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How do you feel about Sabres charging for NHL Draft?


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I could not name a Gwen Stefani song if you put a gun to my head.  I literally know nothing about her other than some of you find her attractive.  Time for youtube I guess.


EDIT:  After watching four short clips of four videos, I will say that finally, I know the singer responsible for moving me from bars to home.  As soon as I hear that on the juke, I leave.


Thank you, Gwen, if I may call you Gwen, for getting me home safely all these years.

Edited by Eleven
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No love for the new women of rock? Lzzy Hale and the chicks from Lacuna Coil, among others?

I could not name a Gwen Stefani song if you put a gun to my head. I literally know nothing about her other than some of you find her attractive. Time for youtube I guess.


EDIT: After watching four short clips of four videos, I will say that finally, I know the singer responsible for moving me from bars to home. As soon as I hear that ###### on the juke, I leave.


Thank you, Gwen, if I may call you Gwen, for getting me home safely all these years.

This is me with most musicians. "Who? *listens to song* Oh, that's him/her? I know them!"

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Anyone who has lived through Communism and anyone who has a brain.

Extremes are never good in either case. It's not 'this or that'

I could not name a Gwen Stefani song if you put a gun to my head. I literally know nothing about her other than some of you find her attractive. Time for youtube I guess.


EDIT: After watching four short clips of four videos, I will say that finally, I know the singer responsible for moving me from bars to home. As soon as I hear that ###### on the juke, I leave.


Thank you, Gwen, if I may call you Gwen, for getting me home safely all these years.

She taught me how to spell bananas

You silly bastages are forgetting Joan Jett, the one and only real chick rocker.

Joan Jett is awesome.


And I do like Taylor Swift

Commie or Bernie?

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Ugh, bubble gum pop. Might as well be Tiffany. Wait--at least she was hot.

Eleven. Please.


No Doubt was a real, honest to goodness, ska influenced, L.A. band.


Remember "bands?" Bands are cool. No Doubt was cool. And their singer was weird and attractive, and had a uniquely powerful voice.


And yeah. There was some pop packaging of Gwen once the machine got hold of her. But Holla Back and Blow Your Mind are jeep bangers, not bubble gum.

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Eleven. Please.


No Doubt was a real, honest to goodness, ska influenced, L.A. band.


Remember "bands?" Bands are cool. No Doubt was cool. And their singer was weird and attractive, and had a uniquely powerful voice.


And yeah. There was some pop packaging of Gwen once the machine got hold of her. But Holla Back and Blow Your Mind are jeep bangers, not bubble gum.

You're not going to sway him. Eleven is the oldest young man I know. Now get off his lawn.

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Eleven. Please.


No Doubt was a real, honest to goodness, ska influenced, L.A. band.


Remember "bands?" Bands are cool. No Doubt was cool. And their singer was weird and attractive, and had a uniquely powerful voice.


And yeah. There was some pop packaging of Gwen once the machine got hold of her. But Holla Back and Blow Your Mind are jeep bangers, not bubble gum.

Isn't that the same thing these days?


Gwen's a brand. I just can't get past her voice. Sounds like cats fighting in the next yard.

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So everyone who thinks it's a bad thing to charge is a socialist? Freeman, were you aware you're a socialist? You too Taro! Talk about a GoT-level plot twist!


I couldn't resist, seemed like you were "feelin the Bern"


Look, this is simple supply and demand, no different than ticket price increases, if there wasn't demand at $20/$30, they wouldn't charge it, nobody wants to see an empty arena.  It's not like they are asking $200/ticket or something outrageous.


I'm tired of everyone expecting something for nothing from our rich owner.

Edited by Georgia Blizzard
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I couldn't resist, seemed like you were "feelin the Bern"


Look, this is simple supply and demand, no different than ticket price increases, if there wasn't demand at $20/$30, they wouldn't charge it, nobody wants to see an empty arena.  It's not like they are asking $200/ticket or something outrageous.


I'm tired of everyone expecting something for nothing from our rich owner.


I don't think there's a single poster here who doesn't understand the economics of it.

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I don't think anyone would mind them charging for the draft if other places did, but a vast majority of teams did not charge their fans, so the Sabres going against the grain to do so will obviously be met with some questions, especially when Terry can just drill another well if he needs to, in his words. That doesn't mean we're all socialists living off the nanny state.


Also the only political rant I've seen TrueBluePhD have was directed towards Bernie supporters :P

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I'm tired of the NHL pushing these events to sun belt cities whose fans are barely interested in playoff hockey, much less some 'boring' event like the draft.


Maybe if its proven that 'hockey' cities can create revenue from events like the draft, the NHL will be less likely to stage these events in disintrested markets in a misguided effort to "grow" the game.


Drafts, all star games, outdoor games are all cool bonus events for cities to host, and it seems that Buffalo has been on the outside looking in when they have been awarded. They either lose out to larger or weaker markets.


By charging and delivering revenue, maybe the Sabres will catch the league's attention the next time they award an all star game, or schedule an outdoor event, or fix a draft lottery.


Anyway, if you disagree, kindly post a picture of Gwen. I've had a crush on that chick half my life.

Edited by jad1
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I don't think anyone would mind them charging for the draft if other places did, but a vast majority of teams did not charge their fans, so the Sabres going against the grain to do so will obviously be met with some questions, especially when Terry can just drill another well if he needs to, in his words. That doesn't mean we're all socialists living off the nanny state.


Also the only political rant I've seen TrueBluePhD have was directed towards Bernie supporters :P


Right? Bernie Bros are the worst. Do note, it's possible to support Sanders without being a Bernie Bro.

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