watching 'The Russian Factor' at work from a Brits point of view is kind of fascinating.

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The point he has made time and time again:


If he was going to do that why would he have come over hear and worked so hard, torn his family up from their home to begin with?


Watching 'The Russian Factor' at work from a Brits point of view is kind of fascinating.


I think he was refering to the pending labor strife in the NHL, not some desire to pin the Sabres against a KHL team. During the last labor dispute lots of players played in European leagues while the dispute went on.

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(please don't say bleacher report.)




took me a while - but it's there within his last name. Grigorenko.


got a strong cute factor (as does the kid himself, fwiw), but i don't think it'll cut it in "the room."


How about "Oreo Blizzard"!

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I think he was refering to the pending labor strife in the NHL, not some desire to pin the Sabres against a KHL team. During the last labor dispute lots of players played in European leagues while the dispute went on.


Ah ok, fair play. He has stated he has no desire to play in the KHL and that he'd continue to prepare for the season, spend more time training and learning unless he was sent back. I like his attitude so far, I'm only willing to take him on face value but I do like him.


How about "Oreo Blizzard"!


Lucky its not Britian, he'd be nicknamed '###### asylum seeker'. Thats a different rant though.

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How about no, since I hate the Giants still from Super Bowl XXV (although, their recent wins over the Patriots has eased the hatred). But no, I can't call any Buffalo athletes the G-men. Can't, won't.

i dont watch football so I have no idea what this about... sorry. :huh:

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I don't know about any of those nicknames for Grigorenko, but the Snews has a column where Girgensons is called "The Latvian Locomotive". Personally I think that one is too long. He should be henceforth known as "Train".

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I don't know about any of those nicknames for Grigorenko, but the Snews has a column where Girgensons is called "The Latvian Locomotive". Personally I think that one is too long. He should be henceforth known as "Train".

Why do I imagine him scoring and a train whistle going off now?

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I'd prefer "the guy who wants to see them play before I go crazy with some stupid nickname". That might be a bit long though.


I guess you could call them the paper Tigers. People go crazy on the Bills board about trying to nick name the Bills d-line or defense in general too, but until they produce on the field (which I think they will) that's all they are at this point.

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I don't know about any of those nicknames for Grigorenko, but the Snews has a column where Girgensons is called "The Latvian Locomotive". Personally I think that one is too long. He should be henceforth known as "Train".


he breaks his jaw hitting people and blocks shots when his team is down by 14 goals.


maybe loco?

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I have to admit I'm not a big nickname guy either, but it is late June on a hockey message board so I'd say it's all good.


Exactly. I'd love to talk about their on-ice performance, but that isn't exactly possible right now. And let's face it, we can only rehash the same possible 5 signings/trades so often.

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I don't know about any of those nicknames for Grigorenko, but the Snews has a column where Girgensons is called "The Latvian Locomotive". Personally I think that one is too long. He should be henceforth known as "Train".

Well, now that there's a bit of a log jam on defense and it doesn't look like Henrik will be coming back anytime soon, I guess somebody else can take over that name. :unsure:

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Well, now that there's a bit of a log jam on defense and it doesn't look like Henrik will be coming back anytime soon, I guess somebody else can take over that name. :unsure:














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