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The Jack Eichel thread.


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There's a fine line between being confident/having a swagger, to being a Lindros-esk type d-bag. I haven't heard anything to indicate that Eichel would be the latter until this. I doubt he is, but we won't really know until a few years into his career. 

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I've said before, he reminds me of Jeremy Roenick.  I hated Jeremy Roenick.  But I would have loved him if he wore blue and gold.  If he entertains the hell out of me, leads the team to a ton of wins, and especially carries home a Stanley Cup, I don't care if the rest of the entire NHL fanbase thinks he's a douche canoe.

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So some guy from hockeybuzz has a source from 1 of the 5 teams that interviewed Eichel who said he was a jackass?  The team, the questions, and the way that interview went are all context clues we do not possess.  I haven't heard this type of thing from anyone in Boston, at the WC, or in Buffalo so I'm calling ######.

Edited by LGR4GM
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Taken with a grain of salt (given the "source"), and it's kind of ironic coming from someone who roots for Patrick Kane, but...I just thought it was funny.





On a sidenote...Crawford's on the market? (Don't think I'd want him, but that's quite interesting to me.)

I'm going to dispute this based on a personal interaction I had with him. I interviewed him for about 10 minutes, he was polite and not the least bit cocky during the whole process. He walked into the room I was in and said "Hi I'm Jack how are you doing today?" After we were done, I told him your all set and good luck. He walked over to me, shook my hand and said "Thanks for everything, it was a pleasure meeting you" Not the typical interaction you would expect with an 18 year old, much less one who is about to be a superstar in the NHL


Also by all accounts he posed for every picture and signed every autograph during the Combine as well

Edited by BRAWNDO
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So some guy from hockeybuzz has a source from 1 of the 5 teams that interviewed Eichel who said he was a jackass? The team, the questions, and the way that interview went are all context clues we do not possess. I haven't heard this type of thing from anyone in Boston, at the WC, or in Buffalo so I'm calling ######.

Yeap. Trash source in the first place. I'm glad Bob pointed that out before posting it. I don't find anything on that site worth discussing with any sense of seriousness.

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I call bullschit on these reports about Eichel being an ass. All told, going back to last September with the lead-up to the prospects game, all throughout his college season, into the IIHF world tourney, the combine and all the hoopla, I think I've either heard or read interviews with him no less than two dozen times (probably more). 


The kid is 24-0 (at least) in those interviews. Absolutely ZERO douche factor in any of them. If you've heard or read anything his parents have said, it's easy to see why. I refuse to believe that's all an act and he somehow showed his true character with a couple teams at the combine. 


If I had to guess, it was a couple Canadian teams who couldn't stand the temerity of a young American boy saying he expects to be a better player than the Canadian McJesus. He has a confidence that actually registers while McJesus is far more subdued. If they mistook that confidence for arrogance, I suspect that may be an indication of why those teams suck in the first place. Not an indication of sound player evaluation. 



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Please, let the rest of the league think he's a d&$k. Works in our favor on many levels and through several milestones.


I just like Kane, and he hasn't played a game as a Sabre! I hope all of this build up hits home.


These are the characters you want on a team that's "hard to play against"...I'm so looking forward to next season.

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Please, let the rest of the league think he's a d&$k. Works in our favor on many levels and through several milestones.


I just like Kane, and he hasn't played a game as a Sabre! I hope all of this build up hits home.


These are the characters you want on a team that's "hard to play against"...I'm so looking forward to next season.


Don't sweat it.  This is going down as one of the best trades in Sabres history.  Like Gratton for Briere, like a 4th for Hasek, like Grosek for Dumont and Glimour, like Warrener for Drury.  

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I hope Eichel is kind of a cocky jackass. That's the kind of guy I want leading my team.


I have no problem with it either.  Many great athletes were jackasses when they were young (Jim Kelly comes to mind).  Some remained jackasses as they aged (Tiger Woods), though he may no longer be great anymore.  I heard stories about Drury being an ass when he was here.  As long as they back up the talk, count me in.

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I hope Eichel is kind of a cocky jackass. That's the kind of guy I want leading my team.

I do too. This is what separates the good from the great. It's what makes an athlete rise above his peers. "Swagger," as the kids call it today.


I'm talking about on the ice/field/court. This is why EJ Manuel will never be a good NFL QB, he doesn't have that killer instinct, that "swagger."


I have a feeling this is a serious issue with Mikhail Grigorenko, as well. He just doesn't seem to have it in him.

So some guy from hockeybuzz has a source from 1 of the 5 teams that interviewed Eichel who said he was a jackass?  The team, the questions, and the way that interview went are all context clues we do not possess.  I haven't heard this type of thing from anyone in Boston, at the WC, or in Buffalo so I'm calling ######.

Yes, like I said, "Taken with a grain of salt, given the source." :flirt:

Don't sweat it.  This is going down as one of the best trades in Sabres history.  Like Gratton for Briere, like a 4th for Hasek, like Grosek for Dumont and Glimour, like Warrener for Drury.  

Like I said in the thread asking how good I think he'll be...I agree with you, this will be a key move that everyone remembers.


He will be dominant with Eichel. He has never had a center, or even a linemate, as good as Eichel is going to be. This is the only reason I am open to Nash...a top line of Kane - Eichel - Nash would be nasty, and absolutely huge. That could be a premier line in the NHL. I'm not sure Nash has ever had that talent around him either.





Edited by Bob Malooga
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Ahhh, I want this as my avatar. Too new to make a change yet, though...

Do it.  We don't care if a newer member grabs a cool avatar.  Do it up.




For those worrying about EDM taking Eichel, go read any new article or message board outside of the Sabres.  Edmonton is so excited for McDavid it makes are excitement over Jack pale in comparison.  Know that everything is going to be okay.  It will all be over Friday and we can look towards a brighter future.

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Do it.  We don't care if a newer member grabs a cool avatar.  Do it up.




For those worrying about EDM taking Eichel, go read any new article or message board outside of the Sabres.  Edmonton is so excited for McDavid it makes are excitement over Jack pale in comparison.  Know that everything is going to be okay.  It will all be over Friday and we can look towards a brighter future.

Questions are when can we order Eichel jerseys and how fast can we order them before being "sold out?" I've yet to purchase a jersey w/ a players name on the back. Have always gone w/ uniform only.  Eichel will be my first w/ a name on the back. I am very excited! 

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