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OT: Explosions at the Boston Marathon


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Did they air any of the press conferences from the hospitals nationally last night? It amazes me just how crappy the media is. I was watching one from MGH where the surgeon would be in the middle of answering a question and would get interrupted by someone asking the next question. It's no wonder that there's so much bad information out there, they don't even let the people speak.

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It's fascinating how people react to these events. Some of the runners just kept going, hitting their stopwatches when they crossed the finish line. Others ran into the chaos. A young woman who so graciously overcame the trauma of what she saw to go on TV last night ducked into an ATM enclosure. While she was there, she took the time to Tweet and go on Facebook. She emerged and figured, she said, I'm here, I might as well "video blog." Wonderful. I'm sure the parents of the poor kids will start their publicity blitz today.


I was looking for an AM news station on the way into work this morning. The first one I thought I found turned out to be a political station. Painful.


Same thing happened to me last night. Savage. Oh wow. What a piece of human scum.

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It's fascinating how people react to these events. Some of the runners just kept going, hitting their stopwatches when they crossed the finish line. Others ran into the chaos. A young woman who so graciously overcame the trauma of what she saw to go on TV last night ducked into an ATM enclosure. While she was there, she took the time to Tweet and go on Facebook. She emerged and figured, she said, I'm here, I might as well "video blog." Wonderful. I'm sure the parents of the poor kids will start their publicity blitz today.




The impact of mobile electronics on this generation and those to follow is a game changer for societal norms. The evidence is everywhere.

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It's fascinating how people react to these events. Some of the runners just kept going, hitting their stopwatches when they crossed the finish line. Others ran into the chaos. A young woman who so graciously overcame the trauma of what she saw to go on TV last night ducked into an ATM enclosure. While she was there, she took the time to Tweet and go on Facebook. She emerged and figured, she said, I'm here, I might as well "video blog." Wonderful. I'm sure the parents of the poor kids will start their publicity blitz today.


You cannot hold anyone who just ran over 26 miles to account for their reaction here. You are dazed, literally your brain is shut down and you are running on adrenaline alone. Some of these people probably had no idea what had just happened. All they could see was the finish-line, all they could hear was their own breathing. They wouldn't have felt it if a ball bearing when through their calf.

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I can't tell if this is serious or not.


Regrettably, 100% serious.


I will also pray for whomever did this. If there is anyone who ever needed prayin' for, it's that tortured soul(s).


I will pray for them to get waterboarded and butt-raped for the brief remainder of their lives.

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You got a problem with Walter Cronkite?


Everyone with a camera isn't the media, if that's your point. Besides, there's a line that's blurred at times like that. Even credentialed media should help if they can save someone. They're citizens first, no?


Regrettably, 100% serious.




I will pray for them to get waterboarded and butt-raped for the brief remainder of their lives.


Even if it's a white Christian American?

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Okay, I'm doing the hyper-sensitive a favor here and am masking my thoughts so they aren't unintentionally exposed to them.


I've moved on past the shock and awe part of the story; the blast, the wounded, the people who saved the wounded, the initial facts, the burgeoning investigation. Phase two will develop rapidly. If you don't want to step into phase two of this narrative, don't look at my comments. If you don't have a stomach for realism, don't look. Don't b*tch to me if you don't like what you read, because you have been warned.




No truthers yet? No one wants to posit that this was the opening salvo by the Obama Administration in an attempt to become President for life?



What other cynicism can I drop in here...oh, yes, I am amazed that the right-wing hasn't been implicated yet. I only watched about an hour of coverage last night, flipping between Fox, CNN and MSNBC and it's stunning that they haven't called, yet, for legislation that would somehow handles instances like this.



This is going to become very political very soon. This will be used to justify more cameras placed just about everywhere, and justify some other freedom-constraining laws just like Sandy Hook was used, almost immediately, as a justification to restrict gun rights.



I hear all of the chatter now about the investigations on-going, and, I am not convinced at all in the "resolve" of a lot of the bureaucrats saying things like "who ever did this will feel the full weight of justice...".



The claims from Bostonians to the tune of "don't mess with Boston", while obviously understandable in the moment, are so hollow. I wish they were more than words and I could believe they were backed with sincerity; but, assuming this is the work of, oh, a left-wing anti-capitalist who is working under the assumption that more chaos and fear will lead to an increased police state, there is no death penalty. What are they going to do? The perp will rot in jail...big deal. He or she ought to be forced to watch the valve opened on the poison that will kill him or her.



If it's some radical Islamist group that originates in Dubai...what then? Will Obama send Seal Team 6 in again to pull some double-taps? Maybe. I think bin Laden was an out-lier - a bid to seal an election.


I did see an off-the-cuff analysis of the bombs, whether they used plastique or another explosive. The stupid CNN anchor was trying to excuse any "established foreign group" because it appears the bombs were probably black-powder. Really, CNN anchor? And just how do "established foreign groups" get C-4 into the US?




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Regrettably, 100% serious.




I will pray for them to get waterboarded and butt-raped for the brief remainder of their lives.

Have fun with your hate. I'll enjoy the quiet calm of my forgiveness.

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Even if it's a white Christian American?




Have fun with your hate. I'll enjoy the quiet calm of my forgiveness.


I appreciate that and I'm glad that there are many that share your views. Unfortunately, the people that commit this kind of act tend to mistake your kindness of spirit for weakness and an invitation to repeat their acts.

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