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The even randomer thread


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I wish you all could see what happened when I tried to grow one a few weeks ago. Those of you who were at the meetup, well, that was three days' growth.


I went on my family vacation and lasted a few more days.


I just looked dirty.

I currently look like the purest form of white trash.

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So the tax plan looks to eliminate my deduction for state and local taxes. That sucks. I sure hope this sputters out like the rest of mr. man's ideas. If the middle class needs to give more I think I'd rather donate the difference between the two to a charity of my choice..... I always chose one that feeds people because I grew up without enough to eat. That happens a LOT in this country.

Interesting -- I had posted on the political board that my tax plan would have favored a flat tax that was really low, say 10%, and then a mandatory charitable election for another 5-10%. My belief was people would rather give to something they support -- not just have the government take and then let a bureaucratic and inefficient government decide where it goes. I think you are confirming my belief.


It will be interesting to see how the elimination of deductions plays out. Do you know for sure that under the proposed plan your taxes would increase? I am a small business owner and what Trump is proposing is pretty attractive from my perspective. 


I wasn't sure if I should post this on here, or start a new thread, or what... this is my first post here.


I'm actually a new-ish hockey/Sabres fan. I grew up and live in Connecticut and was a Whalers fan but not a die-hard, they left when I was 14, I didn't really "understand" hockey very well. It took about 20 years but I I decided as a kid, I was always envious of the Sabres and their cool uniforms, and they beating the heck out of us, and I still dislike the Bruins and Rangers, and I can't root for a Long Island team, so I adopted the Sabres.


However, I know very little of the history and while I've subscribed to NHL.tv and gotten to watch a bunch of them (sometimes painful!) and learned a lot, I'm still, in many ways, a novice, which brings me to two questions:


  1. What are some good resources to learn more about hockey strategy and knowledge in general? I own NHL 2017, but I'm not sure a video game is the best way to learn, heh. Fun, though.
  2. What are some good resources for learning about the history of the Sabres and things I'd be expected, as a fan, to know, and care about?

I understand this comment is extremely lame. I am comfortable with that. I just feel an affinity to this team and I like to be knowledgeable, even when I know I'm ignorant.


Thanks, and, uh, sorry for the lameness.

Welcome aboard! My son (7) was reading a book and it ranked the top 10 NHL uniforms of all-time. I was shocked the Sabres traditional logo didn't make the cut. I thought maybe I was biased, so it is nice to hear that logo was enough to pull you in as a fan.


At the 40th anniversary of the Sabres, a book and video were compiled. I believe that would be a nice summation:



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Welcome aboard! My son (7) was reading a book and it ranked the top 10 NHL uniforms of all-time. I was shocked the Sabres traditional logo didn't make the cut. I thought maybe I was biased, so it is nice to hear that logo was enough to pull you in as a fan.





and here I've heard many people in the hockey world cite the Buffalo logo as one of the best, and the original uniforms often top 5. Crazy!

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Does anyone know why the guy who played OC in Miracle is currently the #1 search on hockeydb?


edit:  Googled it, apparent suicide

Really? That stinks. Hope he finds the peace he must not have had here.



Welcome aboard! My son (7) was reading a book and it ranked the top 10 NHL uniforms of all-time. I was shocked the Sabres traditional logo didn't make the cut. I thought maybe I was biased, so it is nice to hear that logo was enough to pull you in as a fan.


At the 40th anniversary of the Sabres, a book and video were compiled. I believe that would be a nice summation:



So, just proves, as if the fact the Spice Girls sold records didn't already do that, that there's people out there w/ REALLY bad taste.

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I haven't seen my chin or upper lip since 1991. I doubt my family would recognize me if I shaved.

The first time I saw my father without a full beard, I was 18. My mother didn't notice for 2 days. I always thought that was hilarious.

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The first time I saw my father without a full beard, I was 18. My mother didn't notice for 2 days. I always thought that was hilarious.

My father has had the same mustache since like 1977. I've never seen a picture of him post-college where he didn't have one. I don't know how I would respond if he shaved it off. 

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I have had a beard since right after i got married. I shaved it off one day a few years ago after an unfortunate trimmer accident. My wife walked in the house that evening, looked at me for about ten seconds, and simply said "grow it back."


Other funny note, there is a picture of my wife and I on the mantle from our honeymoon. I'm clean shaven in that one. My five year old asked me not too long ago: "Daddy, why is there a picture of Mommy and some guy up there?" So I guess I have to keep it.

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I'm shaving. I can't handle it! I look awful, and I pride myself on being the best dressed person in the building at work. I look like a bad joke.


You just gotta be patient and let it fill in. I used to shave everything but my mustache once a month (and my mustache every week) for our big monthly meeting but it's probably been 6 or 7 months since I shaved my face at all. You get used to it. The only down side is I stick out like a sore thumb since I work on a Marine Corps base where everybody shaves including most of the civilians. It's fun though because I can tell half the people are jealous and half the people probably think I look homeless.

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You just gotta be patient and let it fill in. I used to shave everything but my mustache once a month (and my mustache every week) for our big monthly meeting but it's probably been 6 or 7 months since I shaved my face at all. You get used to it. The only down side is I stick out like a sore thumb since I work on a Marine Corps base where everybody shaves including most of the civilians. It's fun though because I can tell half the people are jealous and half the people probably think I look homeless.

Never going to happen. I'm not meant to have one.

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Couldn't agree more. The more I see that video, the more I wish they would have given him even more of a beat down.

I'd love to see your reaction to a situation where the rules are crazy and you're on the receiving end of them. Just to see you walk all your "rules are rules" garbage back. 

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I'd love to see your reaction to a situation where the rules are crazy and you're on the receiving end of them. Just to see you walk all your "rules are rules" garbage back. 

I have a friend who flies all the time (I think he's a million miler or whatever they call it). He and his co-worker who also flies a lot completely agree with me.

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I have a friend who flies all the time (I think he's a million miler or whatever they call it). He and his co-worker who also flies a lot completely agree with me.

Ah, well, my dad flies constantly all around the world for his job and has for the past 30 years, he totally disagrees with you. Not really a great basis for argument. This is more philosophy than practice, I think. 



Also damn, that was hard to read with the constantly changing picture background... get someone to redesign your webpage, Rowe! 

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Ah, well, my dad flies constantly all around the world for his job and has for the past 30 years, he totally disagrees with you. Not really a great basis for argument. This is more philosophy than practice, I think. 



Also damn, that was hard to read with the constantly changing picture background... get someone to redesign your webpage, Rowe! 

My guess is your dad is the type of passenger that a flyer like me would get bumped for. I know that the only reason my seat was $400 is because there is a chance that I get bumped by a guy who paid $1600. 

Edited by SwampD
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I didn't read that because I don't care about the airplane thing, but Mike Rowe might be the least insightful person out of all the people I've ever heard who are famous and love to give their take on everything in the world that happens. I didn't like his tv shows either.


I know that when I encounter one of life's crazy circumstances, the first thought that comes to mind is what Mike Rowe (or any other "celebrity") would think.  It's gotten me through many tough spots.

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I didn't read that because I don't care about the airplane thing, but Mike Rowe might be the least insightful person out of all the people I've ever heard who are famous and love to give their take on everything in the world that happens. I didn't like his tv shows either.

I'm with you there. I was ok with Dirty Jobs back in like... the mid 2000s... but meh. 


My guess is your dad is the type of passenger that a flyer like me would get bumped for. I know that the only reason my seat was $400 is because there is a chance that I get bumped by a guy who paid $1600. 

Nah, he flies economy whenever possible. Depends on the company he's with at the time. I'd say the majority of his flights are economy, which sucks for long hauls to Japan or Australia. The last few years he's flown a bit less than he used to (man's 70 years old, that much traveling really takes a toll, and those platinum mega super statuses don't stick) and he gets bumped from time to time. 


I know that when I encounter one of life's crazy circumstances, the first thought that comes to mind is what Mike Rowe (or any other "celebrity") would think.  It's gotten me through many tough spots.

:lol:  Yeah, cuz Rowe's celeb status surely doesn't influence his treatment upon traveling at all. 

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I know that when I encounter one of life's crazy circumstances, the first thought that comes to mind is what Mike Rowe (or any other "celebrity") would think.  It's gotten me through many tough spots.

Only if you replace "Mike Rowe" with "Brian Boitano", in which case that's how you should live your life. Always.


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