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Sardines on toast with Weber's mustard and Frank's Red Hot, Polish Dill spears, and Genny pounder.


MODO would be proud.


A full accounting of calories taken in to support today's bicycle ride:


Coffee break at Buon Giorno 10 miles in:



Lunch after 30 miles:  Fish Fry at Buffalo Bros (I got more coleslaw and no fries, and because it's Lent, birch beer instead of real beer):


Edited by The Big Johnson
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Tuna fish and noodles and banana bread (separately). All day yesterday and today. Just comfort food for this bitter weather. Yes, you snobs, it's made with Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup. I may never have another bowel movement. How long until I explode?


You make tuna fish with cream of mushroom soup? Mayo or bust, man. Did you at least include celery?

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Tuna fish and noodles and banana bread (separately). All day yesterday and today. Just comfort food for this bitter weather. Yes, you snobs, it's made with Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup. I may never have another bowel movement. How long until I explode?

I'm assuming you put peas in there as well?



Cue Eleven in 3,2,1…

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Tuna fish and noodles and banana bread (separately). All day yesterday and today. Just comfort food for this bitter weather. Yes, you snobs, it's made with Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup. I may never have another bowel movement. How long until I explode?


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I'm assuming you put peas in there as well?



Cue Eleven in 3,2,1…

Of course. And bread crumbs on top before baking. Casserole, yes.

Depends.  Are we talking Tuna Noodle Casserole, or Tuna Noodle Salad?  The should not be confused.

That seems drastic but advisable.

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The fact that it's -12F outside means that it's too cold to grill. Never fear. I recently bought my very first cast iron skillet. Picked up 2 ribeyes this afternoon and decided to try and make steak indoors. F'ing nailed it! They came out great. I used an Alton Brown method of searing them on each side for 30 seconds then broiling them for 2 minutes a side. Pretty darn perfect medium rare. Throw in some mashed potatoes and green beans and I'm happy as a clam.


For dessert I've prepared a nice Italian love cake with chocolate mousse topping.

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Shrimp Creole today.  We picked up 2lbs of wild caught jumbo shrimp at Wegman's.  Used a recipe we got in New Orleans at a 2 day cooking school.  Crusty, homemade bread to dunk.  Chased it with a 750ml bottle of Ommegang Hennepin.  Mmmmmm.......

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The fact that it's -12F outside means that it's too cold to grill. Never fear. I recently bought my very first cast iron skillet. Picked up 2 ribeyes this afternoon and decided to try and make steak indoors. F'ing nailed it! They came out great. I used an Alton Brown method of searing them on each side for 30 seconds then broiling them for 2 minutes a side. Pretty darn perfect medium rare. Throw in some mashed potatoes and green beans and I'm happy as a clam.


For dessert I've prepared a nice Italian love cake with chocolate mousse topping.

I've done that method before, it works pretty well. The only possible mistake (or good tip) was I left the meat in the pan while it was resting and it ended up medium-well (presumably from the cast iron residual heat). I say tip because it's a good way to cook a steak for someone that wants their cut overdone.

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I've done that method before, it works pretty well. The only possible mistake (or good tip) was I left the meat in the pan while it was resting and it ended up medium-well (presumably from the cast iron residual heat). I say tip because it's a good way to cook a steak for someone that wants their cut overdone.

Ah yes, for the hockey puck lover. I put the steak on the cutting board and losely tented it with aluminum foil. It was good. I'll have to make steak more often in the winter now.


The cake however.....I don't like cake. I just don't like it. Both my wife and son liked it and I was sitting there like... "Man I wish I was eating ice cream."

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Friggin fried bologna! That's my next cheat. I still have my 30" waist at 43 so when my body cries out some particular food I give it what it wants. I just had a chewy homemade choc chip cookie with a huge dab of butter.

Butter on a cookie?! That's somehow crazy but perfectly sane.

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