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Breaking Bad. I know I'm seriously late to the party on that one, but I've watched the entire first season over the last 2 days with my mom and am already planning a binge viewing for this weekend since I now own dvds and/or digital copies of seasons 2-6. So good.


It gets under your skin, right? Season 2 is rip roaring, introducing a number of characters important for the rest of the series.

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It gets under your skin, right? Season 2 is rip roaring, introducing a number of characters important for the rest of the series.


And almost every episode ends in cliffhanger fashion! I can't imagine the torture of having to watch in "real-time" weeks apart. I'm hooked.

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I got to unwrap my traditional Christmas ornament this year when I got to my parents house. My brothers and I always get them. After all the presents are opened my mom announces that those ornaments that we got; the ornaments that we have been getting every year for the last 8 years were found in a box in my grandmothers house when she passed away 8 years ago. They were all labled for her grandchildren and her children had been passing them out every year to carry on the tradition. When I was a little kid and I got an ornament from grandma and grandpa it was so lame. At 28...instant tears.

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I got to unwrap my traditional Christmas ornament this year when I got to my parents house. My brothers and I always get them. After all the presents are opened my mom announces that those ornaments that we got; the ornaments that we have been getting every year for the last 8 years were found in a box in my grandmothers house when she passed away 8 years ago. They were all labled for her grandchildren and her children had been passing them out every year to carry on the tradition. When I was a little kid and I got an ornament from grandma and grandpa it was so lame. At 28...instant tears.


That is wonderful.

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This is going in here since the Friday thread is closed:


So my company as a whole has been busting ass to get as much done before end of year so that we can pad our numbers for corporate this year (and have a record year) so that we can get more stuff (i.e. repairs, new equipment, etc.) next year. Management decided that since there's a lot of us here that don't have to be, they are buying us all pizza and wings for lunch. Awesome, F'N Fantastic, however you want to put it. Only downside, I'm bored out of my mind calibrating a few instruments waiting for tests to finish up.

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Finally in the final stages of finishing a logo for my hometown's fire department. I know it's not much, but it feels really neat to know my design will be on their trucks and gear.


Also, while home over xmas I got out to my uncle's barn where we're storing our 1929 Model A that I grew up working on/riding in. Renewed my hope that someday I'll get to restore him (he's named Fred) and drive him. Just time and money, time and money. He's a barn car at the moment, and it's been a few years since we got the engine to turn over/drove it anywhere. Massive amounts of play in the steering- I had to turn the wheel back and forth in an almost pantomime manner to keep the damn thing going straight! But someday... someday I'm driving that baby everywhere.

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So Robyn Roberts comes out as a lesbian. Great. Why does this matter? First of all, if you didn't know she liked roast beef curtains instead of weinershnitsel you should get your gaydar checked. Secondly, I think it's sad that people feel the need to come out. I'm sure all of her close friends and family knew already. What's the point?

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