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GDT : Leafs at Sabres 3-25 7pm


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That's probably about right. I think check-in for Josie and I is at 4:00, so we'll scoot up to the bar after we're done. 

With a group our size, it would be best to get there a little before the usual crowd so we can get set up. Plus we wouldn't want to have to mingle with the hipsters down on Allen for too long before we get seated :nana:

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Knowing my luck, this is going to be the one plane that runs late. I'm hoping to get to pregame stuff but I don't think I'm getting into the airport until 3 or so. If my plane is more than an hour late, I'll probably just have to show up at FNC, but we'll see. 

If so, we'll have a beer waitin' for ya. 

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IF we're doing Gabriel's Gate, we should call and make a reservation.  We're way too many for them to just seat on a Saturday afternoon even if there weren't a game.

A lot of people have dropped or switched tickets since I last took count


Can everyone who is coming please tell us right now?


I am coming

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In for the game and pregame.


Me, Legacy and my oldest daughter.


I'll also have a big SUV. If anyone wants an excursion Saturday before the game, let me know.


MODO, have you seen Niagara Falls? Anything touristy on your mind? Frank Lloyd Wright? Harbor Center?


No agenda - just an offer.

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Fair warning- I will not figure out your names, and will likely refer to you by your username or latest avatar.


I've met like... 5 or 6 of you prior. The rest of ya... sorry in advance!

As long as you all don't refer to me as "Touched by Boyes", it could get... awkward. My semi-inappropriate user name is coming back to bite me.

Just Boyes is good :)

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