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F'N...tastic Fridays....

Andrew Amerk

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They'll definitely sign stuff. The whole road crew concept is to give a big thank you to Sabres outside of the Buffalo area. It should be definitely be autograph friendly. Hell, when I went the Pegula's didn't even own the team yet. I imagine if they changed anything it would be to make the experience even better for everyone. You'll have a blast. Get a picture putting up your dukes with Rob Ray or something. He wasn't at the one I attended, I would've loved to meet him. He may be a big dumb lug, but he's our big dumb lug.

LOVE IT.  :lol:  Should I bring a marker for signing, or will they have them there?  I didn't think to grab one at home, but there are plenty at work I could "borrow".

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LOVE IT.  :lol:  Should I bring a marker for signing, or will they have them there?  I didn't think to grab one at home, but there are plenty at work I could "borrow".


They'll probably have them, but I'd take one just in case, especially if you want them to sign your jersey.

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I'll second that. Even though it's a week later lol.

Still true!  6pm can't come quickly enough.


And we got approved for our apartment in Buffalo! It's hard to believe I've been living in Rochester for a decade. 5/15 I make my triumphant return to the Queen City.  :beer:


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I'd gotten my taxes about 90% done back in Jan., but I intentionally held off on filing this year because I knew I was going to owe $ for a change after not having a full year of mortgage interest to deduct and having taken some money out of my retirement account last year without holding taxes.  Was very pleasantly surprised this week when I did finish them up and found that after all my deductions were accounted for, I only ended up owing $92.   :D

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Also fantastic:  we interviewed a junior tech earlier in the week that we liked, and while HR is still putzing around with the formal offer letter, he accepted the verbal offer today and will start April 3rd.  We also did a phone interview yesterday with a supervisor candidate that seems very promising, and will hopefully be able to meet her in person sometime in the next two weeks (she's not local).  Thank God we're finally going to get some assistance here so I don't have to do everything myself!!

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Most strwssful week in years is over. Lots of packing tonight (also stressful). My plan involves 3 glaases og whiskey in the airport bar tomorrow and some shuteye on the overnight flightto Frankfurt tomorrow.


After that I have a date with a platter of pigs knuckle and a few liters of bier.

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Most strwssful week in years is over. Lots of packing tonight (also stressful). My plan involves 3 glaases og whiskey in the airport bar tomorrow and some shuteye on the overnight flightto Frankfurt tomorrow.


After that I have a date with a platter of pigs knuckle and a few liters of bier.

Sure you didn't start a day early?  :P


Have a safe and wonderful trip, we've!

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