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Mother ###### plumbing!!!!

Bathroom #1:

I've spent the last month working on my bathrooms in my house. I completely regrouted one, what a pain in the ass that was, but it looks good. Come to find out now that if water gets on the floor in that bathroom it immediately leaks through onto the plywood underneath (completely rotted out by the way) which then leaks onto my ceiling in my man cave ruining the ceiling tile.


Bathroom #2: The shower faucet handles, diverting handle or whatever is also dripping into said man cave. I spent my weekend taking the whole ###### thing apart, switching out all the valve stems and fixtures and re-sealing everything when I put it back together. I let it dry for over a day. Just took a shower, yup still ###### dripping.


###### you showers, I'm taking a ###### crowbar to the ###### walls. I'll find this ###### leak if it ###### kills me. Then I'll rip up the other bathroom floor and fix that damn mess.


This sucks so ###### bad.

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I hear ya. Just instead of cookies (ok, in addition to cookies which are happening for a white elephant thing tomorrow), make it xmas cards and last minute illustration requests and end of semester grading.


If anyone's in JFK, in the jet blue terminal (i think terminal 4), look for the Coatchex kiosk thing. I did illustrations for them a few weeks back and now I'm doing a big 6 foot tall one that's due.... tomorrow. It'll be up the 29th, with a hole for your face should you want to take a picture with it. (not sure i get their reasoning but hey). They've been a great client but holy crap, Week Before Xmas Can You Do This Massive Thing In 2 Days requests should be effin' illegal.


You know the song "silver and gold" from Rudolph? The weird snowman dude sings it. Well, I've been singing it as "deadlines and guilt... deadlines and guilt..."


If I don't kill myself by Xmas I'm going to kill someone else.

Darn lousy sound on old Sylvania TV's; always thought Sam was singing "hookers and blow, hookers and blow." ;)


Hope you didn't need to kill yourself or others. Happy New Year.

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A vendor of ours f'd up a router config, but subtly enough that we didn't notice it until today (after we did a software upgrade and rebooted it). Now the router is down, as is the remote office. That office is in Buffalo...we're in Albany. We can't even find someone close enough (without paying through the nose) to go on site and help fix it.


This is the same vendor that messed up several other things for us and they're wondering why we're not giving them business anymore.

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Apartment searching in Buffalo isn't for people who get payed poorly.


You could say that about most cities. Buffalo is better than Rochester. It's legitimately impossible to live as a single person in this city. You have to have a roommate/SO to live with in order to pay rent. No exceptions.

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sick as a dog the past 2 days. overloading on everything I can to make myself better!


This is a critical month at work and I can't afford to miss more than yesterday!


Flu? It's rampant here in NC and I came down with it just before Christmas, but I got on Tamiflu within 12 hours of the symptoms starting and I was only really bad for about 48 hours. Otherwise it's been putting people down for the better part of a week. Poor match for the H3N2 strain in this years vaccine.

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Flu? It's rampant here in NC and I came down with it just before Christmas, but I got on Tamiflu within 12 hours of the symptoms starting and I was only really bad for about 48 hours. Otherwise it's been putting people down for the better part of a week. Poor match for the H3N2 strain in this years vaccine.


it's either a light flu or a bad cold...haven't decided. I heavily medicated myself and against better judgement still came into work. I have been washing/purell'ing my hands constantly to try to mitigate issues for my coworkers, and I have lysol wiped my desk and lab space now.

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I have two sizable withdrawals from from Bank account yesterday from a place called Brooklyn Underground. Heading to the bank to get to the bottom of it. Not liking where this is headed.


I'm not sure what it is but my body has been trembling and anxious about something. I mean like scared and shaking but there's nothing there. Weird.

Stop cyber stalking me chz

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I'm not sure what it is but my body has been trembling and anxious about something. I mean like scared and shaking but there's nothing there. Weird.

Sounds like a form panic attack.




I survived my family but holy #### is it a weird feeling coming back and being the rational adult one.

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I survived my family but holy #### is it a weird feeling coming back and being the rational adult one.

Right there with ya, buddy. It has been weighing very heavily on my mind since coming back. Oh, the guilt a mother can bestow upon you for not quitting everything you're doing to come home and validate her decisions in life...

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Why are there no arrows on the iPad keyboard to move the cursor? Tapping and holding to correct one letter is such a pain in the as.


Agreed... took me a while to get used to that. And I really, REALLY hate that there aren't free keyboard options like Swype, speak-to-text, etc as with Android. I found a poor man's version of Swype but it's a completely separate app rather than an alternate keyboard, so you can only use it to enter text and then have to copy and paste it into whatever other app you were using. Just assinine.

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